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The Lotus Eaters: Known Issues ×

Host left Arbitration after 30 minutes. Error. No rewards Fix this already it's been 10 years

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So after 30 minutes on Arbitration defence, it was going good. The host leaves, and I end up with a black screen with a diamond at the top left saying "Warframe. Content Author."
No chat box to try /unstuck. No menu nothing. So no rewards.

Host migration issues have been a thing for 10+ years and yet nothing has been done to save the rewards when this happens. Something really needs to be done. Something like an in game capture of the rewards at the end of the rotation and if you get a bad host migration the game detects the mission wasn't completed properly and gives you the rewards up to the point the game failed.
This far into the game's cycle, the lack of protection against lost rewards is just bad design.


Edited by (XBOX)Tatakai no Kami
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You had plenty of time (30mn to be exact) to identity which players was Host with the number (1) next to his name on the right side. After reaching a good pool of rewards AABBCC, it is fair to leave the mission then. If you don't leave with identified Host, you put yourself in a Host migration, and we all know those sucks big time. Solution : don't don't that again. Or else, you might assume it's a gamble because you never know what can happen. It's a know issue, yes, but you could have avoided it.

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