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Archwing/Archgun update/rebalance?


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For me, my favorite thing to do with an archwing is to drop out in a railjack mission and do some dogfighting. I know that's kind of what the railjack is for, but the railjack feels better for dealing with crewships or moving the squad around the large maps. However, the archguns and archwing feel very underpowered in comparison to the railjack, making my favorite method for railjack missions much less viable than just staying on the railjack. But staying on the railjack is really only fun if you're piloting.


Additionally, archguns in general just feel very underpowered. Yes, we can equip them as a heavy weapon in regular missions, but I never see anyone do it because, well, it's a lot of work to get the gravimag, and quite frankly most of the people who would be able to grind their way to getting gravimags have regular primaries and secondaries that do more damage. I have one Archgun that kills ships in railjack and steel path enemies in a decent amount of time, and that's because it's a kuva weapon with a riven. 


I think probably the best solution would be some more/better mods for archwing and Archgun, especially for archgun. While it would be cool to get an incarnon Archgun, I don't even think that that's really necessary (but it would be sick). Some galvanized mods and some faction damage mods for archgun (and archmelee) would go a long ways to making an Archgun feel more on-par with our primaries, rather than a downgrade. It would also make dogfighting in railjack a lot more fun and viable, allowing your squad to hop out, take care of away objectives, then hop back out to help clean up remaining fighters. I have always stated that the best part of Warframe is the movement, the quick nature of the gameplay. I think giving players the ability to go out and have movement unrestricted by a turret or the pilot of the ship would get a lot more people doing railjack and using/investing in archguns and archwings. 


DE, please consider an archwings/Archgun rework or update. I mean, rework Inaros first. But after that, consider breathing some new life into these things.

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Il y a 2 heures, (XBOX)AlingsasArrende a dit :

Your wish already came true, read the update notes. They doubled the damage of most heavy weapons. Perhaps you wish to rewrite your feedback to focus on Archguns for Archwing solely.

Doubling damage isn't everything.

Archgun mods are still left untouched as of now, which is the sole reason why they sucked to begin with. It helps that the damage was doubled, but it still does not make them "on par" with primaries. If they're not as equally good as a primary why even bother. Not everything has to be as good as an incarnon Torid, but not everything has to be as bad as an unmodded mk 1 braton either.

Having multishot on the radiation mod from the murmur faction is complete joke of a bandaid to compensate for dual rounds being complete garbage. Hope they don't use that new mod as an excuse to not rebalance archwing mods... OR ELSE.

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Alingsas, I actually was unaware that they doubled damage for all heavy weapons, so thank you for letting me know. However, it doesn't change the fact that modding an Archgun is very limited compared to modding pretty much any other weapon. Fred is right, doubling damage is not everything. If simply adding to the damage were that effective, every endgame build on rifles would still be rocking serration mods. 

Doubling damage feels like a bandaid. I can put galvanized mods, exilus mods, faction mods, and arcanes on any of my normal weapons, provided I want to grind for the adapters and resources I need to do that. Archguns don't have any of those, and that puts a pretty hard limit on how good they can be. A shotgun with no incarnon abilities or anything really shouldn't be able to kill faster than an AA gun, yet it can. Not that Warframe is really that focused on immersion, but still.


I suppose a TL;DR, the archguns really should have the same bells and whistles other weapons enjoy. They need to keep up with regular weapons, otherwise it doesn't feel like the power up summoning a heavy weapon should be.

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On 2023-12-23 at 11:44 PM, (XBOX)AlingsasArrende said:

Your wish already came true, read the update notes. They doubled the damage of most heavy weapons. Perhaps you wish to rewrite your feedback to focus on Archguns for Archwing solely.

The who of the what now? Which patch notes? I can't find that in any of the recent releases.

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