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Improving the New Player Experience in Warframe

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Today, when you boot up the game and log in, you're greeted with a cinematic introduction. You choose your Warframe and complete an introductory mission where you're dropped onto your ship. Lotus guides you through various tasks, mainly focusing on repairing your ship. While this serves as a basic introduction to some of the systems you'll engage with while playing Warframe, it falls short of preparing new players for what's to come.


After completing the opening quest, Vor's Prize, you're thrust into the star chart with no real guidance on what to do or where to go. Given the sheer number of planets and mission nodes, it's often overwhelming for a new player. At this point, many players quit, probably within a dozen hours of completing the quest. The current system leaves much to be desired.


The Problem: Information Overload and Lack of Guidance


The core issue with Warframe's new player experience is twofold: information overload and a lack of clear guidance. After Vor's Prize, the game opens up entirely, but it does so without providing the necessary context or direction for new players to make informed decisions about their next steps. The star chart is vast, and the missions are diverse, but without understanding the game's broader objectives and systems, it's easy for new players to feel lost and give up.


A Simple Solution: A Guided Objective System


But fret not; I believe I have a simple solution that could be implemented fairly easily. The game doesn't need a complete overhaul or rework of the new player experience; rather, it needs a guided objective system. This system would be accessible from the pause menu for new players and would disappear once the player completed a predefined list of objectives and claimed the associated rewards.


How It Would Work


These objectives should be simple, yet they should build on the limited knowledge base that new players have. For example, the current tutorial has players repair the mod system and briefly introduces them to modding. The guided objective system could expand on this by having the player level up a mod and install it. In return, the player would receive a reward, while also being taught how to use the modding system effectively.


The system could also introduce players to more advanced modding concepts, such as transmuting mods, through a set objective. By breaking down the game's systems into digestible tasks, this system would help players gradually build their understanding of Warframe, without feeling overwhelmed.


Tying Objectives to Achievements

The guided objective system could also be tied to existing achievements in the game. For example, Warframe has an achievement called "Building a Stable," which involves obtaining two Warframes. According to Steam, only 20.5% of players have completed this achievement at the time of writing. This represents a missed opportunity for Digital Extremes (DE). The guided objective system could easily incorporate this achievement by guiding the player through the process of obtaining a second Warframe.

For instance, the game could guide the player to the Jackal boss fight, list the parts they need to collect, and have them farm the required materials. Afterward, the player would craft Rhino, a popular Warframe, as their second one. This step-by-step guidance would not only help players obtain a second Warframe but also teach them the game's crafting system in a practical, hands-on way.

Additionally, other achievements with low completion rates could be integrated into this system, further enhancing the player experience:

"No Longer a Rookie" (Reach Mastery Rank 2): Only 58.9% of players have reached Mastery Rank 2. A guided objective to rank up to Mastery Rank 2, along with instructions on gaining Mastery points, would encourage players to engage with content that boosts their progression.

"Polarize This" (Forma a Weapon, Companion, or Warframe): Despite being crucial for optimizing gear, only 25.3% of players have completed this achievement. The guided objective system could introduce players to using Forma by guiding them through the process of applying it to a weapon, Warframe, or companion, and explaining the benefits of polarization.

"Our Tools Shape Us" (Apply 4 different Mods to a single Warframe or Weapon): Mods are vital to gameplay, yet only 30.3% of players have completed this achievement. An early guided objective could help players apply different mods to a Warframe or weapon, making them more comfortable with the modding system.

By tying these achievements to guided objectives, Warframe could ensure that players engage with key systems, increasing their understanding and enjoyment of the game. Each objective would be presented as a milestone, complete with rewards that make pursuing these achievements feel worthwhile. This approach not only boosts achievement completion rates but also deepens the player's grasp of the game.


Expanding the Objectives

The guided objective system could also include other essential gameplay elements. For example:


  • Crafting Weapons: Guide the player through crafting their first weapon.
  • Using Specters: Have the player craft, equip, and use Specters.
  • Deploying Drones: Teach players to craft, deploy, and claim a drone.
  • Completing Junctions: Include objectives for completing each junction.
  • Syndicates: Have the player declare for and rank up in a syndicate.
  • Mastery Ranks: Include objectives such as reaching Mastery Rank 2, Rank 5 and Rank 10.


Clans: Guide the player to join a clan and interact with the various research labs. Clans are an essential part of Warframe, offering access to exclusive research, items, and a sense of community. By integrating this objective early on, new players will be encouraged to engage with the game's social features, enhancing their overall experience.


Warframe/Weapons/Companions Actions: Have the player install an Orokin Reactor on a Warframe. Additionally, guide them through using a Forma and then releveling a Warframe to max rank. These actions are crucial for maximizing the potential of their Warframe and other gear, and understanding them early will set players up for success as they progress through the game.


Each of these objectives should come with a reward, providing players with a dopamine hit and making them feel accomplished. These rewards could include items like reactors, catalysts, warframe and weapon slots, color palettes, armor sets, helmets, decorations, and good mods that are useful in mid and late-game play. You could even include some weapons to help with MR. 


Guiding Players to The Second Dream


The most important objective would be to guide players towards The Second Dream quest, which would serve as the final objective in the guided objective system. Every objective in the list should be completable by the time the player reaches this quest, ensuring they have a solid understanding of the game's core systems before diving into one of Warframe's most iconic storylines.


Conclusion: A Smoother Path Forward


In conclusion, the new player experience in Warframe could be drastically improved with a relatively simple addition: a guided objective system. This system would provide clear, structured guidance to new players, helping them understand the game's systems and progress at a comfortable pace. By tying these objectives to rewards, DE could also ensure that players feel a sense of accomplishment as they learn. This solution wouldn't require a massive overhaul, but it could significantly enhance the new player experience and retain more players in the long run.

Edited by HoosierBwoi
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Hey Im new to the game but I've noticed that there is no way to change the color of health bars. I did see the ability to high light enemies but this makes seeing heavy enemy glow hard and inhibits gameplay. When the game is played default I'm constantly shooting friendlies and minions. I would love to see custom colors or shapes for Allies and minion health bars. Thank you for your time.

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