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What's The Deal With The Aklex?


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I always thought the idea of wield akimbo Lex was nothing but a funny imagining. It's essentially a future-Desert Eagle, which has much too much recoil for most people to even fire a single version of.


However, DE, you clearly went for it. The Aklex, like any other akimbo weapon, trading fire rate and magazine size for accuracy and reload speed.


Except, in this case, the Aklex is a direct upgrade.


The Lex has a 15% Critical Chance, and a 10% Status Chance. With the weakness of the pistol critical mods, it already makes a crit build on the Lex tricky, but doable. And the Lex wasn't really designed for status proccing, though in this day and age, every viable weapon needs to have some kind of chance for it.


Now, the Aklex has a 20% Critical Chance, and a 15% Status Chance. A DE-rekt (DE wrecked the Lex) upgrade. Aklex has, in addition to the tradition akimbo fire rate and magazine size, a complete upgrade in certain stats that will make the Aklex ALWAYS a stronger weapon than the Lex.


This is completely #*($%%@. Either buff the Lex to meet the Aklex' stats, or nerf the Aklex' crit and status chance to the Lex' level, please. This is power creep that can be fixed so easily, there's no reason for this, please.

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You sound like this is the first dual weapon you've seen in this game.


Dual weapons have almost always been a direct upgrade of the single version, which would explain why you need to build two of the friggin' weapon and spend more credits, time, and an orokin cell to slap them together.


Lemme guess - you put a potato and five formas on your Lex and want a refund?

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its a grineer destroyer


The Lex was already a Grineer destroyer, and the Aklex should've been nothing but an option for people who wanted to use the Lex' destructive power but with more speed and less accuracy, not a direct upgrade.


My new favorite secondary most likely. I loved the lex.


And now, the Lex is completely useless in favor of the Aklex. This is what power creep does. Now, anyone with a 135,00 credits and a single Orokin Cell can bypass the Lex completely, there's not point to using it anymore.

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You sound like this is the first dual weapon you've seen in this game.


Dual weapons have almost always been a direct upgrade of the single version, which would explain why you need to build two of the friggin' weapon and spend more credits, time, and an orokin cell to slap them together.


Lemme guess - you put a potato and five formas on your Lex and want a refund?


Since I'm sure that's what you're most focused on, yes, I did potato my Lex, that's what you do with a weapon you like.


So far, with every other akimbo pistols, the only change has been in fire rate, accuracy, magazine size, and reload speed, because that's what made sense. Now, they're just making it a straight upgrade, rendering the Lex effectively useless. It's power creep, plain and simple, which is a problem that has to be dealt with.

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What's wrong with 2 Lex making a stronger weapon than 1 Lex? 


it takes more than double the resources to build. 


The only resource it takes to get a Lex is credits. 50,000 credits can be gotten in two rushed T3 runs. And with Survival, it's dirt-easy to get T3 keys nowadays. So all the people that potatoed and kept their Lex, those weapons are now only good for materials in making the Aklex.


Power creep isn't something that should be acceptable.

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I'm fine with it.


Keep in mind less Accuracy and reload time.


Bonus crit chance is fine.


keep in mind less accuracy and reload time


accuracy and reload time


reload time


reload time


reload time



the weapon was just ruined for me and i still didnt try it out.

that reload time will be so, so painfull


probably vulkar levels of painfull

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Consider this about the Aklex.

The single is marketed as essentially a pocket sniper rifle, a role which it fulfills pretty well. 

The Aklex have reduced accuracy, thus preventing it from being a pocket sniper.


The point of a sniper, pocket-sized or otherwise, is to deal high amounts of damage in individual shots at long range. Even akimbo, the Aklex will still be accurate enough to use at range, I'm sure of that, and with the higher critical and status chance, it'll out-damage the Lex in pretty much every situation, except MAYBE at ranges that almost nobody fights at.

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The point of a sniper, pocket-sized or otherwise, is to deal high amounts of damage in individual shots at long range. Even akimbo, the Aklex will still be accurate enough to use at range, I'm sure of that, and with the higher critical and status chance, it'll out-damage the Lex in pretty much every situation, except MAYBE at ranges that almost nobody fights at.

If its not accurate on the first shot then it can't be a sniper weapon. Which means that there are weapons that will be far superior to the aklex (Dual Gremlins, Akbolto, kunai etc.)

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If its not accurate on the first shot then it can't be a sniper weapon. Which means that there are weapons that will be far superior to the aklex (Dual Gremlins, Akbolto, kunai etc.)


In every other Akimbo weapon I've seen so far, the accuracy loss it has compared to the single variant of the weapon wasn't at all a huge hit.


This isn't about other weapons being "superior" to the Aklex. This is about the Aklex being superior to the Lex. There's no reason for it to have a critical and status advantage over the Lex, when it already has a fire rate and magazine size advantage. It's supposed to be an alternative, not an upgrade.

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Guess what? A more powerful weapon doesn't suddenly make yours obsolete. You said it before, you like the lex. Use the lex. Nothing, other than mastery points, is forcing you at all to use the Aklex. And don't you dare use better stats as an excuse, i used the Kogake for an extremely long time. Were there better Melee weapons? Hell yah there were. Did I care? No. Why? It was a FUN WEAPON TO USE.

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Guess what? A more powerful weapon doesn't suddenly make yours obsolete. You said it before, you like the lex. Use the lex. Nothing, other than mastery points, is forcing you at all to use the Aklex. And don't you dare use better stats as an excuse, i used the Kogake for an extremely long time. Were there better Melee weapons? Hell yah there were. Did I care? No. Why? It was a FUN WEAPON TO USE.


This is something people haven't noticed with Damage 2.0. Nearly every weapon was designed around a niche, which was one of the great things about the complexity of the new damage system compared to the old. I used the Kogake to, and I enjoyed them a lot, even if they didn't perform to well in some cases. And now? It's effortless to kick every Corpus unit's &#! with them, because that's the niche they've assumed.


The Aklex, however, is replacing the Lex' niche. Being a slow-firing secondary weapon with high damage per shot, focused on Puncture, and a large potential for critical damage.


So by its definition, the Aklex being more powerful does in fact make the Lex obsolete. It's irresponsible to make direct upgrades to weapons like they just have with the Lex, when players have to sink real money into the weapon to bring it to its full potential. Not to mention how power creep is a problem all of its own, they fixed a lot of that with the rebalancing of weapons that came with Damage 2.0, there's no reason for them to start that up again.

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The only resource it takes to get a Lex is credits. 50,000 credits can be gotten in two rushed T3 runs. And with Survival, it's dirt-easy to get T3 keys nowadays. So all the people that potatoed and kept their Lex, those weapons are now only good for materials in making the Aklex.


Power creep isn't something that should be acceptable.

You really need to go try a survival mission, it's not so easy any more.

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Agreed. In the past, akimbo pistols have always been as effective as the single per shot, but with higher fire rate and ammo capacity at the expense of accuracy and reload speed. There's no reason to alter that formula. Lato and Aklato are also current offenders when it comes to power creeping dualies since U11, and I'd love to see that changed as well.

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Consider this about the Aklex.

The single is marketed as essentially a pocket sniper rifle, a role which it fulfills pretty well. 

The Aklex have reduced accuracy, thus preventing it from being a pocket sniper.

its accuracy isnt halfed tho  and its reload time isnt doubled and its crit chance and status is higher its a better sniper then technicly on paper since it isnt double as worse as a Lex but it is double as good in the right areas

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1: Power creep doesn't exist. DE intends on some weapons being stronger than others.


2: Before Damage 2.0, the Bronco was the only weapon that was better than it's dual counterpart (an argument can be made for the Viper as well). Not sure how it is now, though.


3: There is no good non-exclusive heavy pistols before the AkLex. Be happy we now have one.

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@BadAimbot.. how does it make sense that the same gun has higher Crit stats just because you are holding two of it?

Hopefully they'll buff the single Lex's Crit Chance to match the dual's.


Because they want the AkLex to be stronger.


Edit: That was a dumb response. There is no logical reason for the AkLex to be stronger in-universe. It's just DE intends for it to be stronger, so it is.

Edited by BadAimbot
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