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This Game Is Too Easy.


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Maybe someone else whom does not like to play no more will be a nice fellow and give you some mods eh?


Never got the chance to try Borderlands 2 or one for that matter they looked fun just at the time there was other games I wanted to get. Still want to try out Dishonored and Bioshock Infinite


MIRROR_elll was just such an individual.  He donated 3 "packs" of 3 mods each to new players, one for Pistols, one Rifle, and one Defense.  I was the lucky n00b who got the 3 rifle mods.  frostycmc also handed me a serration, which, despite what people tell you, is an ultra-rare card.  I've slaughtered thousands of Grineer, and seen zero in game.


Now, I can solo Vor.  It's not easy, it's not fast, and any time I get feeling "Rambo", the game is very quick to remind me that I shouldn't.


Borderlands 2 was on sale for $13.60 last year on steam.  If it drops on sale again, don't hesitate on it.  I played my first run with the hot chick because... I like hot chicks.  Having tried all but one of the classes, Krieg is my fave, even if he's a $10 DLC.  (Don't own the other DLC character)  Got a bit disheartened with him during levels 16-19 or so, but the game gives you a melee pistol which turns him into a blood-soaked freak of angry meat and nigh unstoppable hit points, so long as you don't go TOO stupid with him.  I don't even use guns except for the odd boss fight.


Borderlands 2 I played because I loved the mayhem, action, enemies, dialog, and the whole game is a soviet minefield of jokes taken from classic movies, pop culture, internet memes, and witty sarcasm, and all are executed to perfection.  Hell, even a message about the dangers of bad parenting gets shoved in there. 


Warframe I'm playing because I'm farming for mods that I need so that I can keep going further, although with my new Bane of Corpus, I FINALLY have the collection completed, although I'd like dupes of all of them so that I can level them to different power thresholds.


However, thanks to VERY nice players, I can at LEAST make progress now.

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That picture about Rhino being used for twenty odd percent is invalid, I can decide to bring whatever frame I want before I join whatever mode. 

That alert a few hours ago, pfft. Hordes of Lv50 Grineer Heavies and not even 2 minutes in-game.

A squad of four each brandishing either Somas or Brakks all got butchered.

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Wanting to nerf people's favorites weapons and warframes is very inconsiderate, especially when Warframe is basically horde mode.  Instead, ask for some challenging game modes, something with fewer but smarter enemies instead waves of suicidal mooks.  Warframe is know for it's waves of suicidal mooks and a lot of us like it that way, but, wouldn't mind having more options in addition to waves of suicidal mooks.

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@OP, Maybe Nightmare mode runs are an option. Sucks that they took away 0Shields/EnergyDrain chances from Nightmare Mode. I think you'd like to try that on Pluto using other warframes/weapons that aren't in your arsenal at the moment. Of course lv and mod them to your fitting first but yeah.

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1.My Rhino build is focused on 4-spamming with corrupted mods and all that. Lack the mod space to have that and it would probably suck due to the corrupted mods I need for Stomp screwing it up. And spamming Stomp is better than having a Wormhole equivalent so it can feel MaleNova.


2.I couldn't care less. I tried, it fails, I tried again, It keeps failing if there is someone too close, jumping helps only if I am facing light infested or maybe MOA that are low enough.


3. Trinity is supposed to be support, not Godmode. Besides it's not straightforward enough for me. Valkyr is not anywhere near a tank, and is also bugged as hell at this time. Neither 4-spam, I can do better with my Frost and its Ultimate build with some of the corrupted mods, and freeze up the whole map or with Excalibro's RadBlind and permastun all mobs for evah because it's so spammable.


4.My words were "is much better at mobility". SuperJump and stamina on top of an average speed allow you to take shortcuts duh. If I wanted raw speed I would have made a infini-speed-run Volt build.


1. There is no way you're running out of mod space for the few mods it takes to make stomp spammable. I have Rhino, I have made the build. At the very least is takes Rhino stomp, Fleeting Expertise, and a streamline with two ranks in it. That's three mods. Don't try and bullS#&$ me. And a maximized Rhino Charge works better than Wormhole for single person movement.

2. I never had the issue, maybe you should stop letting enemies get so close. That kind of reckless gameplay is going to get you downed.


3. It doesn't matter what Trinity is supposed to be, she IS the best Tank in the game. You press 4, you become invincible. That is extremely straight forward. Just one key difference between Trinity and Rhino, and Trinity gets a better end result. Valkyr's ult makes her invincible too, therefore she is a tank. A better tank than Rhino. If you can do better with your Frost why not bring him instead of Rhino? And Excalibur isn't even a tank. He just CCs. And all the abilities I've listed (Blessing, Hysteria, Snow Globe) are highly spammable with the right set up.

4. Not many areas have shortcuts that are vertical. So it is actually worse. As for your off topic volt build, utilizing the Dual Zoren, Valkyr would actually be faster than Volt (even if he was also using DZ). Not that this matters since Rhino Charge is still a great mobility skill, it crosses huge distances at a rather quick speed.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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Okay I just ran some tests (with Slash Dash and Rhino Charge) on Outer Terminus. I went to the area opposite of where you spawn (because of its huge space) and I did a few Rhino Charges, and I did the same with Slash Dash. At first I was using the waypoint to measure and I was getting confuses as to why it kept saying I was moving 49 meters when there was a clear difference between the distances the two abilities would move. Then it dawned on me (yeah I was slow) that the game didn't measure any further than that. So I had to eyeball the distances, it appears as though Rhino Charge covers more distance than Slash Dash but I can't be sure. The reason being that Slash Dash was inconsistent in the distances it would cross. I would press myself against a wall, turn (using my aim so I didn't move) 180 degrees and Slash Dash off. Then, I would turn 180 degrees and slash Dash back. Sometimes when I came back I would come up short and be two or three meters away from the wall. I'll post videos once they're done uploading to youtube.

TL;DR- Rhino Charge>Slash Dash.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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That picture about Rhino being used for twenty odd percent is invalid, I can decide to bring whatever frame I want before I join whatever mode. 

That alert a few hours ago, pfft. Hordes of Lv50 Grineer Heavies and not even 2 minutes in-game.

A squad of four each brandishing either Somas or Brakks all got butchered.


That picture showing that I've used it for 28% (Twenty eight isn't an odd number BTW) proves that I've used Rhino a minority of the time. It means that 72% of the time, I'm playing with something else.

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That picture showing that I've used it for 28% (Twenty eight isn't an odd number BTW) proves that I've used Rhino a minority of the time. It means that 72% of the time, I'm playing with something else.

Wasn't paying attention to how often you use Rhino or how often were you on the forums, so do forgive my rude mistake.

You simply chose to use Rhino on Survival missions, that still a no?

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That picture showing that I've used it for 28% (Twenty eight isn't an odd number BTW) proves that I've used Rhino a minority of the time. It means that 72% of the time, I'm playing with something else.


Eh... not really. It really depends on how many frames you have. What is your most used frame and (if you don't mind) what is your percentage used on it?

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can't tell if serious or  just hasn't been to all the end game planets.

and he is using maxed guns on early content.


"level 1 enemies, die in one shot"


go to mercury with a skana, lato and mk1 braton, and a warframe without powers. then tell me if enemies die in one shot.

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1. There is no way you're running out of mod space for the few mods it takes to make stomp spammable. I have Rhino, I have made the build. At the very least is takes Rhino stomp, Fleeting Expertise, and a streamline with two ranks in it. That's three mods. Don't try and bullS#&$ me. And a maximized Rhino Charge works better than Wormhole for single person movement.

2. I never had the issue, maybe you should stop letting enemies get so close. That kind of reckless gameplay is going to get you downed.


3. It doesn't matter what Trinity is supposed to be, she IS the best Tank in the game. You press 4, you become invincible. That is extremely straight forward. Just one key difference between Trinity and Rhino, and Trinity gets a better end result. Valkyr's ult makes her invincible too, therefore she is a tank. A better tank than Rhino. If you can do better with your Frost why not bring him instead of Rhino? And Excalibur isn't even a tank. He just CCs. And all the abilities I've listed (Blessing, Hysteria, Snow Globe) are highly spammable with the right set up.

4. Not many areas have shortcuts that are vertical. So it is actually worse. As for your off topic volt build, utilizing the Dual Zoren, Valkyr would actually be faster than Volt (even if he was also using DZ). Not that this matters since Rhino Charge is still a great mobility skill, it crosses huge distances at a rather quick speed.

1. Hahahahaha dafuq is that crap bro? Focus, Fleeting Expertise, Flow, Streamline, Stretch, Stomp, Iron Skin, Redirection, Vitality, and Rush. FOCUSED on stomping remember?


2. At least we agree. Great mobility, meh attack.


3. Trinity's has no CC and her 4 lasts too little for my play style, other than being Godmode isn't fun. I'm not constantly counting down in my mind and keeping a finger on the button. Valkyr has a similar issue, that is when her ult ends she is made of print paper and gets insta-gibbed. Rhino does usually last enough for me to press 2 or 4 in time.

Excalibro is not a tank but it's not less survivable than a tank either.


3bis. Frost is a turret, leave his snowglobe and you die. Spam snowglobes in corridors and you end up protecting enemies at least as much as the globe is protecting you. Freezing mobs in place is just CC and the mods needed screw up Snow Globe (which is his primary ability).


4. Because I cannot use Super Jump just to help me cross a chasm or jump on the second floor bypassing two flight of stairs full of mobs I don't feel like killing at the moment... no no I am totally wrong. I should dump it and make a Rhinobur because it's so much better.

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1. Hahahahaha dafuq is that crap bro? Focus, Fleeting Expertise, Flow, Streamline, Stretch, Stomp, Iron Skin, Redirection, Vitality, and Rush. FOCUSED on stomping remember?


2. At least we agree. Great mobility, meh attack.


3. Trinity's has no CC and her 4 lasts too little for my play style, other than being Godmode isn't fun. I'm not constantly counting down in my mind and keeping a finger on the button. Valkyr has a similar issue, that is when her ult ends she is made of print paper and gets insta-gibbed. Rhino does usually last enough for me to press 2 or 4 in time.

Excalibro is not a tank but it's not less survivable than a tank either.


3bis. Frost is a turret, leave his snowglobe and you die. Spam snowglobes in corridors and you end up protecting enemies at least as much as the globe is protecting you. Freezing mobs in place is just CC and the mods needed screw up Snow Globe (which is his primary ability).


4. Because I cannot use Super Jump just to help me cross a chasm or jump on the second floor bypassing two flight of stairs full of mobs I don't feel like killing at the moment... no no I am totally wrong. I should dump it and make a Rhinobur because it's so much better.


1. You must not be intending to take this build into higher end gameplay. I apologize for assuming you were. I say this because modding Stomp for its damage is kinda a waste of time.

2. It does perfectly fine as an attack.

3. Depends on which definition of the word you use. Many would consider her EV and WoL to be CC abilities. And Blessing lasts longer than Iron Skin does later on. That bit about 'godmode' is your opinion. You don't need to, just use Blessing when the little effect disappears. Not much harder than figuring out when to re-equip Iron Skin. Same as with Trinity, except IIRC Hysteria lasts a lot longer. If you're playing the kinds of enemies that can 'insta-gib' Valkyr, chances are they're tearing through your Iron Skin with similar ease. Excalibur is nothing like a tank. Don't be an idiot with Snow Globe placement. If mobility and protection are what you're after Valkyr and Trinity do it better than Rhino.

4. Did you not watch the video I posted?



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1. You must not be intending to take this build into higher end gameplay. I apologize for assuming you were. I say this because modding Stomp for its damage is kinda a waste of time.

2. It does perfectly fine as an attack.

3. Depends on which definition of the word you use. Many would consider her EV and WoL to be CC abilities. And Blessing lasts longer than Iron Skin does later on. That bit about 'godmode' is your opinion. You don't need to, just use Blessing when the little effect disappears. Not much harder than figuring out when to re-equip Iron Skin. Same as with Trinity, except IIRC Hysteria lasts a lot longer. If you're playing the kinds of enemies that can 'insta-gib' Valkyr, chances are they're tearing through your Iron Skin with similar ease. Excalibur is nothing like a tank. Don't be an idiot with Snow Globe placement. If mobility and protection are what you're after Valkyr and Trinity do it better than Rhino.

4. Did you not watch the video I posted?




1. heh, he is my material farming frame (formerly my "serious enemy" frame, before I got buttloads of reactors and upgraded other more funny frames). Will be mothballed whenever I convince myself to go farm Nekros. That build was good back in U10 though.


2. except when stuff is in your face.


3. Which is why I'm talking of Godmode for Trinity. There is no damage cap, no weapon limitation, only a timer and a high-ish cost. Excalibro is not a tank, so what? He is effective and fun.


4. what does that add? I already agreed that it's great mobility. SlashDash is 2/3 of that, so what? Rhino is still a boring noobframe.

Edited by bobafetthotmail
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1. heh, he is my material farming frame (formerly my "serious enemy" frame, before I got buttloads of reactors and upgraded other more funny frames). Will be mothballed whenever I convince myself to go farm Nekros. That build was good back in U10 though.


2. except when stuff is in your face.


3. Which is why I'm talking of Godmode for Trinity. There is no damage cap, no weapon limitation, only a timer and a high-ish cost. Excalibro is not a tank, so what? He is effective and fun.


4. what does that add? I already agreed that it's great mobility. SlashDash is 2/3 of that, so what? Rhino is still a boring noobframe.


1. Okay.


2. Never had a problem.


3. Okay. Why are you trying to preach Excalibur to me? I already have him, but I prefer Loki.


4. It was in reference to this bit "I should dump it and make a Rhinobur because it's so much better.", and that last bit about Rhino being boring is your opinion. I'm not here to discuss opinions on which frames are and aren't 'boring noobframe'.

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3. you kept repeating "Excalibro isn't a tank" as if being a tank was necessary. You should know better if you are a loki player.


4. I still fail to understand why having a longer ... range makes it so much better and a must-have. It's better, but not so much better to pit the scales in favor of either frame.



Hmmmm.... now I remeber one of the greatest differences between the two back in U10... Slash Dash was Serrated Blade (thus Armor Ignore), Rhino Charge was not. Now that was scrapped with D2.0.


Now that's a helluva buff. Dat warrants more through tests on high level enemies, maybe I can still save him from mothballing and actually start using Roar.

Edited by bobafetthotmail
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3. you kept repeating "Excalibro isn't a tank" as if being a tank was necessary. You should know better if you are a loki player.


4. I still fail to understand why having a longer ... range makes it so much better and a must-have. It's better, but not so much better to pit the scales in favor of either frame.



Hmmmm.... now I remeber one of the greatest differences between the two back in U10... Slash Dash was Serrated Blade (thus Armor Ignore), Rhino Charge was not. Now that was scrapped with D2.0.


Now that's a helluva buff. Dat warrants more through tests on high level enemies, maybe I can still save him from mothballing and actually start using Roar.


3. You kept bringing up Excalibur. Loki Master Race


4. Longer Range means it covers more ground, which means if you're perfectly fine with a shorter range you can achieve that range with less mod points spent. But if you want a longer range you can get it. Also, that video did not feature both abilities used maximized builds. My Narrowminded isn't maxed. But both frames were using the same builds (the only exception being the obvious Slash Dash and Rhino Charge swap.


Yes, prior to D2.0 the difference between their damage capabilities was pretty intense due to armor. Now RC>SD in pretty much every way. Roar is apparently pretty good, but I never bother with it since Sonar exists and isn't as buggy as it used to be.

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Having a hard time with Jupiter.  Catalyst on Braton with max Serration/Shred/Split Chamber.  Corpus guys have a shotgun variant, one soldier decimates my shields 6 or 7 times over (Read, about half) before I can draw a bead on him and put him down.  God help me if there are two of them.


Game NOT easy.  Key word: "NOT"! 


Anyone calling this game "easy" is doing one of 2 things.

1 - Lying.

2 - Making a generality that only applies to endgame content when you have reactors and catalysts on everything you own, ignoring the fact that some people don't have reactors or catalysts, and cannot easily acquire them.


Anyone got a spare Reactor they can donate to me, so I can finally install a Diamond Skin higher than base level?  Oh wait, you can't donate a reactor, can you... so I guess I'm begging for the 20 platinum.


I'd volunteer to leach off of a mission with you guys on a T3 or something, but considering my packet loss and 1700 ping time... you probably don't even want me along.


Hmmm... maybe if someone donates to something in my Dojo, I need to build a reactor I guess.  Not that we have forma to DO this.  But we're about to have a storage crate and 2 planters, and hopefully soon a Maple Tree.  I can't seem to put it anywhere, and I don't know why, but hey, why not have a maple tree in our clan hall.  It doesn't fit in the hallway we were lucky enough to build.

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Having a hard time with Jupiter.  Catalyst on Braton with max Serration/Shred/Split Chamber.  Corpus guys have a shotgun variant, one soldier decimates my shields 6 or 7 times over (Read, about half) before I can draw a bead on him and put him down.  God help me if there are two of them.


Game NOT easy.  Key word: "NOT"! 


Anyone calling this game "easy" is doing one of 2 things.

1 - Lying.

2 - Making a generality that only applies to endgame content when you have reactors and catalysts on everything you own, ignoring the fact that some people don't have reactors or catalysts, and cannot easily acquire them.


Anyone got a spare Reactor they can donate to me, so I can finally install a Diamond Skin higher than base level?  Oh wait, you can't donate a reactor, can you... so I guess I'm begging for the 20 platinum.


I'd volunteer to leach off of a mission with you guys on a T3 or something, but considering my packet loss and 1700 ping time... you probably don't even want me along.


Hmmm... maybe if someone donates to something in my Dojo, I need to build a reactor I guess.  Not that we have forma to DO this.  But we're about to have a storage crate and 2 planters, and hopefully soon a Maple Tree.  I can't seem to put it anywhere, and I don't know why, but hey, why not have a maple tree in our clan hall.  It doesn't fit in the hallway we were lucky enough to build.


I'll give you 20 plat if you catch me while I'm online. My ign is the same as on here.


Edit: If you get on in the next four hours send me a message on here and I'll hop on and trade it to you.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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  • 3 months later...

Honestly, I played back in the beginning where T3 Void missions had level 50+ and that stuff was fun and now it's just below 35. Saying that if i want a challenge and have to play Defense or Survival is stupid. That's what T3 should be for! Have Tier keys is what i liked, you want to play an easy mode? Play a T1 Exterminate. Want to play a harder mode? Play a T3 Capture. I can still play modes that i like and still have a challenge. Back then fighting Lephantis with my buddy was difficult (granted with just 2 manned it), it would take us a long time to kill him, now it just takes us not even 10 minutes to go through the whole thing.


If you ask someone to take off mods and gear to make it a challenge, then you are stupid. Why cripple yourself when there are always alternatives.

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  • 2 months later...

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