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9 hours ago, CephalonCarnage said:

Its a misconfiguration or some leftover from the upgrade a long while back. I used to be permanently logged in to the forum, then they uipgraded it to a new version and suddenly, I'm logged out every few days

Yes, I remember when the forum just let you stay logged in. Software changes. Features are changed and upgraded. Computers and phones didn't use to have passwords at all.

While it's certainly possible that some setting was broken during an older forum upgrade, if a forum mod has been told by DE that it's just part of the way the forum software works now, I'm inclined to believe it. People keep making posts thinking that it's a bug that they're getting locked out so DE and mods keep seeing it. I'd think if there was something they could do about it, they'd have talked to Invision to get it sorted out by now.

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So are we going to fix the issue of people unable to access their original forum account for their platform or are we removing it all together?

because either way I’d still like access to my PSN forum account cus it had more than just platform related bugs ect it had many suggestions and ideas.

If you guys are considering just ignoring the Issue with the accounts or even worse just deleting them for this sake of this new update it just kinda means you guys never cared about what was being suggested in the first place.

I’m not too concerned about those who can’t log in at all as atleast I assume thats going to fixed regardless but this one bothers me more. I’m not gonna rag on you guys just yet and see what this “update” has in store to bring a solution but this issue that has been annoying players for over 2 months now since the start of cross save would be put at ease if you just acknowledged it…


On 2024-02-02 at 2:26 AM, NeonNebula9 said:

Are you going to acknowledge this issue? I don’t know why you guys are ignoring it? I’m sure you’ve seen the many posts about it. It’s been more than a month with no acknowledgement from DE or response from Support. So is that it? Is it intended or hopefully just a bug? We lose access to our original forum accounts forever?    


Thankyou for linking I kinda stopped using the forums cus of this issue it’s just kinda disappointing how I haven’t got a single response from ANYBODY and you keep expecting me to roll over and keep using this service like it’s nothing…

hopefully it gets fixed but as of now… o7

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On 2/6/2024 at 5:17 AM, RB3_Reloaded said:

So are we going to fix the issue of people unable to access their original forum account for their platform or are we removing it all together?

because either way I’d still like access to my PSN forum account cus it had more than just platform related bugs ect it had many suggestions and ideas.

If you guys are considering just ignoring the Issue with the accounts or even worse just deleting them for this sake of this new update it just kinda means you guys never cared about what was being suggested in the first place.

I’m not too concerned about those who can’t log in at all as atleast I assume thats going to fixed regardless but this one bothers me more. I’m not gonna rag on you guys just yet and see what this “update” has in store to bring a solution but this issue that has been annoying players for over 2 months now since the start of cross save would be put at ease if you just acknowledged it…


Thankyou for linking I kinda stopped using the forums cus of this issue it’s just kinda disappointing how I haven’t got a single response from ANYBODY and you keep expecting me to roll over and keep using this service like it’s nothing…

hopefully it gets fixed but as of now… o7

They probably screwed up and don’t want to admit it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

so.. wait wait getting logged out every 1-3 days is a FEATURE?! what kind of silly move is that i've never seen a forum site do that in the 20+ yrs i've had an internet connection

i mean i ONLY visit this site on 1 computer and always use the same browser

Edited by Divinehero
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2024-02-05 at 7:17 PM, RB3_Reloaded said:

So are we going to fix the issue of people unable to access their original forum account for their platform or are we removing it all together?

because either way I’d still like access to my PSN forum account cus it had more than just platform related bugs ect it had many suggestions and ideas.

If you guys are considering just ignoring the Issue with the accounts or even worse just deleting them for this sake of this new update it just kinda means you guys never cared about what was being suggested in the first place.

I’m not too concerned about those who can’t log in at all as atleast I assume thats going to fixed regardless but this one bothers me more. I’m not gonna rag on you guys just yet and see what this “update” has in store to bring a solution but this issue that has been annoying players for over 2 months now since the start of cross save would be put at ease if you just acknowledged it…


Thankyou for linking I kinda stopped using the forums cus of this issue it’s just kinda disappointing how I haven’t got a single response from ANYBODY and you keep expecting me to roll over and keep using this service like it’s nothing…

hopefully it gets fixed but as of now… o7

Yeah, I haven't touched the forums since I lost my old forum account, I had dozens of posts with essay lengths suggestions, on augments, upgrade systems, new warframes, quests and boss fights, and more.

This REALLY gets under my skin.

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On 2024-02-04 at 3:07 PM, Hobie-wan said:

That's not a bug, it's for security reasons. Also it's a function of the forum software, which isn't made by DE. As explained here:


Calling this a feature doesn't make it any less bad.

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2 hours ago, ArmourDog said:

Calling this a feature doesn't make it any less bad.

It means that DE doesn't have control over the fact it does it and it's on the forum software made by Invision or whomever though.

Sure having to log back in every few days is very mildly annoying, that's how security works. You give up a little convenience to make things a bit safer. You'd be more annoyed if your forum or entire Warframe account was compromised because it left you logged in somewhere that you don't normally log in and didn't specifically click to log out. Also it's on you if you want to leave your home/vehicle/locker unlocked so that people can enter it when you're not there, it's another when you're leaving someone else's door unlocked at their house.

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My favourite part about the "upgrade" (oh please) is hopping onto the forum and having it look like I'm logged in, but immediately showing that I'm logged out as soon as I click anywhere. That's some quality software from Invision, everyone

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22 hours ago, Hobie-wan said:

It means that DE doesn't have control over the fact it does it and it's on the forum software made by Invision or whomever though.

Sure having to log back in every few days is very mildly annoying, that's how security works. You give up a little convenience to make things a bit safer. You'd be more annoyed if your forum or entire Warframe account was compromised because it left you logged in somewhere that you don't normally log in and didn't specifically click to log out.

 This is bullpoop. And that last sentence just doesn't make any sense.

Of all the invision-powered forums I've been using, the WF forum is the only one to grace us with such a "feature"... At some point, you have to touch grass and realize that, no, it is neither a feature nor necessary. Just a plain old bug, and/or lack of motivation to get it fixed.


Maybe you consider it normal to land on a disconnection page whenever you click "submit reply" after typing your post (thus loosing said post), but I certainly don't.

Edited by Haleks
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On 2024-03-07 at 1:45 PM, Hobie-wan said:

It means that DE doesn't have control over the fact it does it and it's on the forum software made by Invision or whomever though.

Sure having to log back in every few days is very mildly annoying, that's how security works. You give up a little convenience to make things a bit safer. You'd be more annoyed if your forum or entire Warframe account was compromised because it left you logged in somewhere that you don't normally log in and didn't specifically click to log out. Also it's on you if you want to leave your home/vehicle/locker unlocked so that people can enter it when you're not there, it's another when you're leaving someone else's door unlocked at their house.

This is the only site I've ever used where I have to sign in this often.

And I disagree that it's like leaving my home unlocked.

This is like my bedroom door closing and locking every time I go in or out for "security".

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