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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

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So after playing Jade for a few days, these are the issues I have with her, both big and small.

  • Passive
    • Fine as is. I personally think the 2 aura part should be a base feature of all frames, just like how originally Hildryn was the only frame with a shieldgate.
  • 1
    • This has horrible input delay between casting it and using something like Glory's primary fire (and you have to repress the fire button). To rectify all of this, just make it a "one-handed" ability like Volt's Shock so you can still fire at the same time.
    • This has a horrible duration. I thought when Pablo described her, her 1 would have an infinite duration like Wisp's motes. So personally, I think they should be infinite duration, even if the max zones were reduced to 4-3 and the damage was removed. Otherwise, they need to have at least a 30-45 second duration to really capitalize on their synergies.
  • 2
    • This ability re-snapshots every time you toggle it, not just on the initial cast, defeating the purpose of the ability if you wanted to make use of said mechanic. Just have it snapshot on initial activation instead of each time you toggle it.
  • 3
    • This ability is neither here nor there for me. It's not good enough for my playstyle, nor is it bad. It's just my helminth slot personally.
  • 4
    • The alt-fire does not scale with certain pistol mods (base damage, multishot, etc...) nor does it scale with her 2's weapon buff.
    • It's kinda dumb that you have to see at least one marked enemy to detonate all marked enemies (even those behind walls). It should just be that if an enemy is marked, you can press your alt-fire even if you can't see any of the marks.
      • You already have to see enemies to mark them with your primary fire, you already have to see a zone to throw your 1 at, or you had to run behind a wall to throw your (currently short-lived) 1 behind a wall and then run back.
        • And her 1 already only marks enemies it has line-of-sight on.
    • You can't use gear hotkeys during it.
    • (Fixed)Aimglide doesn't work when you deactivate it, unless you double jump to reset it.
    • She can't change altitude mid-dash (her dash also seems to sometimes bug out and you can no longer cast it for a time).
    • Yet another frame that can't carry data-masses, cryotic cells, etc... during an ability I want to have permanently active.

And finally, I would personally like the option to toggle off Jade's unique "asset". And to put out there, at the end of the day I don't really care if it ends up not being possible, I'll play her regardless. I'll put the rest of my thoughts in a spoiler.


If something like Styanax's nipple tassels were pertinent enough to get a last minute toggle, I'd like the ability to toggle off Jade's pregnant belly. I don't really want to play as a pregnant woman if I can help it, and I definitely don't want to play as someone else's pregnant wife. Not to mention, we're bringing this pregnant woman to countless warzones. And to make it even worse, she effectively has a Lithopedion pregnancy, as she will never give birth for years to come or even ever.


If I remember anything else or find anything new I'll update this thread for a bit.

Edited by KitMeHarder
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Nice overall assessment and I agree with most of them. It is a good thing you overcame her visuals and got into the nitty gritty of playing her kit 😁instead. Here are some bits from my own experience so far

18 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:
  • 1
    • This has horrible input delay between casting it and using something like Glory's primary fire (and you have to repress the fire button). To rectify all of this, just make it a "one-handed" ability like Volt's Shock so you can still fire at the same time.
    • This has a horrible duration. I thought when Pablo described her, her 1 would have an infinite duration like Wisp's motes. So personally, I think they should be infinite duration, even if the max zones were reduced to 4-3 and the damage was removed. Otherwise, they need to have at least a 30-45 second duration to really capitalize on their synergies.
  • True, the wind-up is a bit long but...
  • I am ok with it and the duration since it can do both damage and heal teammates. I do wish that it does stagger somehow, even for a bit, with a larger default radius for CC purposes
18 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:
  • 3
    • This ability is neither here nor there for me. It's not good enough for my playstyle, nor is it bad. It's just my helminth slot personally.
  • I got into a mission which enabled me to do two revives at once. Both players were far apart and the process happened like you were standing beside them. It was represented by a circular dashed countdown timer near their bodies while I was flying around. Pretty convenient in hairy situations so I'll be hesitant to helminth over it like when doing E/DA missions.

About her controls. I wanted her to maneuver like Titania.

When you want to pepper targets through a narrow hallway or window, while hovering (e.g. during ascension), her vertical motion controls make sense as fine adjustments make up for her lack of speed. Her PoV covers the battlefield while doing either #1 bombing or heavy flak similar to an attack helicopter.

My only gripe is she can do that too with Titania's controls if only her Glory zooms in on targets like Dex Pixias. Doing so will make her more flexible and arguably faster too for missions like for instance, Extermination. But I guess her movement is what makes Jade... well Jade, watching over us like an angel.

Edited by Alpha_Tango
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Hard agree with the issues on her 1. For an ability to have the capability to have 5 Instances up at once, its duration is far too low and its endlag is way too high. Off hand casting would fix so much for it. Her 3 has felt pretty underwhelming, and I have been considering helminthing it off for Shooting Gallery personally for the extra damage and passive CC. Increasing the rate of Armor strip + slow would go a long way to help. The bugs on her 4 are especially wild though, I felt like I was doing way less than I expected out of my shots and now I see why. You're right on all accounts here.

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