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In a move that definitely no one saw coming, DE has nerfed viral, either unintentionally or, more likely, very intentionally. I understand viral had to be dethroned a bit, but it is a bit tiresome to have DE lie once again about something not being nerfed when they have nerfs lined up for it.

The nerf in particular is to viral’s damage resistances, which have now changed to be a 50% damage bonus against orokin and half damage versus Deimos infested and the murmur. The damage bonus against orokin is useless, orokin do not show up enough to make that relevant in any way. I am okay with the Deimos infested resistance, but the resistance versus murmur is simply obnoxious, as it is directly intended to make viral builds less useful in the end game content that murmur shows up in.


Viral should have a damage bonus versus grineer and Kuva grineer, since they are CLONES after all and a common enemy type. In reality, viral should passively spread amongst the grineer, since if it can infect one grineer the virus can infect all of them without further mutation because they all share the same DNA, but that would be too unbalanced, so there should absolutely be a damage bonus versus grineer instead.

And for the love of god DE, just be honest about changes. If you had posted information about these changes before making them we could have given feedback before everything was changed. Now we’re stuck playing with status types that have illogical resistances and strengths. I’m glad some of the other status types got some love but the changes do not feel very thought-out.

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Viral is fine, those two factions were already resistant, also viral is good not because of its damage type match up it's used because of how strong the status effect is which was untouched 

Edited by SnivyLand
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3 hours ago, DismalPanda said:

Murmur and Deimos Infested were resistant to Viral damage before the rework. Viral is going to be just fine cause of how much damage the status itself provides.

Only the red health enemies were 50% resistant, the murmur robots were only 25% resistant which is no longer the case. And I used viral for increased damage against grineer, which is also no longer the case. They’ve given it a useless damage boost instead, and the viral status boost is not useful unless their armor is gone, meaning viral damage itself has been nerfed, especially against the murmur robots. It is really aggravating for them to continually say they won’t nerf something then they do. The damage on my weapons has definitely taken quite a hit. I really don’t want to have to spam status weapons unto eternity to be able to deal good damage.

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1 hour ago, balckillofdeath said:

I would like to note the only major nerf viral got is that grineer are no longer weak to it. thats it.

every where else its almost exactly the same as it was before!

Agreed, I am most upset about the grineer nerf. Giving it strength versus orokin is useless because they rarely appear.

Having the murmur robots lumped in with murmur and getting a 50% resistance to viral isn’t good either because now on deep archimedea the murmur robots resist the viral damage naturally and their armor makes the status effect useless, making the murmur robots suddenly much more tedious at not-as-high levels.


It would help a lot if DE was forthcoming and honest about the changes they plan to make, I checked the night before Jade Shadows launched and there was still no info on the webpage about what resistances and weaknesses everyone would have.

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.... Uhhh , 

No ?

I haven't really tried optimising my builds yet , so most of my earlier loadouts seem to work just as well as before the changes.

Some variations to direct damage weapons are observed for sure.

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2 hours ago, L3512 said:

You don't really seem to have a good understanding of how viral worked, and how it works now. No one cares about viral as a damage type.

I did care about it as a damage type, as it affects how my weapons do. It also makes no sense for the clone enemies to no longer take increased damage from viruses. Thank you for your counterpoint that solely consisted of ad hominem fallacy, greatly appreciated.

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2 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

.... Uhhh , 

No ?

I haven't really tried optimising my builds yet , so most of my earlier loadouts seem to work just as well as before the changes.

Some variations to direct damage weapons are observed for sure.

I’ve definitely had decreased damage from a lot of my weapons, even my laetum has had decreased numbers, although it is still performing well. Definitely makes a lot of the weaker weapons even more tedious and unfun to use.

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Ah yes, Orokin that appear almost never. Damn I wish we had some type of fissure mission or some kinds that would spawn orokins in regular mission, that would solve issue for sure! Oh it turned out to be sarcastic.

And yes you’re using viral wrong if you’re using it for damage, it’s only about status.

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1 hour ago, SpiritTeA said:

Ah yes, Orokin that appear almost never. Damn I wish we had some type of fissure mission or some kinds that would spawn orokins in regular mission, that would solve issue for sure! Oh it turned out to be sarcastic.

And yes you’re using viral wrong if you’re using it for damage, it’s only about status.

Orokin only appear if you are farming the void or void fissures, which is a small percentage of the game, unlike the grineer, who appear in more than a third of the missions on the star chart. And it makes no sense for a damage type to not be used for damage. If its strengths and resistances are garbage, then it is a bad damage type. It should not have to solely rely on its status effect to deal damage, especially since that status effect does not work against armor or shields, only health.

If only people could think about these things before posting something thoughtless, that would solve issues for sure! Oh it turned out to be sarcastic.

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1 hour ago, BaconVikingPrime said:

I’ve definitely had decreased damage from a lot of my weapons, even my laetum has had decreased numbers, although it is still performing well. Definitely makes a lot of the weaker weapons even more tedious and unfun to use.

My point is that its not cause of viral specifically , the increase of base HP and the damage resistances are more of a reason.

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It should not have to solely rely on its status effect to deal damage, especially since that status effect does not work against armor or shields, only health.

From the Wiki


The status effect of Viral damage is Virus. It amplifies damage to the health of the afflicted target by 100% for 6 seconds. Subsequent procs add 25% increased damage to health up to 325% in total after 10 stacks, with each stack having their own duration. Any stacks applied after the 10th will replace the oldest stack. This effect will work even when the health is protected by armor ("yellow health"); only shields are not affected.

If you have found that it isn't working against armor for some reason maybe you should open a bug report with any evidence you can provide

Edited by DismalPanda
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