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Should I?



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Volts got high shields and speedBoost+Shield for dangerous moments and his shock and overload are way better than in update 10

he adds a mix of offense and defensive utility 


Ash deals a lot of damage has high HP and stealth most people will tell you that he lacks utility but you can balance that by sneaking and killing Ancients/Heavies/Techies before they become a problem ( talking about survival/defense)

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Unless you already have Volt or you have platinum you won't be able to get Volt due to J3-Golem being moved. Besides that...


Volt is good mainly for Speed and Overload either killing or stunning enemies. If you have guns like the Dera or Flux Rifle he is a godsend with his Electric Shield providing 0 travel time and giving you some cover. His Speed and Electric Shield are great for teammates too since it makes them faster or gives cover.


Ash is more of the "get this Heavy off my back" where his skills are mainly for getting enemies out of the way fast. His Shuriken and Bladestorm deal insane damage and are worth the energy. Smokebomb is great for getting out of a tight spot and it stuns enemies around you. Teleport isn't used that much, but if you want to get up in an enemy's face to distract or instant-melee you can do that.


Again, all up to your preference. I use Volt because I like the Flux Rifle-Shield Combo, but if you want a frame that can work without fancy tricks then Ash might be for you.

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Alot of people will say that ash doesn't have a lot of utility, but that's not exactly quite true. See, He lacks "Team" utility. But not personal utility. Ash is great for the lone wolf player. 


His shuriken is rather decent to me, I haven't quite used it since damage 2.0 but something tells me it's still rather useful. It does 500 slash damage according to psyclones (Spelling) Thread that tells us what damage the warframe abilities do now with dmg 2.0. Now, That's 500 slash damage, on somewhat target seeking shurikens and at max level it throws two at once.. Take that how you will.


Teleport is really situational.


smokebomb, Well, It's pretty nifty. makes you invisible, do 4x damage with melee weapons (both charge and regular slashs) and staggers enemies around you. 


Bladestorm not only takes out 13 enemies (Dealing 2k damage to each it hits) But also makes you invulnerable for the duration. So it can be used as an ohS#&$ button. And, say you have a heavy that's beating you up and you need to take him out quick. Pop the reticule on him, press the button and he'll be the first target. So hes pretty good in my opinion, and he suits my play style.

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volt has more utility then ash does however ash is quite the power house while volts abilities arent as strong single target. volt has more aoe and ash is just a powerhouse with some utility while volt is HIGH utility and has many passive strengths.



i would go volt.

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