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We need more rivens space


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180 slots are full, but I don't want to sell them. They are either premium cards or toy cards. I want to keep them for future use, so I suggest adding more slots to limit the purchase limit... At least it has given legendary players the power of this additional limit, which can accumulate up to 180 cards. Isn't this just a sign of love for this game? Why limit the number of cracks and slots to so few? Also, I would like to ask, if DE is not willing to increase the holding limit of the crack, can I play a small account on my own and trade the purple card to the small account normally?


sorry bad english,so i use translate tool....

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180 slots but only those unveiled count. Veiled you can have inifinite amount. 

Devs have many times stated the reason they do not want to add bigger limit is memory storage due to fact every riven is unique (but it kinda sounds sus).

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Its not sus. you have to understand that there is only so much memory space you can use when in a mission and mod screen. Having 1000 rivens being loaded that are completely unique is quite the haul.


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So it clearly starts, I am not a programmer.

That says a lot of what your misunderstanding. As someone who worked at google for 10 years, I can show you storage in a db isn't going to be the huge problem. Its going to be seeing it on the mod screen. you ever bring up a warframe and the mod screen kind of lags a bit? Thats the issue. I noticed on a new account it does not do it but on mine that has 100 rivens, I notice it a bit. 

It be very difficult to explain it here since the area of expertise on all this is so varied.. Just know its not an easy problem to solve considering all the toasters people trying to run this game on.

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I often transmute my fodder rivens but the 180 limit which after many years in game i have also reached. however as mentioned the number of veiled do not count to the total which means that I can still hold them.

I think the real issue is that I am like jackdaw and I hoard anything shiny but that's just me and my problem.

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4 hours ago, tCartmant said:

So it clearly starts, I am not a programmer.

That says a lot of what your misunderstanding. As someone who worked at google for 10 years, I can show you storage in a db isn't going to be the huge problem. Its going to be seeing it on the mod screen. you ever bring up a warframe and the mod screen kind of lags a bit? Thats the issue. I noticed on a new account it does not do it but on mine that has 100 rivens, I notice it a bit. 

It be very difficult to explain it here since the area of expertise on all this is so varied.. Just know its not an easy problem to solve considering all the toasters people trying to run this game on.

You have 100 rivens but how many other mods do you have? All of those mods that have to be loaded, drawed (little image, some stats, + animations). Not all of them all the time but you still have some data conversion (from DE server to our PC as some inner WF data).

I'm not saying rivens aren't issue but modding lag is bit more complex.

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Speaking of storage lag, it makes me remember when I bypassed the carry weight limit in Skyrim, so that Im no longer annoyed by overencumbered stuff, and then stored everything I found in my chest. It took forever to even open that chest, let alone to scroll in it. Thats when I distributed it amongst more chests and also stopped collecting literally everything haha.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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180 riven slot is enough for most players. Most players don't even roll their own riven. I would say that 100 or those rivens have zero roll on them. as well as 150 of them are rank zero.

When DE makes riven untradable, 180 slots seem excessive.

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7 hours ago, quxier said:

You have 100 rivens but how many other mods do you have? All of those mods that have to be loaded, drawed (little image, some stats, + animations). Not all of them all the time but you still have some data conversion (from DE server to our PC as some inner WF data).

I'm not saying rivens aren't issue but modding lag is bit more complex.

My point was that this is all way more complex than, hey this riven only takes up 100 bytes off storage. If this was not an issue, there would be no reason DE would not just open the flood gates and let us have as many rivens as possible. 

I just pointed to something I noticed recently when I was combining an old account that had no rivens. The mod screen was super snappy.  Yet on my base account, It can be a bit laggy sometimes. Steve mentioned this in a dev stream a long time ago about why they have to limit the number of rivens

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