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Eclipse Feedback Megathread


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I am pretty sure DE has already made up their minds on what to do and this is just a means of validation.

But even then , the gesture is appreciated.

I would personally prefer the tap/hold option - but i am absolutely certain it will be getting severely reduced , maybe change it from being a final multiplier to being additive to serration. Same way condition overload got changed. We will be one step closer to reducing the total multipliers in the game.

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Making it a toggle would be the simplest and most consistent option, but that kinda raises the other thing: I feel like 9.9 times out of 10 you're just going to choose light buff for the damage, which means night buff's DR is going to be mostly just forgotten.

Personally, I'd recommend blending the two together into one homogenous buff. Give us the light buff by default, with an additional DR slowly ramping up based on our dps. This encourages players to go all in, searching for enemies and making use of Mirage's great movement and dps options to mow down enemies. Doing this properly rewards the player with big survivability by ramping up the DR. Failing to do so means you're more vulnerable if you get blindsided.

Of course, this comes with some minor issues. If your allies are nuking everything then it runs the risk of you being unable to get kills to keep your buff topped off. But maybe you could fix that by having assists count for half value, and have it be so that being within a certain range (maybe based on affinity range or something) makes you eligible to be considered for assists.

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Unique Suggestion: Mirage spawns Rifts of Light. Upon walking into the Rifts, she will gain full Damage buff. She will retain the Damage buff before it starts Decaying into her Damage Reduction buff. (if you want damage buff, jump into the Rifts, if you want DR, don't go into the Rifts).

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I'm on board with tap/hold to cast the buff you want. As much as I'd like to see a more interactive mechanic like the one suggested in the OP I don't think that's very popular and I'm okay with that. It'll be a significant improvement for sure. Even nerfed it will be nice to have a reliable damage reduction option in Helminth.

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Have some thoughts about this. Heavy Mirage user here. First of all, amazing QOL change with us allowing to see the actual benefits of the ability rather than guesswork most of the time.


The lunar buff which hardly anyone talks about. To get the full amount you need hardly any strength to begin with, even in helminth you get the full maximum lunar buff without even investing a single bit into strength. That is really bad when combined with how the other stats play into it as explained below. The DR from it could be good if there were cases where I am attempting to use it on the squishy Mirage but I would like strength to play a bigger role into this half of the ability if that was the case.

Solar, everyone talks about it and praises it and it is the second most used helminth ability for a reason. I don't need to talk about this half of the ability.


Range can also play a role into this ability to an extent since there isn't a reason to invest in it, other than for total eclipse in which your doppelgangers would be getting regardless of your range stat. Maybe it can be used to capture a radius of light around your Warframe to determine the total buff effect or something like that to reduce instances of stairs causing problems.

Duration is also a bit a downer for this since it can be recast but not too worthy of a change imo.

Mobility of the ability, I love how mobile Mirage is with eclipse and able to keep it up with her other abilities while moving through entire missions and is my main go-to frame for exterminate. I do not want it to be turn into spawn a pillar and turns its effectiveness into arena/single-tile usage only. Mirage already has sleight of hand and Prism for that. Please leave this aspect of eclipse alone.


2% Solar and no Lunar as shown is just horrifically bad. This should not be possible. If I invest strength into an ability I should be expecting it to do something not raising the maximum cap in areas that I won't even be able to reach that amount to begin with in some tiles.


I don't think a toggle is in order since the stats would then just show people use it to toggle for full Solar and hardly for Lunar. I would prefer a more hybrid-eqse solution. Add a minimum value that it can drop to so that we don't get instances of 35% DR or 10% Buff. Look at the ability from the perspective of how our stats affect both the Solar and Lunar buff vs the environment. I also wouldn't mind seeing an augment release/change to complement a change to this ability.

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I am for toggle and nerfing Helminth. Reliability helps much more, especially for us with lower spec CPUs. I am absolutely okay with needing to invest more in Helminth variant of ability.

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I feel like tap/hold is the easiest solution, but I wouldn't mind if she had a way to manipulate the environment to ensure that she would have that particular lighting effect to get what buff she wanted. Maybe even make the buffs separate somehow so you can have both buffs (which may mean a nerf but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) 

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Give eclipse synergy with mirage her other abilities, this way you fix the problem of making the helminth subsume overpowered. What I had mind: giving the eclipse both the dmg bonus and dmg reduction, but let the increase be dependent on how much enemies are affected by mirage her abilities. Do Not make it scale with just strength, give it some more of a challenge to achieve that max values.

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Fixing things so the ability would work with the new zones sounds great. I don't know coding but perhaps this would at some point be the infrastructure for something else that works with lighting. And future-proofing, as you said, for the lighting system.

For the ability cast, I'd like it to be a toggle where you keep the bonus of where you started the ability with. So a player would have to go stand near a lamp to cast it for day and would keep that bonus throughout the duration. Or stand in the shadows to get the damage reduction so they can run around for a while, being more survivealbe.

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I am going to get burried in this thread, but here is my idea.  

I would make this a channeled ability like gloom.  tap to cast hold to swap between dark and light.  constant energy drain. 

We now have 4 different flavors of "deal more damage" helminth abilities that are all slightly different with slightly different attributes.  Eclipse is the only one that is just raw damage increase.  If it is changed to a toggle it will become one of the most boring abilities in the game both from a gameplay and buildcrafting standpoint.  simply put this on and use it to increase gun damage like a mod would for x%.  Lets be honest, nobody uses the defensive part.  But, if it were to become a channeled ability, it now interacts with all of the incarnon weapons that require a channeled ability.  Suddenly the defensive option is actually an option for frames that want to deal ability damage but struggle to survive.  It would add survivability both from the incarnon that adds health per channeled ability and from the damage reduction.  And it makes the ability more balanced as it sucks away energy constantly.  This could be done similar to other abilities with an energy drain that pause overtime energy regen to make it much more balanced.  I think this solves a lot of issues with the ability.  It provides a buff in that the ability is now perfectly consistent and always provides maximum buff, but also a nerf because of the energy economy of it.  It may still need to be tuned down in terms of raw power, but this change would make the ability so much more interesting to incorporate into builds instead of just "slap this in because big numbers".

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