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Dante, some issues i've found.


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17 hours ago, sunderthefirmament said:

They've also historically (and maybe still?) had recurring glitches with appearances/skins.

Bold of you to assume they bothered fixing it. Yes they still exist. 
They shouldn’t even count as an exalted weapon, they’re just a melee that’s exclusive to Garuda. They have nothing else in common with exalted. 

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On 2024-01-27 at 4:39 PM, -Krism- said:

[...]& that's without saying that his ult has apparently 4 different states of activation, which we wouldn't be able to achieve with a tap & hold mechanic

On 2024-01-27 at 4:22 PM, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

Maybe book of life and book of death could be combined into a tap/hold toggle with the hold being faster than normal, not only would that allow for faster combo casts but it would free up ability slot.  

It could be possible because I suggested a faster than normal hold cast so, it would be lets say tap,hold or tap,tap or hold,hold then 4. 


On 2024-01-31 at 5:01 PM, -Krism- said:

 there is nothing to discuss further ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

The only thing I can agree with you on. 

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8 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

It could be possible because I suggested a faster than normal hold cast so, it would be lets say tap,hold or tap,tap or hold,hold then 4. 

They won't make it that way, & I already explained why

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