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Update Should be renamed

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The update should be renamed to "Annoying Green Beam update"!

You can no longer wait to open a door, capture your target, rez a fellow player or even use volts 4 power without these spawning on you. I am so tired already of these spawning on me out of no where because sometimes you can't even see the critter that spawned them. I am at the point I am just running loki because I am so sick of these green beams all the time. This was the worst idea someone came up with. Ya lets just annoy our player base to no end. I know you can shoot them but don't we have enough to shoot without looking up and shooting these now also?


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vor einer Stunde schrieb Shade_Mist:

The update should be renamed to "Annoying Green Beam update"!

You can no longer wait to open a door, capture your target, rez a fellow player or even use volts 4 power without these spawning on you. I am so tired already of these spawning on me out of no where because sometimes you can't even see the critter that spawned them. I am at the point I am just running loki because I am so sick of these green beams all the time. This was the worst idea someone came up with. Ya lets just annoy our player base to no end. I know you can shoot them but don't we have enough to shoot without looking up and shooting these now also?


true. I still don't know who cast the beam and you have to aim all the way up to kill it? what about aoe weapons with little ammo??? or with mele specs?

seriously... how can someone be so clueless about their own game...

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21 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

true. I still don't know who cast the beam and you have to aim all the way up to kill it? what about aoe weapons with little ammo??? or with mele specs?

seriously... how can someone be so clueless about their own game...

There is a little round dot up at the top. If you shoot that it will die eventually. But here is the thing, half the time you can't see the dot as it is above the ceiling on some maps.

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Have to agree here. I was in a room with no enemy and all doors closed and these green beams spawned on me and the top of them you could not see as they were in the ceiling. Even when you are extracting you see them on you. Way over the top with these things.

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12 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

You can literally be invincible in your operator void mode. Please don't forget to use that.

Tell me how your operator is the answer when you are using warframe abilities that take longer to cast? I feel sorry for the Mesa players that don't use waltz. These beams should be only in the jade content and not in the rest of the game. Operator mode is not going to kill lots of enemies that they have in higher runs. And they have these beams in lower content also... look at some of the other posts. How do you get in operator mode if you have no operator? I agree with the OP all they do is annoy me and make me want to play the game less.

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drop my 2c, this is just stuff I have seen and off the top of my head, the beams can and will hit you while you are ...

activating life support (can not cancel)


hacking a (time limited) terminal!

all while while the eximus unit isn't even known or in your line of sight!

it spawns the beam in low high ceiling corridors that clip making it impossible to shoot

can't be hit by abilities which extends to warframe exalted weapons !! so Glory from jade and Balefire Charger which are both technically weapons will NOT damage the beam

I did some testing with nezha on SP and the beam was able to hyper charge his defense then burn through it killing him without activating a second iframe

it was also able when activated at the correct time charge his defense to 3 million! the only other thing I have ever seen get his defenses that high was standing in orokin beams,

they put the orokin beam weapon on an enemy o.O which would be cool if it were a boss fight but this is just a random thing a randomy enemy type can do and it happens every 30 seconds on a survival

the powerlevel of this enemy is insane, the only other thing I have seen close was the heat beam on high level 100+ litch hunts but even that wasn't this powerful

then I tried to control one with mindcontrol which might actually be a viable subsume now just because of this unit type, it is able to absolutely nuke enemies! if it wasn't enough the jade eximus also always seems to fire off 2 simultaneous beams, I dont know if they both go for the same player solo or not but if you're in a party be sure 2 people are getting hit a beam for every 1 jade unit around.


Edited by _Anise_
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