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Update Failures


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Alrighty, so I found the cause behind an updating prob I was having. Very similar to the issues that you've all been having. If you use a wireless router (like yours truly) you may want to read.

So, at some point two or three days ago, I was afflicted with a content download error, the error message reading "Some content could not be downloaded from our servers". Naturally, I attempted everything from checking for active proxy servers on my browser to deleting and re-downloading the game ("have you tried shutting it down and restarting it?"). When that didn't work, I fell in pessimistic despair. 

It wasn't until my Dad had mentioned having filters active for the router, so I checked into that. Lo and behold, when the filters were disabled, the game redownloaded and installed the missing update files!

So, if you're actively using a wireless router, see if you can access it's config panel and disable the filters, as those may be the inhibiting factor keeping you from downloading the essential update files. So, a quick list of what to do:


- Delete the game from your Steam Library


- Go into your comp's hard drive (e.g. My Computer or This PC and then Local Disk (C:))


- Navigate to Program Files (x86), Steam, steamapps, and then common, where you should be able to see the Warframe folder. Delete it. For me, this is more of an obsessive precautionary thing to make sure everything works fine when all is re-downloaded


- Go onto your browser. I'm not sure how you'd access your wireless router, but I feel as though you might have to type in the router's IP ( I dunno. If you have a parent controlling it, ask them how to do it)


- After all filters in your wireless router are disabled, go onto Steam and redownload Warframe.


-Wait for it to finish (If you have Google Fiber, than you're a lucky bastard)


- It should work now. Whatever filters that had been actively inhibiting the download of the essential files are now down and letting through the key to the update working! Enjoy eviscerating those Grineer!

Edited by GrymSmyl
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I'm using the standalone launcher and not Steam's and it's still giving me the "Update of DirectX Failed" message and it's starting to get annoying to constantly "Verify/Optimize the Download Cache" every time I want to play. I'm on DirectX 11 for crying out loud.

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I don't know what happened with my warframe it was on my computer. I decided to patch it up. I did it but i have a problem. When i start Warframe a white screen appear and nothing more, after i wait about 5 min it starts and i can log in. This is the same problem when i start a misson the screen freeze and i must wait 5 min to let me in the mission. I decided to delete it and reinstall but the problem is the same, What should i do? Help me pls.


Thank you!

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Hello Tenno,

I have a simple solution that will more than likely fix your issues.

Please do this before posting and it will save you and us time.

Here is what you need to do no matter how you are launching

it once it launches and it pops up the launcher there should be

a small gear in top right hand corner.

Go ahead and Verify should not take more than few min.

Then Optimize, this could take up to several hours deepending on

your computer specs.

Go ahead and launch.

If you are still suffering issues. Please Restat your computer and then

try the launcher if you are still having issues feel free to PM me

or post here.


Skot Keller

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it once it launches and it pops up the launcher there should be

a small gear in top right hand corner.

Go ahead and Verify should not take more than few min.

Then Optimize, this could take up to several hours deepending on

your computer specs.


It worked, thank you.

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Hello Gold May I know if you running it through or if its from website.

Also may I know what computer you are using?

PM me if you can it will get a quicker responce.




It worked, thank you.

You are welcome.

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Hello Tenno,

I have a simple solution that will more than likely fix your issues.

Please do this before posting and it will save you and us time.

Here is what you need to do no matter how you are launching

it once it launches and it pops up the launcher there should be

a small gear in top right hand corner.

Go ahead and Verify should not take more than few min.

Then Optimize, this could take up to several hours deepending on

your computer specs.

Go ahead and launch.

If you are still suffering issues. Please Restat your computer and then

try the launcher if you are still having issues feel free to PM me

or post here.


Skot Keller

I did it and still bad. But i got a problem while i did the optimize thing. Heard a strange noise and the launcher said that the optimize failed i should contact the support. This happenned only once i tried it again and again but it didn't apper again. Some tip?

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I did it and still bad. But i got a problem while i did the optimize thing. Heard a strange noise and the launcher said that the optimize failed i should contact the support. This happenned only once i tried it again and again but it didn't apper again. Some tip?

This means it has failed to re-write the data did you try the second step. If not try that. If you are still having issues, please let me know in a private message with the message error if pops up one I may need to direct you step by step if that doesn't work. Though i run second part then try to launch if doesn't work do first part then part two again.


Edit: Also I suggest that you may need to make sure none of the files are damaged if so you may need to remove it all together and re-instal it.

Edited by SkotKeller
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Ok, so I had this problem for a few days now with the Nova Prime update on the Steam version and I've jumped through hoops to get it to work. SO, I'd like to share the knowledge I gathered and the knowledge passed on to me by [DE] Nathan from tech support.

So first off the most situational method: If your problem is that your download speed for Warframe's launcher (and that alone) is unreasonably low at around the bytes and kilobytes, or that your launcher is simply stuck on "Downloading files" with no progress bar or download speed. You could try simply pressing the greyed out "Play" button if allowed, this fixed my problem I don't know why or how but it did (after trying out so many things) this got my download speed from 100Kb/s tops (My download speed for everything else is 20Mb/s) to 2Mb/s with no crashes or errors.

Now, in the most likely hood that that doesn't work you should try messing around with the 64bit, Bulk download and Aggressive download settings in the launcher's setting (Gear icon at the the top right hand corner of the launcher) as well as the "Verify" and "Optimize" in the same place.

If all else fails, you can try disabling all firewalls that may be blocking files from Warframe, this includes your router firewall, antivirus firewall (maybe antivirus all together) and windows firewall (if active). You can disable your router firewall by using your IP adress (http://www.whatismyip.com) to access your router web interface (You can do this by placing your IP into the address bar of your internet browser), if met with a prompt asking for username and password that you don't know you can try using the one of the default ones (http://www.routerpasswords.com/) simply put the type of router and use good old trial and error. Then simply find your security settings and turn off the firewall (Make sure to save the settings), if your windows firewall is off you can simply go to your antivirus and change the settings for that firewall as well.

If you use bit defender you can do this by pressing the gear icon at the top right hand corner, the pressing the smaller gear icon atop of the firewall icon. Then click ("Application rules" > "Add rule" > Tick the box that says "Trusted" under network type) and add Launcher.exeWarframe.exe, and Warframex64.exe which can be found under (%local disk%/program files (x86)/steam/Steamapps/Common/Warframe) and the Launcher.exe is under the tools folder within that Warframe folder. Restart your PC and your router/s (for a good 30 seconds) and try downloading/verifying then downloading, if that doesn't work then go back to bit defender settings click the small gear icon over "General Settings" > Advanced > "Configure status alerts" and turn of both "Firewall" and "Antivirus". Restart your PC again (and don't open anything but steam this can keep your PC safe and insure your download speed is not affected). Verify your download cache again if you feel needed otherwise proceed with the download this might lead you to the same problem I first mentioned, so again just try to click the greyed out "play" sign in the launcher it worked for me for whatever reason.

Essentially, that's all I tried that eventually got it working and not a tech savvy so somethings in there might be obsolete, but someone else can tell you that. Sorry if it's long, but as a common PC user it was not fun figuring this out and if this can help someone out or get people off tech support, then it shouldn't be too bad.

Good luck, and remember to turn all your  security settings back on.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After todays patch my game cant start. look on the screen



i have cleaned cache.windows folder few times, downloaded patches once again and nothing works. I even reinstalled the game this problem still exists... please help me with this

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After todays patch my game cant start. look on the screen



i have cleaned cache.windows folder few times, downloaded patches once again and nothing works. I even reinstalled the game this problem still exists... please help me with this

i have the same thing

how do i fix

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