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A Complete Rework Of The Foundation Of Warframe.


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I am not asking the following question in a condescending manner, I genuinely am not. I am honestly curious.

If this is how you feel about the game, that the devs have no clue what they are doing, that you as a consumer are ignored, and that all of the content we receive, is "hastily produced crap", why are you still here? What keeps you coming to these forums, what keeps you logging into the game?

These seem to be issues you have with the core of the game, from the getgo. Down to its very skeleton. You seem to heavily dislike the devs, and don't seem to have much to say about the game in a positive lght. Granted, I haven't combed through your post history, to search for positive feedback, alongside your criticisms, but I am genuinely in awe, that someone who seems to dislike this game, and the people behind it, with such fervor, that you haven't moved on to another title.

Edit: not sure why the formatting in thos post went to hell halfway through. Very odd.


Because I've walked away from the rest of them. And if I walk away from this one, i'm done..for good..there really isnt anything else out there that i'm remotely interested in. All the same garbage repackaged and focus tested. Or, god forbid the indie sector and early release shovelware steam is pushing on us.. i've seen this industry turn to S#&$ over the course of my life. It takes a lot of 'passion' to get that angry, im not even mad. I just have a way with words. Trust me, I've poured a lot of feedback, suggestions, fiction into this game, was told my voice was heard..seen promising ideas from the community and the developers.


We're right here now, nothing has changed, new player experience is worse, new items gated through clantech, and the horizion is a ship and a dog. And..some halfbaked PvP in the dark sectors. More layers of crap. Maybe I just wanna be around when PWE takes over, and DE's owners jump ship on a golden parachute, the talent goes to ubisoft and this game dies a slow death. Or maybe I'll be proven wrong, and eat a fat slice of humble pie. Either way, this is my last bastion. The thing stopping me from taking my home brewing to another level. And getting out there and judging. Kinda want to do it, but I need the closure. This game is the colsure of my favorite passtime from like 10 til 31. :/

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You guys keep saying immediately. This game has been in beta for almost two years. The same suggestions manifest themselves in a cycle every 6 months. I've seen it. Instead we just get more layers of hastily produced crap, instead of enriching the core game. Despite objections, despite concerns.


As far as the entitlement, and derogatory nature of what we say, it's a symptom of giving somone 'founder' status. And constantly pumping money into something..It's a matter of trust, and when they're not holding their end of the bargin, you have hell to pay. And you're gonna hear it. And that's what happens when you design a game like this.


Core game? Like rebalancing warframes, mods, updating damage tables, adding new damage types, rebalancing enemies, adding new enemies, fixing/removing old/obsolete mission types, making melee more viable, totally revamping drop tables, changing how aura mods work....The list kind of goes on. Isn't that all the "core" game?


Also, it's not just the founders who are being derogatory. And how exactly are they not holding their end of the bargain? You may wish to reread exactly what the Founders actually get. The game's in total working order, it's being updated every single week, fixes and improvements are added during these updates and sprinkled throughout said weeks. There is absolutely 0 worry that DE will neglect Warframe any time soon, either. So what exactly is it that DE isn't "keeping up" on their end of the bargain?


Maybe, perhaps, the suggestions you keep talking about not being implemented simply...won't be? Perhaps DE saw the suggestions and figured they won't fit, or will be in conflict with something else, or some other valid reason is stopping such suggestions from being realized? They obviously DO listen to us. But we need to remember that they are the developers. They have the inner workings of this game lying at their fingertips and within their minds. We don't. We can suggest, we can offer input, give feedback...But at the end of the day, DE knows what can or can't be implemented. And instead of throwing temper tantrums, we should instead find other, less derogatory ways of helping this game become even better.

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Because I've walked away from the rest of them. And if I walk away from this one, i'm done..for good..there really isnt anything else out there that i'm remotely interested in. All the same garbage repackaged and focus tested. Or, god forbid the indie sector and early release shovelware steam is pushing on us.. i've seen this industry turn to S#&$ over the course of my life. It takes a lot of 'passion' to get that angry, im not even mad. I just have a way with words. Trust me, I've poured a lot of feedback, suggestions, fiction into this game, was told my voice was heard..seen promising ideas from the community and the developers.


We're right here now, nothing has changed, new player experience is worse, new items gated through clantech, and the horizion is a ship and a dog. And..some halfbaked PvP in the dark sectors. More layers of crap. Maybe I just wanna be around when PWE takes over, and DE's owners jump ship on a golden parachute, the talent goes to ubisoft and this game dies a slow death. Or maybe I'll be proven wrong, and eat a fat slice of humble pie. Either way, this is my last bastion. The thing stopping me from taking my home brewing to another level. And getting out there and judging. Kinda want to do it, but I need the closure. This game is the colsure of my favorite passtime from like 10 til 31. :/

While I get your frustrations about the state of the industry, I genuinely do, this unrest is a bit misapplied, don't you think? I have had my fair share of gaming fatigue, of recycled titles being poured into the market. I get it. The difference is, I am not looking at DE as being solely responsible for saving my hobby. For redeeming the industry for me all on their own. 

Your volatility towards a single developer, is the result of an ENTIRE industry. How is that at all constructive? Pissing and moaning, with a giant sack of disgruntled baggage on your back, is going to turn off far more people than it will ever inspire. 

Luckily I still have other titles I enjoy. As a seasoned MMO player, I learned a long time ago, that downtime, and breaks from these kinds of games, help to allow me to enjoy them more. Now it's certainly possible that our tastes just differ drastically, and that while I still find enjoyment in a plethora of indie titles, and even some higher budget productions, that you may very well be at your wit's end. 

I get needing to vent, but doing so by insulting a developer, because you finally may have had enough of your primary hobby, just doesn't seem like the right way to go about revitalizing what you love, before the flame dies.

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Core game? Like rebalancing warframes, mods, updating damage tables, adding new damage types, rebalancing enemies, adding new enemies, fixing/removing old/obsolete mission types, making melee more viable, totally revamping drop tables, changing how aura mods work....The list kind of goes on. Isn't that all the "core" game?


 And instead of throwing temper tantrums, we should instead find other, less derogatory ways of helping this game become even better.


So, you're saying power creep doesn't exist, and every frame is viable. You're saying that their intent of granting elemental immunity with some mobs is a good fix for that? That just selling/adding more items that are stronger than before is a constructive way of updating the game...whilist being detrimential..adding to the power creep.


And the feedback to the contrary is just static?


The temper tantrums are a symptom of not behing heard, and when heard, being brushed off. And still being contunially fed the same updates. In spite of that. How are 'we' to feel? We yell 'stop doing it' they ignore is and contune. It's only gonna get worse.


They haven't at least the ones streaming shown a demonstrable example of knowing how the game works, given how they play it.

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I mean, in this post, the OP understands what the problem is, but has a poor understandingg of underlying sources for them, and with little comprehension of what's to come, which is not exactly his fault, the solutions he offers tries to scrap too much things, which requires way too much effort and also much of the effort spent until now will be gone. He asks for a melee 3.0, mods 3.0, etc. He asks everything to change once again, instead of improving in what's availible. At this point, some of the things he say are not possible, at least in the way he proposes them. Sure, there could always be major improvements to already reworked things too, I can not say melee 2.0 for instance is perfect, but it is what it is, so we need to improve without scrapping about 6 months of hard work. Mods need an extensive rebalancing, and so some weapons and warframe may need balance according to changes in mods too. There are very good mods, and people could be even more creative with them, and multistat nightmare mods are a better vision than corrupted ones in my opinion, and like corrupted nightmare mods could offer great variety to game too, like the low and hihh quality mods they speak about, there could be more stats to more mods, and rebalancing some of the more creative mods and rising their usefulness could be nice.

About the rushing and grinding part; on a f2p game, sorry but grinding will happen, we need to live with that. Token system is in talks and could help improve but well.

Rushing because people doesn't enjoy game is a big problem, and although OP is going too far with that, even making it sound like he basicly doesn't like the game for what it is, there really is a problem. Well, mission modes could use more complexity than just stupid longevity as in defense missions, requiring more strategical gameplay, such as different objectives, different places to hold against different threats and dynamic conditions, etc. But saying it is fundamentally too broken and wanting to scrap everything is basicly not liking to game, which won't get you anywhere.

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The ideas the OP has are great and all, but couldn't most of what they want done about the mod system be done by limiting how many mods of each category you can put on a warframe/weapon? Such as splitting mods into the system, power, utility and limiting how many of each you can have?


It seems a hell of a lot more feasible than what the OP suggests and the only drawback I can think of is the removal of the ability to build +damage+damage+damage+damage+damage+damage+damage+firerate like most people currently do. Could allow the devs to much better balance content when the differentiation of numbers people can dish out is less varied(and ridiculous) between new and maxed out players.


I for one would love for them to not have to be so reliant on constant invulnerability phases on bosses.

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The ideas the OP has are great and all, but couldn't most of what they want done about the mod system be done by limiting how many mods of each category you can put on a warframe/weapon? Such as splitting mods into the system, power, utility and limiting how many of each you can have?


It seems a hell of a lot more feasible than what the OP suggests and the only drawback I can think of is the removal of the ability to build +damage+damage+damage+damage+damage+damage+damage+firerate like most people currently do. Could allow the devs to much better balance content when the differentiation of numbers people can dish out is less varied(and ridiculous) between new and maxed out players.


I for one would love for them to not have to be so reliant on constant invulnerability phases on bosses.

If I remember correctly, neither Salad V or the Hyena Pack relies on invulnerability phases (If you discount Zanuka's massive shields thanks to the Salad) while they remain relatively challenging bosses without the faceroll builds. Vay Hek... I have nothing to say since he DOES go invulnerable a lot.

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i think the idea behind corrupted mods is great. i would even go as fas as saying all mods should have a downside to them. (like serration should give a reduction in firerate). mods should be a playstyle changer and not just mindlessly throwing damage on a weapon.

they might have made corrupted mods a little too strong on the positive stat but else they are fantastic.

that is my take on those... 

it was not nice to call them "bottom of the barrel".

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So much has been said on this thread, and there's so much to say. Honestly after processing it all and the comments that I read, I'm pretty tired X)


But first of all, about the original post, I think it's amazing. Call me crazy, call me a mod card hater, call me whatever. But, all in all, what I saw in the post was a way that Warframe would be even MORE fun. And that's that. More fun, better. Especially in the context of a game. That is not to say that implementing changes like these wouldn't be a huge undertaking, and that is not to say that there wouldn't be complications. Yet, I believe these systems would greatly benefit Warframe.

Sadly, and this post was made many months ago and I understand that, making such monumental changes to the foundation of Warframe would be EXTREMELY risky and difficult for DE since their game is now climbing the charts, landing on consoles, and even is the focus on big time money interests (we all know what I'm talking about here). However, if DE wants to keep calling this game a Beta, they subsequently have to be aware that changes like these will be proposed and should seriously consider them.


That said, I love this idea. Such amazingly well articulated and thought out ideas here. Immense effort went into this, and it shows, which lends theGreatZamboni that much more credit and authority in the making of this post.

I really think the Systems/Powers/Utility breakdown would be great. It would narrow the focus of customizing to offer more "matchups" between attributes (functioning as mods currently, ex. "Should I take Vitality or Vigor??") that would really promote good decision making that actually values preference. These matchups would benefit simply because things are categorized into related mods, so you will never have a matchup that offers Survivability vs. Energy Economy, for example, because those would now lie in two separate categories, so the opportunity costs of your choices would feel a little A LOT less global and detrimental.

Additionally, I really enjoy that the original post emphasized Utility being so accessible, thus emphasizing those mods (again, I'm speaking in how they are today, in his system they would be attributes or whatever) existing for personalized builds that don't interfere with your loadout's potency, ie. Powers/Systems. I REALLY enjoy that, and have been dying for such a system since I started playing this game.

And on the topic of the Utility section, which as I understand it would hold most of the "band aid mods'" functions, it really would be a step up from the current system. As Scott has stubbornly put it in past Devstreams, those mods exist for certain players that may be especially susceptible/bad at playing against, say, knockdowns. However, since Handspring occupies the same slot that a Redirection/Vigor/Vitality/Steel Fiber could, the benefit of Handspring will never stack up, since the 1 second of knockdown saved won't ever amount to the increase of (more applicable) survivablity offered by those mods. So, I think eliminating that competition would solve that issue. Plain and simple.

And with this changes, warframes could develop even more unique identities by offering different upgrade trees and paths, so the mod doesn't make the frame, the frame makes the modding. Additionally I really appreciate that the abilities would all be available and wouldn't be mod competition. I truly think it's a sad thing to see builds that leave an ability behind, since every ability is basically 1/4 of a warframe's uniqueness, excluding cosmetics...


Additionally, without having to find mods and get drops for them, the drop tables would be far less diluted NON-EXISTENT ._. Welp. I just realized that. However, enemies could then drop more useful things... such as BP's to gun attachments, etc... I'll be honest, I would like theGreatZamboni's input on this issue of the change, since it would be a massive change for the way enemies reward players. It should be noted that it wouldn't be the end of the world if enemies didn't drop as much stuff because their exp. yields would still essentially be dropping progress to your next level and thus your next upgrade point.


There's so much to comment about this post, and how much I support it, that I'll just keep this short:


Weapon Mod Changes - YES. Yes and yes again. I won't go into too much depth here, but essentially I think that these changes would allow every gun to have the potential to be unique AND viable with proper designing. Polarities that come with weapons would be gone in the Mod Card system's removal, but would basically remain since, for example, a Soma could have very different modding styles/opportunities than a Braton. Continuing with this example, a Soma may have a special combo available to it that allows Shredder Rounds (Slashing Dmg.) to be equipped with an extra mod to its magazine. Or "polarities" could take the form of a Braton having more potential for Grip modding since the Soma's clip limits the structural space available to place Grips or mods that would be under the barrel. These intricacies could very well be implemented and represented in game, and really would make each gun feel unique since they all would have different structures that limit and also promote certain modding opportunities.


-Additionally, by basing gun modding off of the structure of the gun, you could have Trigger types for certain guns, so perhaps you could mod that Burston to be Full-Auto :) or perhaps the trigger could also influence Accuracy, Recoil (though that would likely be handled by Grips), etc...

-Also, you could have the fun of Corrupted Mods just as, or even more present, with this system since certain mods to a gun could bring multiple bonuses or drawbacks to the weapon (these would need to be very clear and understandable, but I imagine some great UI would solve that). For example, a Pre-War Slanted Grip (I'm totally winging this, but understand that this is possible because of the potential that this system would offer!) could be found similarly to a Corrupted mod, and would increase recoil control, accuracy, but decrease ADS (Aim Down Sight) speed, for example (again, I know there are no mods for ADS speed, but I'm using such an example because this system would allow structural changes to a gun to impact existing and even new areas of gun stats while remaining within the realm of the game).

And on top of all that, if the gun's look actually changed with these mods to the structure of the gun, just imagine the tricked out appearances you would get. Yeah, that an Orokin looking magazine on my Boltor, what of it? I know this would take so much effort to implement but it would be amazing. Plus, as the original post said, the cosmetic changes could be implemented later, the change is about the systems of modding.


As for the proposed melee changes, that section is out of date. I won't respond to it, Melee 2.0 changes the whole argument.


Lastly, to the original post, you should change the Focus-Intruder example to to Intensify-Intruder, since that mod got renamed :P


Great post. Unbelievable quality. +1 and more if I could. So much potential.


Also about Steve's reaction on the stream... It was unprofessional, and the Devstreams still do portray DE, despite however laid back and informal they may be. That said, his reaction was fueled by passion and all his time spent developing this game. It's his baby, and he defended accordingly. Additionally, he apologized, so I say forgive the man and let it be as it was. We can't blame Steve after that apology, it really did redeem his reaction on stream. :D

And also the eyes his reaction turned likely brought a lot of attention to this post, as it did for me, so hey a little publicity never hurts XD

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 I make references to communtiy suggestions, I'm told they're garbage, I cite the ones that they acknowledge that are really good i'm told I can't expect them to be done immediately. I say the same cycle of ideas rotate every 4-6 months. Now it turns into DE doesn't want that to happen.

I could refer to your previous posts but this quote more or less sum up the whole... do you understand or do you not understand? If I take what you said you actually understand so why do you say it like you don't understand?


Another point but not for you but for the community in general, suggestion feedback are concept idea but it doesn't mean if DE were to agree with one of them they are going to put the idea itself as it is, when I say there are some good points in this thread it doesn't mean I will put a tree skill something in the game. Just that it is interesting ; it has some possibilities for inspiration or something.

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I play this game because it's pretty simple, despite it seemingly flawed.

If they were to expand progression to such a system as listed by example from what pictures I scrolled past, I would be terribly miserable in this game and have to find another game that can meet my simpleton needs and allow me to actually just play and enjoy the game.

Myself as a person does not seek progression, just playtime. If this game can find a balance then I might be okay with that. If not, I would have to move along.
I'm sure there are other players like myself.

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Okay I am re-reading this thread (piece by piece) to make sure I understand it completely. So far I have read all of the mod/skill tree idea, and this is what I am reading so far.


The skill tree would practically turn mods into skill points, and having the powers, utilities, and stats of Warframes separated from each other working by themselves. I could see this working quite well, however I feel like this solution only handles the utilities side of Warframe mods. While the utility mods are no mandatory I could see another relapse of players choosing the same stats over and over again. If you take a look at any game out there with a skill tree (Skyrim does not count) most people will always go with the same exact builds that are effective, and always gimp on what is not effective. Personally I just think that's how gamers work we want what is effective and strong, and not something that will make us weak.


Now for the Weapons section:


I see absolutely no problem with this kind of  a system. I think it would be a grand idea to let players use weapons they want, and make them powerfully right off the bat. The only throw back I see with this is that literally the entire damage system would need to be reworked again. While this is not a con of this thread it is one simple fact (which I am sure 99% of the people who read this thread understand that) it would be the one part of this thread that would somewhat be incompatible with the game.


As for the melee I am still highly confused on how that system is suppose to work. For me when I look and read it, it reminds me of how the melee system from Remember Me played out. In all honesty I hated that system oh so much. I currently prefer the system we have right now for Melee, but I do agree that it could use improving.


Also I did see the note on 6/16/2014 saying you would be redoing the skill tree, and I would like to see where your new design or rework is going. Other than that this is all the feedback I have for this thread.


EDIT: Also if someone could explain to me how Zamboni's Melee system works I would appreciate it.

Edited by Nalo1993
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I could refer to your previous posts but this quote more or less sum up the whole... do you understand or do you not understand? If I take what you said you actually understand so why do you say it like you don't understand?


Another point but not for you but for the community in general, suggestion feedback are concept idea but it doesn't mean if DE were to agree with one of them they are going to put the idea itself as it is, when I say there are some good points in this thread it doesn't mean I will put a tree skill something in the game. Just that it is interesting ; it has some possibilities for inspiration or something.



Yeah, I mean, christ. It's not like I want everything we stay to be plugged in. People keep missing my point, and maybe it's because I'm terrible at articulating my thoughts through a keyboard. Can't help it.


But unfortunately and maybe it's just coincidence, but it seems like anything we really get behind is shot down, or just straight up ignored. Not saying shot down means not rushed into the pipeline. Shot down more like, a dismissive hand gesture, that's the impression I get, and what's funny is when the devs actually talk to the guys who make these suggestions, they..actually kind of listen. There is a failure to communicate here. I'll get into hot topics 2.0 (hah!) in a minute.


And if everything was realtively fine, there wouldin't be a problem..But, we know there are a lot of problems. But the game still seems headed in the same direction..in the face of our boomigly loud opposition to it. Prime example, void dilution. Like, they acknoledge it, say we're gonna do something about it...and it turns out T4 just makes it worse. They still can't seem to want to flesh out Defense.. We've given so many ideas on to do it. Are they bad? Or do they just not care? Did they forget about Defense again? Why can't we work on things like Defense, and end the power creep. Why are we being forced to play domination, or whatever that new mode is to get those T4 keys? It just seems like every solution is just an "Ahh, I dunno, *waves hand* just throw that in there..hell with it givem another scarf!"


Two CM's, not saying they're not doing their jobs. But are they given enough agency to be the middleladies (heh) between us, the unwashed masses (when I say things like that I just mean, we're not developers, just a bunch of serfs yelling outside of a castle..it's a metaphor.) And the developers? It seems companies just like to use them as people who are here to drum up faux support, and focus on soothing their agenda..rather than being of more service, and actually trying to figure out what we're happy about, upset about..etc. I knew a few CM's some from Triple A studios, and some from kinda sorta indie medium sized ones, and they would basically tell me that they gave up trying to help the game..developers just seem to laugh at them, and send them out of their offices.


The hot topics thing was a good idea, I wanna see where that goes. It does suggest that they are collating our ACTUAL hot topics, in a way that a developer can read it, sans all this god damn hyperbole we love to fill threads with. Again, I don't want all of our ideas thrown in their pipeline. I just want them to know, and let us know that we're trying too. We're trying to make things better..and when you're reacting to feedback, don't blow it off. Doesn't mean you really blew it off, but you do get a sense of "pah, yeah right" Steve apologized, Adam? Talked to Phil in PM's and actually heard what he proposed as suggestions, and liked them. We need more of THAT. They got the tools. They just need to use em better. I don't know what Megan and Rebeccas work day is, or what they do behind the scenes.. But I feel as if they're just PR/Damage control, rather than a CM. And that goes for a lot of the industry.


And, new policy. I'm gonna stick to just ignoring people who get all super defensive, and angry.. Maybe then I can calm down a little. Cause, what the hell, where does it even go?

Edited by DirkDeadeye
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I came here because of the mention from the recent live-stream. I only skim-read it and looked at the images and the descriptions of them, and I partly agree and disagree with it. I think the game would definitely be better with your improvements, but there are two major things holding it back, in my opinion.

Firstly, this would be a huge undertaking and would take up most of their time. With the community always complaining whenever an update doesn't contain another weapon, I doubt they would be patient enough to wait multiple months for anything other than this system (such as new Warframes, we would probably be stuck on e.g. Update 14 for a long time).

Secondly, doing this would cause people to loose a lot of money. People are always buying mods in the trading chat and potatoes/ forma from the market. With this system, none of these would be needed. I would not be very effected by it, but I'm sure many people would be. Also, the layer of RNG is a way for DE to make money, as this is a free to play game. People will buy platinum to go on the trading channel or to buy potatoes/ forma rather than wait for alerts/ invasions or farm in the Void (for Forma). 

I would imagine people have said this before, but I'm not going through 59 pages to check. While this looks like I'm being negative, I'm more for this idea than against, but I think these issues are very important.

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I came here because of the mention from the recent live-stream. I only skim-read it and looked at the images and the descriptions of them, and I partly agree and disagree with it. I think the game would definitely be better with your improvements, but there are two major things holding it back, in my opinion.

Firstly, this would be a huge undertaking and would take up most of their time. With the community always complaining whenever an update doesn't contain another weapon, I doubt they would be patient enough to wait multiple months for anything other than this system (such as new Warframes, we would probably be stuck on e.g. Update 14 for a long time).

Secondly, doing this would cause people to loose a lot of money. People are always buying mods in the trading chat and potatoes/ forma from the market. With this system, none of these would be needed. I would not be very effected by it, but I'm sure many people would be. Also, the layer of RNG is a way for DE to make money, as this is a free to play game. People will buy platinum to go on the trading channel or to buy potatoes/ forma rather than wait for alerts/ invasions or farm in the Void (for Forma). 

I would imagine people have said this before, but I'm not going through 59 pages to check. While this looks like I'm being negative, I'm more for this idea than against, but I think these issues are very important.


Don't read it man. In fact, I think another good policy is don't go into a thread with more than 3 pages. I let my wife read my responses. She told me I was deflecting my distain for the forums onto the game and developers.


I think she's right. Let's all do ourselves a favor press our fists against the monitor.

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Core game? Like rebalancing warframes, mods, updating damage tables, adding new damage types, rebalancing enemies, adding new enemies, fixing/removing old/obsolete mission types, making melee more viable, totally revamping drop tables, changing how aura mods work....The list kind of goes on. Isn't that all the "core" game?


Also, it's not just the founders who are being derogatory. And how exactly are they not holding their end of the bargain? You may wish to reread exactly what the Founders actually get. The game's in total working order, it's being updated every single week, fixes and improvements are added during these updates and sprinkled throughout said weeks. There is absolutely 0 worry that DE will neglect Warframe any time soon, either. So what exactly is it that DE isn't "keeping up" on their end of the bargain?


Maybe, perhaps, the suggestions you keep talking about not being implemented simply...won't be? Perhaps DE saw the suggestions and figured they won't fit, or will be in conflict with something else, or some other valid reason is stopping such suggestions from being realized? They obviously DO listen to us. But we need to remember that they are the developers. They have the inner workings of this game lying at their fingertips and within their minds. We don't. We can suggest, we can offer input, give feedback...But at the end of the day, DE knows what can or can't be implemented. And instead of throwing temper tantrums, we should instead find other, less derogatory ways of helping this game become even better.

Well let's look at when they work on those issues that you listed sir.

New damage types? - Dmg 2.0, U11

Rebalancing frames?- Yes they do that from time to time in U13 hotfixes (Ash, Trin, Nova) although alot of these "rebalances" havent been taken lightly by the community

Rebalancing weapons? - Nope, some weapons are way OP and the weapons that cost alot of time and resources (ClanTech) are complete S#&$. Can't even recall any rebalancing of weps.

Adding new enemies?- Well, since U12, they've added Feral Kubrows, Mutant Ospreys, Revamped Hek, and Prosecutors. And that's over a 6 month timeframe.

Fixing/removing obsolete mission types?- Rescue 2.0, I'm still playing Deception and Spy missions though so... IDEK why they got rid of Raid either.

Yes they made melee and auras "more viable," and "more powerful," but it's still using the same 10-12 mods on every melee weapons and mashing the E key, very few weapons actually have good combos.

Fixing drop tables?- Well look at T4 and the rest of Void when it came out. Completely overlooked, although I like Sheldon's response to the problem, although there is still more ALOT more work to be done on Void and overall dilution.


The problem that ALOT of the community has is the Devs focus less and less often on the core gameplay (which some find lackluster) in favor of cosmetics and pacifying the fannies, like Venka and Kubrows. In the next Update, we'll see a new UI, a new take on Warframe aesthetically and physically, but no gameplay, lore, or end-game, which is why threads like this are still being made.

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The problem that ALOT of the community has is the Devs focus less and less often on the core gameplay (which some find lackluster) in favor of cosmetics and pacifying the fannies, like Venka and Kubrows. In the next Update, we'll see a new UI, a new take on Warframe aesthetically and physically, but no gameplay, lore, or end-game, which is why threads like this are still being made.

At least with U14, DE(L) is trying to improve the new player experience to capture new players for a longer period of time, although I do hope U15 would be focused on polishing core gameplay. 

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Don't read it man. In fact, I think another good policy is don't go into a thread with more than 3 pages. I let my wife read my responses. She told me I was deflecting my distain for the forums onto the game and developers.


I think she's right. Let's all do ourselves a favor press our fists against the monitor.

Obviously it's such a crime for me to not read a huge wall of text and 59 pages of responses, yet the second response said "Wow, I skimmed through this wall of text, but from what I gathered from the screenshots, this system would be so much better!".

As I said in the first line of my post, I came here because of the mention in the stream. I just wanted to get a baseline idea of what the thread was about. 

And about punching the monitor, after you.

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Obviously it's such a crime for me to not read a huge wall of text and 59 pages of responses, yet the second response said "Wow, I skimmed through this wall of text, but from what I gathered from the screenshots, this system would be so much better!".

As I said in the first line of my post, I came here because of the mention in the stream. I just wanted to get a baseline idea of what the thread was about. 

And about punching the monitor, after you.


Dude i'm agreeing with you. If it's 59 pages it's gonna raise your blood pressure. :/ Im not saying you're lazy. I'm you're smart not to dive in this.


Why..can't I not make people angry.

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Dude i'm agreeing with you. If it's 59 pages it's gonna raise your blood pressure. :/ Im not saying you're lazy. I'm you're smart not to dive in this.


Why..can't I not make people angry.

I honestly thought you were being sarcastic, sorry :3

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Dude i'm agreeing with you. If it's 59 pages it's gonna raise your blood pressure. :/ Im not saying you're lazy. I'm you're smart not to dive in this.


Why..can't I not make people angry.

Possible way to summarize it. Have a thread dedicated to this idea were people vote either yes or no to the idea alone. Impossible I know, but that would help summarize 59 pages.

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Possible way to summarize it. Have a thread dedicated to this idea were people vote either yes or no to the idea alone. Impossible I know, but that would help summarize 59 pages.


A lot of it is hyperbole, the last 3 is me being a pompous &#!. LOL

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