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Please consider allowing Limbo to pick up items in the rift. That's all I ask


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Amongst the many people requesting a rework for Limbo, after picking him up today I was disappointed to see that he still cannot pick up items in the rift. I stopped playing around the release of Excalibur umbra, and was assuming after a long break, that this was one of those small things that might have been fixed but isn't widely reported.

Unfortunately that's not the case, but I think it should be. I don't necessarily think his kit should be changed all that much. I like the jank. I like that his abilities aren't simple or straightforward to use. I'm not looking for him to become a new revenant. I just want to be able to play the game with him. And unfortunately, that's not really possible. With this type of game genre, not being able to pick up loot in an unobtrusive way makes playing him so miserable 

Apart from being functionally annoying, it's also quite visually disruptive. Half the fun of the game is designing a cool looking frame, but playing Limbo all I get to see is endo orbs, archgun ammo boxes and mods floating around roughly where my warframe should be. 

I know that Limbo's kit is old. I know that he doesn't exactly play the game the way every other frame does, and that makes it incredibly difficult to rework him. But being able to pick up loot is such a small change that would make such a huge difference. There's a subset of players like myself who enjoy older, jankier warframes that require more thought and effort to keep up with newer frames. And I think many of us would jump on the chance to play Limbo again if he could just pick up loot.

Please consider this one very small change to Limbo. That alone would make such a huge difference to him

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Yes please! And extend this treatment to all forms of unable to pick up items, Limbo's is just more pronounced since it affects him with interactions as well. This issue isn't exclusive to Limbo, Wukong's Cloud Walker is another example.

I was super surprised that when Murmur Eyes (new boss mechanic) came out that Limbo was able to pick them up in the rift so we know the technology is right there!

The rift either needs a complete rework or a fixing of this "mechanic" that DE is so stubborn on not recognizing. It is a griefing tool that actively hurts Limbo because he needs to use Parkour, aka rolling, to pick up an objective item that results in him entering the rift therefore preventing him from picking up the item. And it doesn't help that this has been a growing problem with newly introduced gamemodes other than the aforementioned one (which has other issues in regards to rift usage).

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6 hours ago, Carra384 said:

Unfortunately that's not the case, but I think it should be. I don't necessarily think his kit should be changed all that much. I like the jank. I like that his abilities aren't simple or straightforward to use. I'm not looking for him to become a new revenant. I just want to be able to play the game with him. And unfortunately, that's not really possible. With this type of game genre, not being able to pick up loot in an unobtrusive way makes playing him so miserable

All you have to do is jump out of the void for a second.

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Limbo needs much more then this, but i agree. He needs a genuine rework, most of all though we need better visuals and indications for enemies and allies in the rift. With the new lighting system its almost impossible to tell at a glance now.

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