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Whoever designed the Lephantis fight owes me an apology

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I’m trying to farm Nekros because a loot frame is pretty much necessary if you want to ever have a single tellurium, ever. And I’m now stuck on the Lephantis fight. Not because it’s too hard, or my build can’t handle it, but because it’s bugged. I can actually take it down relatively quickly, and have beaten it several times now for all but one of the Nekros parts…

Then a mission timed out because the head with the stupid gun-face refused to open its weak spot for fifteen straight minutes.

Then a mission failed because the one with the spider-face just stopped popping out of the floor before I could kill it.

Now a mission failed because even though I killed all three heads, the fight just never transitioned to its second phase, leaving me trapped in the main room.

That’s three strikes in a row. At this point, I’d say this fight is too bugged to be a viable option. But because a loot frame is once again MANDATORY I believe the devs owe me a Nekros.

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That's unlucky bro. I know you are trying your best. This fight is like 10 years old so it's not always working well. You may ask for help and carry to make it even faster and less of a pain if it ever bug out again. Tell you what : if you don't have it by sunday, i'll come help you out when I come back from my week end trip. I'll even throw you a couple of endo gift to make up for it.

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And it bugged again. Now, in phase two, it’s just standing in the center of the arena not moving or attacking…so no accessible weak spots.

This is so aggravating. I don’t even want Nekros. I want Sevagoth Prime, but to farm that I need relics from Railjack missions (did my first non-story ones of those last night), and in order to affectively farm those I need to build a dry dock in my dojo. But to do that I need 15 tellurium. And in order to get those I need to farm enemies in a specific couple of missions. But the drop rate is so low I need to boost it with a loot frame and loot companion. So in order to get my loot frame (I understand Nekros is the best) I need to farm this boss. But this boss is so bugged that it’s literally unplayable.

This crap is why this freaking game can’t keep a new player.  

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Le 24/08/2024 à 04:00, AnnoyedArkham a dit :

And it bugged again. Now, in phase two, it’s just standing in the center of the arena not moving or attacking…so no accessible weak spots.

This is so aggravating. I don’t even want Nekros. I want Sevagoth Prime, but to farm that I need relics from Railjack missions (did my first non-story ones of those last night), and in order to affectively farm those I need to build a dry dock in my dojo. But to do that I need 15 tellurium. And in order to get those I need to farm enemies in a specific couple of missions. But the drop rate is so low I need to boost it with a loot frame and loot companion. So in order to get my loot frame (I understand Nekros is the best) I need to farm this boss. But this boss is so bugged that it’s literally unplayable.

This crap is why this freaking game can’t keep a new player.  

We just went through some major patch in prevision of the next update so it happens quite often that really old content can break. Best thing you can do is to make the adequate Bug report in another part of the forums, look for help to cheese it so you can get what you need ; or wait, or find an alternative (hydroid, khora, and such as loot frame).

I understand it can be quite frustrating, and we all encountered issue with some broken/bugged part of the game ; but the most top end content tends to be quite solid nowadays.

I also have to point out that while Sevagoth is farmed in Railjack ; Sevagoth prime is NOT ; as you can ONLY drop him while opening relics ; relics which you find in regular gameplay, in normal missions/endless missions, or in relic pack from Syndicates.

And remember ; you can't change the game, but you can change the way you perceive it.

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12 hours ago, dwqrf said:

We just went through some major patch in prevision of the next update so it happens quite often that really old content can break. Best thing you can do is to make the adequate Bug report in another part of the forums, look for help to cheese it so you can get what you need ; or wait, or find an alternative (hydroid, khora, and such as loot frame).

I understand it can be quite frustrating, and we all encountered issue with some broken/bugged part of the game ; but the most top end content tends to be quite solid nowadays.

I also have to point out that while Sevagoth is farmed in Railjack ; Sevagoth prime is NOT ; as you can ONLY drop him while opening relics ; relics which you find in regular gameplay, in normal missions/endless missions, or in relic pack from Syndicates.

And remember ; you can't change the game, but you can change the way you perceive it.

Oh I finally managed to grind it out, though the fight stalled more often than it worked. I now have Nekros...and I hate him. I feel liked to since his loot ability caps at a mere 50-ish percent and doesn't increase with ability strength. I'd honestly rather have just used Hydroid, and he would have been way easier to farm up too. Nekros feels like a wasted warframe slot since the one thing I wanted him to do, and the thing he's allegedly the best at, is objectively inferior to the equivalent of multiple other frames. Khora's 65% is better than 50%, and Hydroid's 100% is better than both. Yes I'd have to keep spamming their specific abilities to get the kill and make it work, but I have to keep spamming Nekros' ability anyway, so what does it matter? Most of the bodies disappear and become unusable after a few seconds anyway, making Desecrate, by a wide margin, significantly less user friendly. I used to have a hydroid that I -stupidly- got rid of, and I'm pretty sure I can kill more enemies with Tentacle Swarm for guaranteed loot than Nekros can Desecrate spam, for his pitiful 50% chance, in the same time with less energy cost. 

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Il y a 3 heures, AnnoyedArkham a dit :

Yes I'd have to keep spamming their specific abilities to get the kill and make it work, but I have to keep spamming Nekros' ability anyway, so what does it matter? Most of the bodies disappear and become unusable after a few seconds anyway, making Desecrate, by a wide margin, significantly less user friendly. I used to have a hydroid that I -stupidly- got rid of, and I'm pretty sure I can kill more enemies with Tentacle Swarm for guaranteed loot than Nekros can Desecrate spam, for his pitiful 50% chance, in the same time with less energy cost. 

No brother, don't get into the mindset that the grass is greener on the other side. It isn't greener, it just has a different shade of green. Nekros is really reliable ; and as his desecrate isn't affected by positive power, it's also not affected by negative power, making it really easy to mod, even with corrupted mods. You just need range and some energy economy. It's the easiest tool to gain more loot. Even I prefer using it over the alternatives for how confortable it is.

And you don't spam the ability as it's a channeled aura you activate once (if possible energy wise).

And you might be mistaken as to why dead bodies disappears in a few seconds : that's exactly what the spell does : consume them.

Sure, Desecrate has its issue, but it's highly reliable. Compared to Hydroid and Khora (and Atlas), you might think they just have some higher drop chances for no reasons but actually, they have a lot of requirement too to be any close to as efficient as desecrate, and won't work if not highly modded and set up in specific conditions.

Best thing I can advise is to try to play nekros with some slash weapons, as killing enemies with those, cutting their bodies into pieces makes more targets to desecrate, and thus, more loot.

And as Desecrate create a lot of health orbs, you can either use Equilibrium for infinite energy ; or use the Despoil Augment for Desecrate to convert the energy cost into a health cost and well... have infinite energy too.

Edited by dwqrf
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3 hours ago, AnnoyedArkham said:

Oh I finally managed to grind it out, though the fight stalled more often than it worked. I now have Nekros...and I hate him. I feel liked to since his loot ability caps at a mere 50-ish percent and doesn't increase with ability strength. I'd honestly rather have just used Hydroid, and he would have been way easier to farm up too. Nekros feels like a wasted warframe slot since the one thing I wanted him to do, and the thing he's allegedly the best at, is objectively inferior to the equivalent of multiple other frames. Khora's 65% is better than 50%, and Hydroid's 100% is better than both. Yes I'd have to keep spamming their specific abilities to get the kill and make it work, but I have to keep spamming Nekros' ability anyway, so what does it matter? Most of the bodies disappear and become unusable after a few seconds anyway, making Desecrate, by a wide margin, significantly less user friendly. I used to have a hydroid that I -stupidly- got rid of, and I'm pretty sure I can kill more enemies with Tentacle Swarm for guaranteed loot than Nekros can Desecrate spam, for his pitiful 50% chance, in the same time with less energy cost. 

Necros' loot ability is an aura that's around him for as long as the ability is active.... which is not very hard to make pretty much indefinite with it's augment. This alone makes the 50% drop increase compared to pilfering swarm or stangledome not that bad, since those are limited to the location you cast them, and to enemies caught by them. Killing an enemy that's in their range but not in their grasp doesn't get the loot bonus, where as desecrate applies to everything all the time.

That all makes Desecrate a pretty compelling alternative by itself, but there's one other little caveat to the ability that makes that 50% boost extremely deceiving. And that's that desecrate doesn't target singular enemies, but every individual piece of a dead enemy. That 50% is applied multiple times to enemies that you dismember. Combined with a grouping tool and a slash weapon you have an ability that far exceeds Hydroid or Khora.

He's even a pretty competent combat frame with the armor strip from terrify and the DR and status immunity from his shield of shadows augment. And once you have Helminth unlocked and gloom... you can make him into a crazy regen tank with infinite energy and an unkillable hoard of meatshields.

Edited by PollexMessier
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22 hours ago, dwqrf said:

And you might be mistaken as to why dead bodies disappears in a few seconds : that's exactly what the spell does : consume them.

But they don't drop loot when that happens. That's why I think the ability is useless; most enemies just vanish without dropping ANYTHING before I get anywhere near them. 

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Il y a 1 heure, AnnoyedArkham a dit :

But they don't drop loot when that happens. That's why I think the ability is useless; most enemies just vanish without dropping ANYTHING before I get anywhere near them. 

1) Make sure you have enough range on Nekros.
2) Make sure Desecrate is activated and you have the resource to use it (it's energy/body).
3) Not every enemies will drop loot. Having another roll of loot with Desecrate doesn't guarantee additionnal loot.

Good luck, Tenno.

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