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Please DE, update more the early game...


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As someone that has played the game on three platforms before the cross save, the early game really needs updates to be in par to the new content. 


A big amount of early game quests can be easily reduced to doing something beacuse someone told you so meanwhile they are with conversations you are not a part of. And even worse is the absolute lack of cinematics on the same quests. Yeah, the first mission has been changed some times, but the rest still is the same. 


Also, a good chunk of the systems are badly explained and are required at later levels (The mods system really needs an actual tutorial). I personally wasn't able to comprehend many of the system without external guides, and it's not uncommon for people saying that the best way to get into Warframe is by somebody already in. 


Factions really need more variation on enemies, the new update has gotten them perfect, wich just contrasts how the grineer are all the same tanky solders with some variations on the weapon they are holding and sometimes someone throws a rope into you. New enemies should be added that make the players have to be aware of wich enemies are on the field, or even have the faction fully reworked so that they feel as engaging to battle agains as the Murmur. 



Seriuslly DE, if you think that people will pay to skip all of those parts, maybe instead you should reconsider why people would consider it on the first place.

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When you can kill everything with a couple of shots and run at high speeds across the map it is very easy not to see the differences between the enemies. adding voices, animations and remodeling old adventures would involve a lot of effort lasting several months for a mission that you could finish in an afternoon, they are already lightening a lot of the burden that new players have to go through, reducing the cost of resources and eliminating blockages like mastery.

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