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  1. I've also being seeing this. So far, I've only had this when joining a mission from one of the hubs (Zariman, Sanctum Atonimica), never from the orbiter. And it only happens if I'm not the host. Transference seems to reliably fix it, but I'm convinced (but could be misremembering) that the first mission I noticed this, it fixed itself without me using transference or a host migration.
  2. So far, the names in Deep Archimedia work exactly like Riven families - Proboscis Cernos is it's own thing and doesn't take Cernos rivens, so this is the expected (although rather unintuitive) behaviour. The same will apply to the Multalist Cernos, which is again its own Riven family (likewise Dragon & Dex Nikanas and a few other cases I forget).
  3. Vainthorn is entirely useless if you've farmed Dagath and the weapon blueprints. If one were to, for example, help a friend farm Dagath, this is at least a way of getting some value out of the resources - nothing more.
  4. We've had disruption twice, though - it was the final stage of the first week, which I remember because it had the doubled demolysts, and then again last week with whatever modifiers that had.
  5. The Gladiator mods used to provide bonuses to your melee weapon if equipped on Deconstructor - this interaction got patched out in Arsenal Divide rework in 2021 (update 30.5), and they can no longer be equipped on Deconstructor.
  6. There's a bug (also reported elsewhere) where the HUD marker just vanishes when a defense target is downed (it also happens in sortie defense), and trying to find him in the visual noise can be really hard. The workaround is to waypoint Chipper at the start, since that doesn't get lost for whatever reason. I think Chipper's falling off the map in these cases, although I haven't seen it actually happen. But, at least in the cases where I've had this sudden fail happen, he has been close to the edge of the map shortly before it happens. It also matches the way sortie defense fails because of the target falling off the map (which used to common on the Europa defense tile)
  7. You going to need to back up this with some proof, because I've never previously seen anyone claim to have gotten that from the normal mode, and there are lots of players (myself included) who needed to run the normal version a stupid number of times to get the Protea part drop.
  8. Erato is much, much easier if you get a team for it - it is doable solo, but that's decidedly non-trivial as you need to be very fast to keep things under control Tips that could help: a) Fluctus to kill the resonators is very, very helpful, as the infinite punch-though makes it much easier to snipe them from a distance b) Correct modding - Resonators have object health, which ignore crits, so you want to go for raw damage on whatever you're using to kill them, while the Orphixes have a DR (similar to Eidolons) that really wants you to get crits c) Necramech Hydraulics - depends a bit on the exact map that gets generated, but the extra vertical mobility is almost always required if you're going to be fast d) General necramech movement - it's very easy to lose time when moving around because necramechs are a bit clunky. There aren't many options to improve the necramech movement speed, but the Slide mods (increased slide distance and efficiency on sliding) are a good option. There are also tricks around jumping out of a slide to reset and start another slide immediately which can massively increase your mobility if you're good at them (which I'm not, but I've seen players who are)
  9. I think it has to be a bug related to rollover - I've so far been able to use at least one Prime in each of my DA runs (both warframes and weapons) and they've all counted as expected for me.
  10. The second new phobos somachord isn't in the Granum Void, it's on top of the temple where you give crowns to get the Parvos lore fragments (which is something I learnt from comments made on the Somachord wiki page - see https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Somachord?commentId=4400000000003830801 ).
  11. Also happened with a Kuva Lich The successful stab indicates charges being consumed But checking afterwards, no charges have been consumed.
  12. The nightwave "Kill 100 enemies with headshots" act is currently named "Not A Warning Shot". Since this is the same name as the Permanent Weekly "Kill 500 enemies", this is just a tad confusing.
  13. I did the final stab on my current Sister this morning, and was surprised that none of my Requiem mods lost any charges Running on PC, solo Mission was the exterminate node on Neptune, using Voruna A shown in the image, the equipped Ris still has full charges, and,a s the search shows, I have no Ris mods with used charges. Edited to add: This was woring as expected at the start of the week,
  14. While the Codex obviously needs attention, merely hiding the problem isn't going to satisfy all completionists (it certainly wouldn't satisfy me), because the missing entries still exist, and it certainly won't help for the cases where the Codex is just buggy (like the Apothic scans which aren't awarded sometimes, and there's no known way to fix that). Also, there are odd tit-bits of lore attached to the descriptions of the unavailable scans, which means this also annoys lore-heads, and hiding the entries won't appease them either. I'd much rather see some system to make these scan achievable. It doesn't need to have the enemies return - it could be something like Simaris selling an item that gives a scan for a random incomplete entry or something along those lines.
  15. On the original Duviri release, they stated that the warframes available on the circuit were those with a Prime version (except for Equinox, since DE still haven't figured out how to fit that into the circuit reward design). The upcoming Dante Unbound is the first mainline release since the release of Gauss Prime, who was the third prime released after Duiuri (when Hildryn was the current prime). If they follow the stated process, we should see a rotation of "Wisp, Grendel, Gauss" added to the circuit soon. It's still a fair while before Caliban will get a prime, so don't expect him on the circuit anytime soon. Khora and Nidus are often quoted as bad grinds, and they're both on the circuit list, so this seems a pointless comment.
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