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Titania QOL Changes

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Been playing Titania a bit recently and just wondering will we ever see any QOL to her second ability "Tribute" and the respawning of Razorflies inside Razorwing?


Suggestions I would make

- Merge "Thorns" and "Dust" buffs together and merge "Full Moon" and "Entangle" together. The first 2 being typically the best and the other 2 being more niche would help both on energy costs and general maintenance.


- Add more ways to respawn Razorflies other than going in and out of Razorwing such as

- Spellbind respawns 1 if used in Razorwing

- Collecting Tribute buffs respawns 2 Razorflies instead of 1

- Lantern respawns 1 Razorfly per enemy attracted or something (I subsume this ability idk)


Thanks for reading 💙

Edited by Kaomos
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I'm at the point where I don't even want Razorflies to have healthbars. They should be completely immortal, instead expiring over time. Something like:

"For every 10 seconds Titania remains in Razorwing, one Razorfly expires. Cast any Tribute buff/debuff to resurrect fallen Razorflies. Additionally, recasting any of the four Tribute buffs/debuffs refreshes the duration of all Tribute buffs/debuffs."

I posted a rework concept awhile ago with an idea similar to this. I was really hoping DE would make some adjustments to Tribute post-Tennocon, especially since I remember them mentioning Tribute changes around that time (I think someone explicitly asked Rebecca if there were any planned changes to Titania, and she or someone else said they were going to look at Tribute?).

On the topic of making Tribute easier to manage/cycle, as I mentioned before, I'd rather it be kept annoying for the initial four buff/debuff extractions, however, all instances after that should refresh the other three buff/debuff durations.

Also, I'm absolutely done with Entangle. Can we please change it to something else. We already "slow" enemies through the charm on Lantern, and we can suspend them in the air with Spellbind if needed.

Frankly, I'm hoping for Titania's entire identity to shift. Right now, she feels like a flying Mesa, and it stifles creativity/exploration with her kit, because her pistols hoard so much of her power budget. I don't necessarily want Dex Pixia to get nerfed, but I want Titania to feel akin to Lulu or Nami from League, where her primary purposes are to enchant allies and control enemies; killing enemies with her pistols should feel like an extra feature of her kit, not the highlight. If I wanted that, I would play Mesa. 

Edited by Karma_Enthusiast
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They need to fix Tribute in the first place tho, its been bugged for nearly 2 years now. If you target airborne enemies (and moas) with Tribute, their Souls are launched into space unable to be collected.

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Dude  Full Moon is one of the best tributes lol.  It buffs pet damage including your razorflys. The first 3 tributes need merged,  Slow should be kept seperate to make it more tactical.  

Tribute and Lantern should not require targets to be able to be cast.  

Razorflys are pretty nasty in low level content.  They fly off and kill everything before I even see anything.   I think Razors should have to stay in a certain radius of titania.  

4th should be tap/hold.   Tap to go pixie mode,   Hold to resummon flys. or Vice versa probably. 

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On 2024-09-11 at 1:33 AM, (PSN)AbBaNdOn_ said:

Dude  Full Moon is one of the best tributes lol.  It buffs pet damage including your razorflys. The first 3 tributes need merged,  Slow should be kept seperate to make it more tactical.  

Tribute and Lantern should not require targets to be able to be cast.  

Razorflys are pretty nasty in low level content.  They fly off and kill everything before I even see anything.   I think Razors should have to stay in a certain radius of titania.  

4th should be tap/hold.   Tap to go pixie mode,   Hold to resummon flys. or Vice versa probably. 

I only ever said the other 2 are more niche, Razorflies only do relevant damage in high level missions when the target is primed by something passive like verglas duplex bond (To my knowledge Razorflies still use the old multiplicative condition overload).

Problem is respawning the Razorflies can be very jarring and annoying having to resnapshot any power strength buffs your are using in your build before going back into Razorwing just for them to die 30 seconds later.

I would agree we need a better way of respawning Razorflies though whatever it is, a lot of Titania's survivability relies on them holding aggro of mobs.

I also don't get why tribute buff duration doesn't scale with duration though.

Edited by Kaomos
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