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Primary Account Uses Secondary Name

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My Primary Acc (PS4) named "VivaceBread-97" was merged with my Secondary Acc (PC) named "MergeTheBread", I used different names to ensure I was correctly merging the accounts. Everything merged as intended, but re-logging in with my PS4 account on the Warframe website would show the incorrect name, and I'm worried that this change may have yet to affect my name on other platforms as well. This name has been my gaming and Warframe identity since the start, but I'm unable and unwilling to rename my account, and I still hold an attachment to the name, if this could be fixed that would be greatly appreciated.

The following are believed to be related to Cross Platform Save, but are not strictly connected to the previously mentioned issue or topic:
Update 1 (Issue): Players still see my Primary Acc name in-game, but some will see my Secondary Acc name when trading (Cause: Unsure).

Update 2 (Issue): Viewing an MR13 player's Cross Platform Save profile displayed the wrong account with the same name. It displayed an account that only had 5hrs playtime, and was lacking the equipment the player used (only showed default equipment).

Edited by MergeTheBread
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