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Please Can Plutos/Venus/Neptune Tileset Get a Rework


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I really wish the Snow maps and tilesets would get a rework, there are so many holes, so many gaps, and they are old old old 

Venus snow maps could look like Orb Vallis

Neptune could retain more of the original feel

And Pluto ones, would be like Lua, gray lands with bits of light, like the duviri gray scale even 

The ability just to see space in the skybox, and the tiny dim dot sun in the distance on pluto, it should be all Atmospheric

Edited by Tomplexthis
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i was thinking of posting a few videos, again, trying to get the "holes" patched

the old snow cold maps, are from 2013, and any tileset from back then, has massive HUGE holes, that you can easily see, spot

Every old tileset, and their bosses, i have wished would get touched up on

The seargent, phorid, lech kirl, captain vor, Sargus ruk. Hyena pack, the raptors

All of them are pretty bad, even lephantis.

Europa has a few holes too, but its fine, but even that, ceres, eris, would be nice to see done over

Derelict void, i find holes too. 

I dont have the editing tools to easily point out all of them, but i dont remember them

I break out of the map with ease, on most of these tiles.

There is also the illogicality to the maps themselves i have beef with. Ive been at this since 2016

ever since the bullet jump changes, all you do is jump up, and you can see out of the maps

its alot of work to re-do old tiles and bosses, but the QoL would be a fresh new coat of paint, across the board

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with all of this. It's disheartening to see DE take on so many new projects that all the old ambitions like revamping the origin solar system get put on the backburner indefinitely and show their age. And then because of that, us asking for DE to finally attend to this becomes "asking too much" of them. They did a great job with the Jupiter and Corpus ship tileset revamps, and they actually made them compatible with the current movement system.

I would love to see more open space in the tiles and less of the tight hallways, cramped maze-like rooms and forced vent tunnel paths that were more appropriate way back when the game was supposed to be about being a ninja. Eris is the most appalling example of this design, it's the worst tileset in the game for sure, followed closely by the Grineer Sealab and Kuva Fortress tilesets. The Grineer Galleon tileset could also use a redesign in this respect.

I can't comment about finding holes in the maps myself but I've had my share of getting stuck in plenty of spots plenty of times.

And the bosses, yes! They don't feel like a fun challenge so much as invincibility-gated derps that we wish would just hurry up and die already, especially since we often have to farm them over and over!

Edited by Novashank
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On 2024-04-26 at 4:09 PM, Novashank said:

Eris is the most appalling example of this design

I fee immense pain just thinking about Eris. Such a cursed tileset.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2024-04-26 at 5:09 PM, Novashank said:

I agree with all of this. It's disheartening to see DE take on so many new projects that all the old ambitions like revamping the origin solar system get put on the backburner indefinitely and show their age. And then because of that, us asking for DE to finally attend to this becomes "asking too much" of them. They did a great job with the Jupiter and Corpus ship tileset revamps, and they actually made them compatible with the current movement system.

I would love to see more open space in the tiles and less of the tight hallways, cramped maze-like rooms and forced vent tunnel paths that were more appropriate way back when the game was supposed to be about being a ninja. Eris is the most appalling example of this design, it's the worst tileset in the game for sure, followed closely by the Grineer Sealab and Kuva Fortress tilesets. The Grineer Galleon tileset could also use a redesign in this respect.

I can't comment about finding holes in the maps myself but I've had my share of getting stuck in plenty of spots plenty of times.

And the bosses, yes! They don't feel like a fun challenge so much as invincibility-gated derps that we wish would just hurry up and die already, especially since we often have to farm them over and over!

dude i wish a youtuber or person They actually would listen too would show them the pot holes. 

In all the Snow maps, jump up and you can see holes, like seriously bad

Eris, ceres, europa, and Neptune/Venus/Pluto are Extremely notorious in this

All the old tilesets, haven't had a single touch of love since they were dropped

and because of this, their flaws hurt so much. 

On 2024-05-03 at 8:58 AM, PR1D3 said:

I fee immense pain just thinking about Eris. Such a cursed tileset.

i hate the doors, i hate the elevators  on all old maps. 

Eris is just a pain to navigate. its alot to ask for a complete touch up of all 10 year old bosses, quests, and tilesets. 

but man seeing warframe get a full overhaul like jupiter and corpus ships, would be nice. 

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Posted (edited)

Okay this is just one example, but imma be trying to go back, round up As many of these "holes" that exist all across the game

ive had my fun, but seriously, something needs to be done about these old rusted bucket tilesets and their issues

The doors, the holes, the elevators, all gone, please. 

look at the quality of the newer loved maps, and look at the older ones. i cant be the only one who thinks something should be fixed

Eris, Europa, Derelict void, Mars, Eris, Pluto/Neptune/Venus, could use some TLC

Ceres has the same problem, but you really have to look for it. 

i know where these areas are, because i played alot of the game, most people just run on by



but when you stop, and look around, its ugly too see






I really dont get it. 

Edited by Tomplexthis
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This video Encapsulates literally all the issues iam trying to convey.

That tree man. still bugs me

imagine every tileset being as amazing as jupiter, corpus ships, the zariman, or murmur.

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  • Tomplexthis changed the title to Please Can Plutos/Venus/Neptune Tileset Get a Rework

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