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Bad quest plot writing

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This thread is chock full of a lack of curiosity.

There are plenty of things to enjoy about this quest and a LOT of problems with it as well, and lots of posters have shared their considerate thoughts on each.

But most of the rants in this thread are basic projections of the commentors' unwillingness to think about the the work and how it made them feel before loudly and insultingly dismissing it.

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On 2024-06-27 at 1:19 PM, moondog548 said:

But most of the rants in this thread are basic projections of the commentors' unwillingness to think about the the work and how it made them feel

I actually think that's the one common complaint regarding every negative quest feedback I've seen, including mine: it didn't make us feel anything.

The themes are there, the plot points are there, none of it is particularly hard to see or understand, I think we all get what they were going for. But actually doing the quest feels more like reading the rough outline of a work-in-progress or a synopsis rather than actually experiencing a story. It's so short, crude and slapped together it's near impossible to get invested into it at all or feel anything from it.

You say it's unwillingness to think about it, I say there's just not much to think about.

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On 2024-06-18 at 5:15 PM, Boghadir said:

1.  We have no idea what caste Stalker his.  He was a guard to the Emperors, which means he was likely above a Dax.  If he wasn't a Dax, he still probably could get away with it.

He was a Low Guardians. Get your Stalker scans and you'll see this in his Codex.

He was far below a Dax. Basically just a normal Soldier. 

Thus he was punished for having an unapproved/unsanctioned relationship.

On 2024-06-18 at 5:15 PM, Boghadir said:

2.  That doesn't stop him from going to the Tenno, who should have taken him to their Helminth.  

This point is very valid. I myself asked myself this. However, it DOES make sense that Stalker's unflinching pride got in the way. After all, the quest revealed that Hunhow was essentially BEGGING Stalker to take Jade to the Tenno. But he had waited to basically the point of no return.

That said, it also makes sense that Stalker might not trust the living infestation chair in absolute servitude to his most reviled enemy. 

But the Helminth IMPO was a huge oversight plot wise.

On 2024-06-18 at 5:15 PM, Boghadir said:

3.  It literally works next to the juggernaut spamming shockwaves and corruption.

This is simply where gameplay and cutscenes vary. In gameplay we take thousands of bullets, slashes, blasts, and etc that in cutscenes absolutely wreck us. 

It's a gaming trope that can't be avoided. IE: In an RPG your HP goes to zero but you can be revived but die in a cutscenes and you're gone for good. 

Good example: Aerith from FF7. Why not just use a Phoenix Down on her?

On 2024-06-18 at 5:15 PM, Boghadir said:

4.  He can affect matter and can be observed moving underwater.  His control unit is seperate of the wreckage. 

He is trapped in Uranus's gravity well. Hunhow is an eidolon, trapped in his tomb. He cannot leave Uranus or his tomb. Hence why he needs Stalker and fragments of his decaying body to do his bidding. 

Not sure where folks keep saying wreckage. That weird object IS Hunhow. Note how he resembles the massive Sentient remains that spoil The Plains of Eidolon.

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