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How Do You Choose to Support Your Team?


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I watch the mini map n, squad affinity to hit as many team mates as possible with buffs.

I pick up their pets.

I dance with them (very important serious business).

One time when I died and was spectating, I knew how to get into an area that the other player didn't, so I typed it out in chat, and they got the syndicate item for the team  nice.

If I see someone's energy is lower (white/grey bar under their name) I'll use zenerik* on them or maybe drop a energy pizza.

When it comes to Warframes it ready depends on the frame I usually just play the kit/build the best I can.

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As Trinity as soon as I see your shields break I cast blessing. As Oberon I try to keep my Hollowed Ground up at all times but if you are all jumping over the walls there is only so much I can do. As Gara I will cast my splinter storm on you for the 90% damage reduction, plus small heal if I'm running the augment.

As for why, its because its easier to try and keep you alive than try to pick you up. In warframe movement is your friend. standing still is a sure fire way to die. In order to rez someone you literally stand on top of them with your hand out, unless you're Jade.

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My typical build/play style is to create a frame that pretty much can't die (focusing on mods/abilities that increase survivability over anything else) and to kill enemies fast enough that no one is in danger. I also focus heavily on melee so I'm frequently launching myself into the largest group of enemies I see and pulling their attention towards me. If a teammate goes down reviving them becomes my #1 priority as long as the mission objective isn't in danger, my own tankiness means I'm usually able to stand in the midst of whatever killed them without worry. I also like to cover multiple areas by throwing down a Tenet Ferrox to help kill/control one group of enemies while I personally work on another.

In short, I usually play a fast moving, melee focused, tank.

My current top fave is Revenant with Pillage which combos well with Melee Retaliation. Other faves include Garuda (Voracious Metastasis), Kullervo (Gloom), and Harrow (Pillage).

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