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Add a toggle for Status Effects to inherit Energy Colors again (please).

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Even though there's now a more consistent visual experience and readability, I must say having enemies affected by my preferred choice of Energy Color is what I would like. 

Thanks! :community:

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Definite +1 for this.

It was done once in the past with Weapon Elemental VFX in year 1, and it is too much of a shame to see elemental VFX revert to initial-release warframe colors.

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As the man going into every hotfix's replies echoing this same point,

+1, as hard as I possibly can.
I miss my Cold+Gas Dry Ice beam. Now it surrounds enemies in a piss cloud.

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Totally Agreed!!! Warframe is about having options. And for a fashion point of view either. Warframe WAS a game that give us freedom do choose what colors and effects we want to see. I love to use Toxin, for exemple, but I totally dislike the green default color it has. It breaks the immersion. So now I stop using it and changed for other elements.

If we want to see the status effect hitting the enemies, We should be able to use brighter enegy colors. And for us who prefer see the enemies in detail, we can use darker colors. It is WAY BETTER.


Please, DE

Let us have in game the possibility to choose.

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Am 20.6.2024 um 09:36 schrieb -CRONO-:

Even though there's now a more consistent visual experience and readability, I must say having enemies affected by my preferred choice of Energy Color is what I would like. 

Thanks! :community:

I definetly agree to this! 

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On 2024-06-21 at 9:00 PM, Danielsvasco2 said:

I love to use Toxin, for exemple, but I totally dislike the green default color it has. It breaks the immersion. So now I stop using it and changed for other elements.

My Garuda's theme has been slaughtered because of this, in a very similar fashion.
I would give all of her weapons toxin+slash and red energy, maximizing on DOT while making everyone look like they had taken fatal wounds. Now she is denying her true nature in favor of copying Saryn.
The aesthetic of the Blood queen has been ruined, and I demand justice!

These are just one of the many examples players can list off.

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Am 23.6.2024 um 06:03 schrieb FaraTenno:

My Garuda's theme has been slaughtered because of this, in a very similar fashion.
I would give all of her weapons toxin+slash and red energy, maximizing on DOT while making everyone look like they had taken fatal wounds. Now she is denying her true nature in favor of copying Saryn.
The aesthetic of the Blood queen has been ruined, and I demand justice!

These are just one of the many examples players can list off.

Yeah I can relate to that. Why not make this a toggle option like the semi auto -> auto change in the first place? Or god forbid, ask what the community has to say about such changes in advance in the future to mitigate some casualties (this is of course not as big as the planned story skip they were thinking about but it got good community feedback and they acted accordingly so WHY not talk about ALL changes in advance to an update be it here or on prime time whatever give us ALL information beforehand, no surprises like these ugly base element colours). I didn't like the change at all, I hate it to be quite frank even if that may sound harsh but I got used to my blue purple fire, toxin, etc so much that it was a tiny bit confusing for me even though I did know about the change - it just catches you off guard and you remember ah yes, THAT was a thing...

Edited by Llightmare
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+1 warframe is one of my favorite games because i can customize almost everything but now we have boring default colors i really need my pink fire and gas back

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15 hours ago, EVTAKOM said:

...but now we have boring default colors.

After a few days of playing I have to say those default colors do feel super boring. :tired::thumbdown:

In all honesty, when I read about the change in the update notes I didn't think it would be so bad, but now... Please, DE, undo that change.

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