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Enemies needed a buff not a nerf

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With Warframe having another armor/HP scaling I think it's time to have a discussion about it. Over the years, the balance of the game was always a problem, It is a powerfantasy game yes. But what is the point of doing millions of damage if you dont have enemies that can tank this amount of damage ? 
The last update drastically nerfed the tankyness of enemies, while my personal opinion is that we never needed a nerf I think that we should have a way to test the builds at the best potential.
Maybe steel path HP for beginner was the problem, maybe in general HP was too high if you did not have an optimised build. I Think a solution is to make eHP scaling different. 
The longer you stay, the harder enemies should be and it should scale exponantially. Let's say level 1-1000 is where the scaling is still "easy" after this point, it's safe to assume that someone reaching high level want to stay for longer, maybe reach level cap. This is where the "hard" scaling start, enemies will gain a lot more HP and overguard (since you dont want armor to be higher than 90% damage reduction). image.png?ex=66754b06&is=6673f986&hm=f1b
While enemies are capped to 90% damage reduction, this still could have innate damage reduction (exemple: Demolyst) There should be a way to increase the innate Damage Reduction of the enemy  relative to the level of the enemy.
Innate damage reduction mean that even if you strip the armor they will still be hard to kill, Yes they will be bullet sponge. But in a mission like Disruption(also make demolyst immune to crowd control like lockdown tytyfrfr) or doing cascade having very tanky enemies directly means a lower chance of completing the mission.

I understand that balance is hard, even harder in a game like Warframe. With so much different weapon and warframes, so many different interactions some weapon will perform very poorly against this change, some might be even unusable. But I feel like with so much ways to increase our damage input that it's not a "this enemy is too tanky" problem but a "this weapon sucks" problem.

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If you are unable to tell if you just killed a level 8000 or level 9999 enemy that  is indeed ridiculous 

Edited by FSK41
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One thing that would fix this is to have missions - like fissures, that are on constant rotation with starting levels at 250 , 450, 750 and 1000 orso. 

The benefit is that those who want that difficulty get funneled into this mission so hopefully no matchmake issue. 

But then it also has to be worth playing. Maybe make some unused factions show up like the narmer.

Prereq: having MR xx and completed steelpath and new war.

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il y a 9 minutes, Idsie a dit :

One thing that would fix this is to have missions - like fissures, that are on constant rotation with starting levels at 250 , 450, 750 and 1000 orso. 

The benefit is that those who want that difficulty get funneled into this mission so hopefully no matchmake issue. 

But then it also has to be worth playing. Maybe make some unused factions show up like the narmer.

Prereq: having MR xx and completed steelpath and new war.

It doesnt change the problem of enemies having  low amount of eHP. Even if the enemies start at level 1000 they will still be paper. Also you can reach this level in less than 40min in some maps. I am fine with having to spend  an hour for tanky enemies. Thats actualy the only reward I would want if I spend a long time in a mission.

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This is an extremely good sort of proposition that keeps everyone happy at both ends of the spectrum. There is a certain level of easiness and accessibility that I think the game should have for its general gameplay, so up to lvl 500 SP. But by levels 1000 plus, the enemies should scale in a much faster/harsher way - those of us who want to fight 1000+ are not going to complain about it. We're staying in mission to see it because we want silly tough enemies

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34 minutes ago, SabreWalrus said:

This is an extremely good sort of proposition that keeps everyone happy at both ends of the spectrum. There is a certain level of easiness and accessibility that I think the game should have for its general gameplay, so up to lvl 500 SP. But by levels 1000 plus, the enemies should scale in a much faster/harsher way - those of us who want to fight 1000+ are not going to complain about it. We're staying in mission to see it because we want silly tough enemies

The game needs a way to start against tougher enemies though. I'm not waiting through an hour of wet toilet paper just for things to get interesting.

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In any case, it's great that someone is thinking about it. And you can see that.

I just don't understand your logic.

Because in SP Curcuit we almost always play with ridiculous and miserable loadouts and with Warframes without def shards. After 1 hour, even pimped Inaros is on the ground after 1 second.

And in normal missions, scaling has no rewards! Long runs even lead to account bans and I know enough examples.

So what's the point?

There's also the fact that most players are constantly leveling something and almost never play at full potential.................................

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