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Update Failures


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Ok, I found the problem. It wasn't my IP, it was my router word blocker. My word blocker blocks all data with the two following words, "xxx" and "shemale". While I understand that developing games can be very lonely, it might be wise to keep business and ummmmm ..........pleasure seperate...

But that that would explain all the bugs Warframe has, one or more DE employees have been downloading infected porn.

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Anyone having these issues, if you use a VPN, you will be able to finish updating your game. This is confirmed on at least two of my other friends systems that were having the same issue. Both were also on completely different internet services and networks. We each used the VPN "Cyberghost," and the entire setup, PLUS que time, only took about three minutes. Once the VPN was installed and active, the last 616 kb of Warframe update finished installing INSTANTLY.


Please test it out for yourself if you're having the problem, then come back and let anyone else with the problem know if you were successful. Thanks!

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Anyone having these issues, if you use a VPN, you will be able to finish updating your game. This is confirmed on at least two of my other friends systems that were having the same issue. Both were also on completely different internet services and networks. We each used the VPN "Cyberghost," and the entire setup, PLUS que time, only took about three minutes. Once the VPN was installed and active, the last 616 kb of Warframe update finished installing INSTANTLY.


Please test it out for yourself if you're having the problem, then come back and let anyone else with the problem know if you were successful. Thanks!


can confirm, did exactly this and it worked perfectly

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  • 2 weeks later...

The bad download seems to be http://content.warframe.com/Lotus/Levels/CorpusGasCity/GasAssassinate/E_l1.png!5A3_+PaPbyXafUKz6fUYULTH2g

Can someone download that data and post it here? I could then use Fiddler to respond with that file as the response body, which should fix it.


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it wont' let me download the update. it just stops and says, we cannot download some updates to your computer , plz try again :(

Same here.... already send a support ticket.... i think its the best we can do... it seems its few ppl with this issue...

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Im confused today I'm opening the launcher at when it finishes downloading the new update it does not open the game. It just keeps saying checking for new content and then it timeout. Help me please tell me what to do

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I can confirm people getting this login failure - around 3 guys from our clan and friend of mine - hk91, who already replied here @ forum

Those failing accounts can be logged no problems on another pc's and other accounts are still okay on the pc with original failing account

Account which fails to log into game still logging with no issues here on forums / site - changing password / email not helping


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Opened steam... 6.5gb update... that's fine. I'd update. Maybe there's something new...

After the download... enter the launcher...2044mb download... that's fine. I'd update. Maybe they decided to have J3 Golem Prime or something...

Entered the game... nothings new.

Close the game. Oh wait, I forgot my kubrow!

Reentered the game...

Opened steam...6.5gb update...that's weird. I'd update.

After the download...enter the launcher... 2044mb download before I can enter the game again.

I think this is a loop of big downloads...

Happened since Oct 7, 2015. After Trinity Prime came out.

Philippines. Window 7.

Good Dev, please help. I promise I'll buy more plats.XD

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Have found the problem for me, why my update failed everytime i tried and ive done everything from fresh install to admin run and 64bit to 32bit. Thanks to 



If you have certain key words on your Router that it blocks like "Freemoney, enlarge, xxx" it will also block the update it seems. i removed these words and the update was a success. The guys that develop warframe should look into this. i don't wanna download an update that has a bunch load of virus on it.   Hope this help some of the other ppl that have the same prob.

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  • 2 weeks later...



"Update failed!

The content servers are temporarily unavailable.




This is what im getting right now. Its a really annoying time to get this. If this doesnt get fixed for me then I wont be able to get the Saryn Skin Pack that I really want.

Im sure there will be alot of angry people if they have to miss out on "Limited Time" stuff all because the updater is bugged.

Iv tried reinstalling. Didnt work. Takes me straight to the "cant update" screen. Iv even deleted ALL my warframe files completely from my computer. Nothing is working. Please PLEASE fix this soon DE.

Dont want to miss out on Limited Time stuff cause of this bullsh*t. Cause that is just... yep

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Well when I attempted to start the launcher yesterday it just opens up and then closes down. No crash or error message.

I also checked in the activity manager but there's no Warframe running in the background.... This is really frustrating considering I also have booster packs I can't use now... 


Anyone else experiencing this?


Oh I have also re-installed Warfame and problem remains.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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