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Everything posted by Varzin13

  1. Ah ok, so it's kinda similar to the issue with Inaros before his recent rework. He's not actually overpowered, he's just a bit too simple and in this case that simplicity makes him easy to use in high level content. I'll have to agree with the previous comment that DE should consider allowing some frames to be easy to use but I also understand that in this case there's a delicate balance that isn't quite being met. Thanks for the explanation.
  2. Can someone explain to me why everyone thinks Revenant is so overpowered? He's my current fave but I also know that I'm not playing him the way most people do (I don't use Mesmer Skin) so I just don't understand the hype. Does it really all just come down to Mesmer Skin? Otherwise I'd generally agree with this, though I'd put Oberon in B tier.
  3. I have multiple Tenet Cycrons for different builds, one of them is cold. Since the TCycron deals heat innately I added electricity to force it to change to radiation so I could isolate cold as a status effect on the weapon. The reason I did this is I discovered that Demolysts can be slowed by cold procs. This is useful since Demolysts can nullify abilities but they have no way to avoid status effects. So between the high status chance and functionally infinite ammo I have a tool that can easily max out the cold stacks on a target in seconds and can just as easily re-up those stacks quickly when they decay.
  4. Good question, I have a couple reasons. 1. I'm kinda lazy. The less I have to manage the better and I'd rather not have to re-up an ability every couple of minutes if I don't have to. I use a slightly unique controller scheme (melee attack is mapped to RB) which has my abilities in a weird spot, it's kind of cumbersome for me to swap between abilities. Thankfully I prefer set-and-forget builds with a strong focus on raw defense so I typically am only using one active ability per frame anyway, in this case it's Pillage. 2. A combination of Primed Redirection, Primed Vigor, Adaptation, a maxed Arcane Nullifier, and a maxed Arcane Barrier ensures that I'm pretty much never in danger of dropping to a low shield level. Worst case scenario I tap Pillage to recharge and as a nice bonus weaken nearby enemy defenses. Because of how I built my Revenant to focus on shield defense Mesmer Skin is not as effective as it could be and as a consequence not really worth using.
  5. Revenant: My current fave but I don't play him the way most people do, I don't use Mesmer Skin. I basically just use him as a shield tank while also leveraging his high shield value to fuel Melee Retaliation. Combo-ing that with 4 tauforged purple shard (+Melee crit multiplier. Doubled when max energy is >= 500) for even more melee fun, plus a tauforged blue shard for health regen as insurance (mostly for recovering from any toxin damage that sneaks past the shields). I have Pillage hellminthed over Danse Macabre so I can use Precision Intensify for it. He's my hard to kill vampire who can deal out some serious melee damage. Plus I just like the vampire theme. Harrow: Identical build to Revenant. I always liked how Harrow looked but never liked his kit. If it were possible to transmog frames I'd probably put Harrow's look over Styanax's kit. Kullervo: Was my main before Melee Retaliation got introduced. Simple health/armor tank with Gloom and Hunter's Adrenaline. Collective Curse is also nice. Garuda: One of my favorite builds for it's creativity. Hellminthed Voracious Metastasis over her 1. I have finely tuned her efficiency and strength such that when I use Bloodletting I spend 50% of my health to gain 100% energy. Then with VM I spend a small fraction of my energy to fully heal myself. With this cycle I am able to independently generate infinite health and energy for myself as needed. I also really love that as long as you hold the aim glide button and keep activating Seeking Talons you can effectively fly while raining hell down on everything below. Really hope her talons get an arcane slot. Nekros: Another Gloom build, this time using Desecrate to generate energy orbs and keep Gloom alive. Another style pick, I like the edgy guys.
  6. I think Hildryn is in a good place so reworking her kit sounds unlikely/unnecessary. I do like the idea of a "heavy gunner" frame who can make better use of archguns. Imagine their passive ability provides archgun ammo regen and bonus armor while wielding an archgun.
  7. 1. I'll (probably) never say no to unobtrusive new content. What I like about Tennokai is that you aren't punished for missing the window, you just don't get the bonus. It's an extra thing you CAN do but by no means NEED to do and you aren't put in a worse position for doing it wrong, this means the player's combat momentum is usually always maintained no matter what. So as long as I don't get a worse-then-normal reload for missing the window, I'd be all for active reloads. 2. I don't think requiring special QTEs is a good idea. Instead maybe a very short QTE flashes during the finisher and if you press the right buttons before the finisher ends you get a bonus like +50 energy or higher quality loot from that kill? 3. We already have a few enemies that can physically trip up the player and to the best of my knowledge most people kinda hate them, I don't see being grabbed as a very popular new addition. All in all I like the general idea of making moment to moment gameplay more interactive as long as it doesn't intrude on what's already good about the current systems.
  8. The only game modes I can think of that I outright hate are Excavation and Defection. In both of these modes it's too easy for things to go wrong in a way the player can't control. Plus I just don't find them to be any fun.
  9. I don't completely dislike randomly selected gear (as long as it doesn't become the new standard for high level content) but I need the game to meet me halfway and not just leave me stranded with bad loadouts. There's two clear reasons, in my opinion, that SP Circuit works where Elite DeepArc doesn't. 1. The Circuit provides you with decrees that help you bring your build up to snuff with the enemies your facing while DeepArc only makes things harder with it's various conditions which you are pretty much forced to impose on yourself if you want to get the rewards that actually matter. 2. The Circuit offers more options with more then one of them guaranteed to be items you own whereas DeepArc only guarantees 1 item per category. The fact of the matter is not all my gear is built for high level content. Even though I forma all my items I still don't have SP ready builds on everything. And frankly, I refuse to use randomly selected items that aren't mine out of principle, I didn't pour time and effort into improving my gear only to not use it. I can't believe I'm about to praise Destiny but there's one thing I recall from the old days that might help here, beneficial conditions. Thinking back to daily heroic story missions and weekly nightfall strikes these activities had modifiers that made the game harder but also always had some that made it easier to, things like "primary weapons deal increased damage" or "grenade abilities recharge twice as fast". I could see DeepArc including something like this to help even the playing field.
  10. Agreed, I'll be happy with anything that let's me hide an effect.
  11. It's not just black, then entire energy color channel is screwy right now. Though I also am specifically disappointed with how black was impacted, I use full black to "remove" visual effects I don't like since it makes them invisible and I can't do that now.
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