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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

On the topic of content warning quests.

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The first instance in gaming history I can recall where a game set a specific piece of content that had it's own content warnings on it was Modern Warfare 2 with it's infamous "No Russian" mission. The team decided they were going to add a piece of content that they knew may make some upset, offput, or that may generally sour the game play experience because of said mission. Recently this has been a behaviour that Warframe has adopted, and though I haven't had life experiences that these story lines can trigger I think it's a good step in making sure people are enjoying the game.

The reason I brought up Modern Warfare 2 was a specific feature that they added that warframe refuses to add - this being the option to skip said content without being punished in any way.

We now have two content warning quests in the game and frames and gameplay are locked behind them. So I'm wondering if these warnings are just saying "Ok thanks for playing - you can leave now" to the people you intend to warn. because it feels like with the direction the game is going, the warnings serve no purpose other than to say "Buckle up, we're extra edgy this time and if you don't like it you know how to uninstall"

I'd like to note that I'm coming from a perspective of someone who has more narrative criticism towards the new content and it's lack of telling a complete story vs someone who's upset. But I still have this view on the warnings out of pure confusion. (TLDR) The warnings were put in place, but you've done nothing to allow people to avoid the content of said warnings other than stop progressing in the game.

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It did amuse me how fervently DE was that nobody spoil the quest and was out in force to kick/moderate anyone mentioning anything about it (just the baby part tho all the actual substantive spoilers seemed to go un-moderated) but the second you load up the quest the disclaimer spoiled it.

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