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Why PC Prime only

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The lack of communication around the next phases has been beyond terrible. With the phase that went out today, it seems like you purposefully ignore the community asking these questions because you know your decisions will make people mad. There are a lot of us console players that have many years and bought many prime packs on console and want to play on a new platform only for someone who made an account a little less than a month ago who bought a prime pack on PC to get it first.

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I can get your frustration, but PC always has and always will be prioritized first even after the cross platform sync. Also, in dropping the updates first for PC as they have been the small influx of usage allows them to iron out what bugs they can before they open the gates for console players which is where majority of the risk is. You’re looking at one day to two days tops should they release the next phase to regular PC players instead of prime access buyers on console, push through.

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