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Help with getting an odd combination of syndicate standing



so throughout my playthrough I have really leaned heavily into the story of my tenno with theming and aesthetics and now i want to farm syndicates to reflect my Tenno's Philosophy however my tenno's philosophy aligns with a very odd mixture of syndicates. namely the arbiters of hexis, the red veil, and the new loka. however given the ally and enemies of these factions i do not know of any way i could max these specific factions in tandem. 

My character draws on the arbiter's code of honor and desire for truth, the red veil's view of the inherent corruption in the world and the fanatical belief that it must be purged in a cleansing inferno, and the new lokah's reverence of nature and genetic purity 

I've attached my current faction standings if that might help anyone with figuring out the best way to max my standings with these three factions

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3 answers to this question

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1 hour ago, Tromlui-Tine said:

My character draws on the arbiter's code of honor and desire for truth, the red veil's view of the inherent corruption in the world and the fanatical belief that it must be purged in a cleansing inferno, and the new lokah's reverence of nature and genetic purity 

That is great, but the easiest combination are Lokka/Perrin/red Veil or Steel/Hexis/Suda, sometimes people who with 4. This game RPG elements are very limited, so anything that you impose on yourself against the system is on you.

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1 hour ago, Tromlui-Tine said:

so throughout my playthrough I have really leaned heavily into the story of my tenno with theming and aesthetics and now i want to farm syndicates to reflect my Tenno's Philosophy however my tenno's philosophy aligns with a very odd mixture of syndicates. namely the arbiters of hexis, the red veil, and the new loka. however given the ally and enemies of these factions i do not know of any way i could max these specific factions in tandem. 

Because none of the factions you want to max are allied, this is going to be a) slow and b) require a fair amount of micro-management as you juggle which faction you're pledge to.


The wiki has a nice breakdown of various combinations that can be used at https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Syndicate (Look at the "Supporting Efficiency List")

From the list, good options for achieving your aim look to be running either "Steel Meridian (25%)  Arbiters of Hexis (6.25%)  New Loka (68.75%) " or  "Steel Meridian (50%)  Arbiters of Hexis (12.5%)  New Loka (37.5%)" - In each case you're wasting about 50% of the standing you gain because of the relationship penalties, and you're also going to be gaining standing in a 4th syndicate, but you can just choose to never rank that one up if it matters to you to only have the 3 maxed.


Since you already at rank 5 with Arbiters, if you not currently intending to spend much standing there, you can focus on just running Steel Meridan (to boost Red Veil without reducing Arbiters) and New Loka (to boost that, since you don't care about the syndicates opposed to it), although you'll need to manage the standing loss to New Loka from running Steel Meridan by juggling your pledges correctly.

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Like the first reply said, arbitrarily selecting syndicates based on some lore is nothing but a handicap. 

Imo, the easiest one to do is Hexis Suda Perrin Loka. You alternate daily rep (and missions if you want to do them) between Hexis and Perrin. 

You get +100% Hexis -50% Perrin +50% Suda from Hexis missions and +100% Perrin -50% Hexis +50% Loka from Perrin. 

This equals out to having +50% on all 4 syndicates with minimal effort. If you're Leg 4 MR that's 33k standing in all 4 syndicates every 2 days just from daily standing cap.

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