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What's The Deal With The Aklex?


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I don't understand how everyone fails to see the logic behind Aklex...


Double the guns equals double the freedom, and freedom is good, right? Even children know that!



On a serious note, why is everyone so mad? It's not like adding new weapons to the game will somehow stop your old ones from killing stuff. 

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admittedly i suck at explaining things, so how about this: 2 guns will crit more than 1 gun. < its that effing simple


Your wording made it sound a lot different.


I think what you meant to say is 2 guns = increased fire speed, which means you're putting out more crits/dmg/status/etcetc.

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I don't understand how everyone fails to see the logic behind Aklex...


Double the guns equals double the freedom, and freedom is good, right? Even children know that!



On a serious note, why is everyone so mad? It's not like adding new weapons to the game will somehow stop your old ones from killing stuff. 


Two things:


People think AKLex defeats the purpose of it being a pocket sniper. Dual Lex actually will take it out of that role and make it a lot more aggressive - definitely a good thing.


The other is they also just might be tired of seeing more "AK" versions of old weapons.



I for one will switch over to the Alex, as my current Lex is triple forma'd. But seriously as strong as it is, the gun is underwhelming when facing large mobs.

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On a serious note, why is everyone so mad? It's not like adding new weapons to the game will somehow stop your old ones from killing stuff. 

It's not. It's the fact that the Lex buff only got applied to the Alex. I don't care about how low its accuracy and reload speed penalty is, what's not cool is the fact that Lex's buff only got applied to the dual variant.

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admittedly i suck at explaining things, so how about this: 2 guns will crit more than 1 gun. < its that effing simple


You don't get it. Each gun crits the same amount. Thus two guns = same crit RATE, twice as many crits because TWICE AS MANY SHOTS. The crit RATE (which is PER SHOT) should be the same.

Edited by Eurhetemec
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You sound like this is the first dual weapon you've seen in this game.


Dual weapons have almost always been a direct upgrade of the single version, which would explain why you need to build two of the friggin' weapon and spend more credits, time, and an orokin cell to slap them together.


Lemme guess - you put a potato and five formas on your Lex and want a refund?

spot on, this is the point of contention that people have with the aklex most probably 

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its so difficult to explain properly what I mean, but it starts on the basis that a 50% chance for something, doesn't mean 1 in 2. This would also mean, as said somewhere above (more bullets, more crits), more bullets doesn't guarantee more crits - which it "should" within theory - hence why it has a slightly higher crit chance to reflect the fact it should get more crits 'cause more bullets

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is butthurt about something being a direct upgrade to lex.



fails to mention obvious SEER is already a direct upgrade and also only costs credits

Seer blueprints drop from Captain Vor unlike Lex which is buyable directly with credits


Lex is hitscan and has better criticals. Seer can go screw itself.

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While I'm all for sidegrades, with Alex this is kinda understandable. Lex is 0 mastery credit weapon, essentially option to Lato and Aklato for newbies, it would make sense to make superior version so once those newbies level up some, they can get a better version of their starting weapon. I know it's like that for me, Lex is the first weapon I build and I still have it. So in this case I think it's okay.


Also, Alex has an insane 3 second reload time. I feel that Lex' reload time is pretty painful, can't even imagine this. I know it has better clip size but still... damn.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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What I read:

I potatoed and formaed it, so other people arent allowed to get something better than mine with the same amount of potatoes and formas. NERF!


Hate to break it to you, there's a long list of better secondaries.  Since you dont use those, dont use aklex.  Simple.  HECK NO! NO ONE can have something better than what I have!!!!!!

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You had a ps3, you bought games for it, subscribed to the services, you spend a good few years with it serving you well. There was always the sidegrade there, the 360, or even dare I say, PC platform. HOWEVER.


Ps4 is out, Xbone, Pcs got better. Life isn't made out of sidegrades, and the fact that these new, more powerful platforms are out did not take away the years of use you took out of the Ps3. The world needs to move ON. Eventually they will run out of sidegrades to make. Heck, I'm tired of sidegrades. Sure, was nice to see useless weapons less useless, but BY GOD, you can't expect the world to stop because you got confortable and invested in your still as effective as before weapon, cuz, bear in mind; They did -not- nerf your weapon. It's just as powerful, just as effective as before. All that was damaged here was your illusion that -now- you are not being as effective as if you would be using the superior choice.


And spending real money? Seriously, formas are easy to get out of the void, void keys are farmable, catalysts have been quite generously thrown around as alerts and event rewards. Theres even the market now, allowing you to get platinum without ever sending DE as much as a "thank you for making an amazing game for me to play for free" tip.


For every person that complain that power creep is unacceptable there's another that cringes at the idea of sidegrades only. Bring the upgrades I say.

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Wow, it got other stat changes aside from the ones that naturally come with being an Akimbo version?

C'mon, DE.. 


What's next? Akraken with increased base damage?


Well, you said Akraken with increased base damage compared to Kraken, didn't you? They already made a mistake similar to that, check out Lato versus AkLato. Lato deals HALF the damage of AkLato, which makes no sense whatsoever...

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The double capacity, reload, etc. is all expected.

What I did not expect, which is the thing that makes it a aight upgrade is the fact that it has better crits and proc chances.
It's 95% better.

For example, the single Vasto is pretty powerful, and the dual Vasto are also extremely powerful, but have the issue of that massive kick. The AkLex does not have a mitigating factor like that. It's just better.

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stil waiting for a real HANDCANNON


like a massive recoil massive damage boom stick with innate puncture where accurate shots are rewarded with epic destruction and misses make u cry with painful reloads 


I dreamed that the AkLex would have a reload time long enough to drive people mad. Unfortunately DE has mercy.

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idk why people don't get it. It's not about how Alex is better than Lex. It's about how Alex got Lex's buff but Lex didn't. Oh wow.


Because the Lex doesn't deserve to be good. Because a weapon needs to be hard to get to be good. Because a sidegrade system wouldn't satisfy the players who want to feel better than everyone else for getting lucky with the RNG.

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Because the Lex doesn't deserve to be good.

What. Both guns can be bought from the market(though Alex needs that magical dose of Orokin magic to help the Tenno figure out how to hold two at once) and have the same mastery rank. Hell, Alex is just holding another Lex in your other hand and somehow managing to reload pretty quickly as compared to the dual version(but not gonna go into that, not gonna use Alex if it needed 4.7sec to reload). Alex is nowhere near hard to get, getting it as simple as throwing credits at the screen, tossing an Orokin Cell into the mix and waiting for 12hours for the juices to ferment. Requiring a blueprint to put together doesn't justify it's increased critical chance over the single-wielded variant.


Then there's the fact that Alex somehow lost their V polarity. I suppose that's supposed to be some sort of tradeoff for having less reload speed loss or increased status chance S#&amp;&#036; or something. But all this S#&amp;&#036; aside, the critical chance + 5% together with Damage 2.0's critical damage multiplier means a lot to the Lex, especially when one of its aims was to move away from the whole rainbow build thing.

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I always thought the idea of wield akimbo Lex was nothing but a funny imagining. It's essentially a future-Desert Eagle, which has much too much recoil for most people to even fire a single version of.


However, DE, you clearly went for it. The Aklex, like any other akimbo weapon, trading fire rate and magazine size for accuracy and reload speed.


Except, in this case, the Aklex is a direct upgrade.


The Lex has a 15% Critical Chance, and a 10% Status Chance. With the weakness of the pistol critical mods, it already makes a crit build on the Lex tricky, but doable. And the Lex wasn't really designed for status proccing, though in this day and age, every viable weapon needs to have some kind of chance for it.


Now, the Aklex has a 20% Critical Chance, and a 15% Status Chance. A DE-rekt (DE wrecked the Lex) upgrade. Aklex has, in addition to the tradition akimbo fire rate and magazine size, a complete upgrade in certain stats that will make the Aklex ALWAYS a stronger weapon than the Lex.


This is completely #*($%%@. Either buff the Lex to meet the Aklex' stats, or nerf the Aklex' crit and status chance to the Lex' level, please. This is power creep that can be fixed so easily, there's no reason for this, please.

Why shouldn't it be more powerful then the lex? It cost around 3x the credits to make
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