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Mission Timeout when you're not AFK is such a bad mechanic.

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I was in a disruption mission with a squad as host.  I found a new tile with a locked door and Orokin Eye says there's something behind it.  No one can figure it out in the first 10 seconds of jumping around the room so it gets abandonded for the objective.  Eventually the squad leaves, but my rng sucks, so I'm hanging out solo afterward, and remember the door no one could open.  Since there's no one to hold up, I go try to open it, and because there's absolutely zero hint or clue as to what you need to do to open it (most of these have actual good design, where there's some hint given by the environment so you can figure out what to do.) I end up spending enough time in this room to trigger the mission time out.  Literally playing the game, trying to figure out how I'm supposed to open this door when there's literally nothing I can interact with anywhere around the room, and the game says "Nope, no fun allowed.  Grind or get out."

Its YOU that's always pushing players to slow down, and enjoy the game, and don't rush it and don't get target fixation and blast through the new content in 6 minutes.  That's YOU.  And yet it's ALSO YOU kicking me out of the mission for doing exactly what you wanted me to do.  This is why no one actually just plays games anymore, or figures things out for themselves.  It's discouraged at every step of the way.  I did NOTHING wrong and I got punished for it.  I might as well wait for there to be a wiki page on it, memorize it, and then blast through it in two seconds, so I can come on here and complain there's nothing to do.

9 times out of 10 I'm the one that finds things to do, despite having actually done literally everything.  I'm never the one on here screaming content drought.  And now I have to pray RNG shows me the tile again so I can try to figure it out, because I despise leaving things like that unsolved.  It's going to irritate me to no end until I can figure out how to open it, and you're putting me on a pointless, useless timer that helps literally no one.

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Same situation here.

I was doing the disruption node as a bounty. The objectives were to find 3 murmur sarcophages. I couldn't find an outdoor tile so I figured they must be hidden somewhere. I'd already done my four disruption towers and I was playing solo so I was taking my time exploring the puzzle/hidden rooms and trying to get into them.

I'd eventually gotten to the podium room (where you have to shoot four glyphs to activate them) and was hunting down the last glyph when I got hit with a mission timeout and failed the bounty.

I am quite annoyed that there are things to explore but we're not allowed to do it.

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Fairly recently, I was admiring the interior of a Netracell with a friend, when the mission suddenly popped a timer to kill everything, then after a couple seconds passed (the timer was like 1m), the mission failed on its own. Very fun mechanic, almost as fun as "Change of plans, leave nothing alive".

There's a LOT of detail put into the Netracell room that teases WF99, and it was actually fun to poke around, but alas, the timer kicked in and we didn't discover everything, nor did we try again, with that restriction. We are not doing several Netracells just to inch into all its details little by little.

Edited by BalaDeSilver
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