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Eurogamer Warframe Review


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Wow. I cannot believe this.

I went to Eurogamer in London. I saw [DE] Rebecca giving a brief on the game.
When she explained to people, new to the concept... Their faces lit up! So many people were impressed with Warframe at EuroGamer.

I was in good discussion with others there, how they all thought it was a AAA title and couldn't believe it was free to play.
Then I told them that they are always updating and bringing new stuff to the table. That they are pushing the boundaries and setting the bar for other Free-to-play games and indie developers. While also giving paid games, of similiar nature, a run for their money.

In their heads, they had already signed up, they had already pressed X to Ninja.

The Expo...did not reflect what has been written here. The review is based on pre-mature understanding and does not give this game justice. 

Not once was the accomplishments of the game detailed? Credit to the Art Direction! Strength of community? The amazing development progression? It sounds like this review is being done by a very impatient person. Who probably ragequit at the sight of a napalm. Instead of charging them and seeing where this goes. 

I'd happily do a review on Warframe. Telling the truth.

Best game of the century. Hands down.

What an absolute punk.

Ruk you Dan Whitehead, Ruk You.

Edited by NetSlayer
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I do have one big positive about this game...All of you! I am 36 years old and I have been in tons of betas in every genre of game. When I first started playing games online, it was so new at the time, that the communities were very pleasant and tight knit. but something happened when the first Xbox came out that made an overwhelming amount of people douches seemed like overnight! I began to hate online gaming for this reason. But when I started playing Warframe ( been here from the start ) I began to love the interaction with other people again. Yeah you still get a #$&(% from time to time, but the vast majority are awesome intelligent people who have never once refused to help me when I needed it. You don't find that now-a-days.(man, I sound old...At least I didn't say " back in my day..." lol)Just read this thread! Any other game, and there would have been blinding flame wars two pages back. lol Yes the game has allot to fix, I have my laundry list too, but as long as the people stay cool, I am staying!

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It's funny how the criticize "lack of depth" in this game when pretty much every other "AAA, 9/10" title boils down to nothing more than move from point A to B and shoot bad guys, but they give those games a free pass because bribe money/don't want to look bad. 


Also it sounds like the reviewer played, what 10 minutes of the game and decided to write up a review.

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While all of his points were perfectly valid and are points that DE really needs to address, he completely overexaggerated how pressing the issues were and did not bother highlighting any positive aspects at all. Not even something as simple as the graphics and the fact that there's a wallrun system in the first place.

This review is heavily biased, and it's exactly what a review shouldn't be. If you want to review a game, especially one that's still in infancy, you need to at least try to look at both sides of the picture. Nothing of the sort was attempted here.

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Wow. I cannot believe this.

I went to Eurogamer in London. I saw [DE] Rebecca giving a brief on the game.

When she explained to people, new to the concept... Their faces lit up! So many people were impressed with Warframe at EuroGamer.



I also went to Euro gamer in London. Rebecca is quite and small and cute, didn't think it was her at first. However I think you are miss selling how it worked at Euro gamer. Seeing as how they were trapped in the 18+ section of the Sony area they did not get that many visitors. Also the fact you could only play a few games based on handing in tokens it was restricted. Most people in the Sony 18+ queue (btw you had already queued to get in to the sony area) were going to play Killzone. You had a choice on the ticket and war-frame competed against killzone. staff were said along this internal que to find people not wanting to play Killzone. Did not help that no where outside the sony area was advertising warframe.  The build of the game was ok but you only got to play 5 waves of a corpus outpost survival map and it was an old build of the map. People thought it was good but it was a very limited view of the game. 


It is sad that this was not a PC review as it would have done better imo. 

Edited by MDRLOz
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I like playing Warframe, however a lot of the points they made are actually valid, even if theyre presented in a over the top manner. I dont believe its a 4/10 rating, its definitely higher than that.


Non existing netcode but there isnt a solution, dedis are too expensive so most games are fairly laggy unless you host.

Enemy AI could be better, but firstly the dumb flaws should be fixed (mentioned the guys running into a wall) and especially boss AI.

Weapons are just for different looks. Oh god I give that point 10/10. I continuously suggest various systems to make every weapon in the game unique, hopefully DE will take on it eventually.

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I also went to Euro gamer in London. Rebecca is quite and small and cute, didn't think it was her at first. However I think you are miss selling how it worked at Euro gamer. Seeing as how they were trapped in the 18+ section of the Sony area they did not get that many visitors. Also the fact you could only play a few games based on handing in tokens it was restricted. Most people in the Sony 18+ queue (btw you had already queued to get in to the sony area) were going to play Killzone. You had a choice on the ticket and war-frame competed against killzone. staff were said along this internal que to find people not wanting to play Killzone. Did not help that no where outside the sony area was advertising warframe.  The build of the game was ok but you only got to play 5 waves of a corpus outpost survival map and it was an old build of the map. People thought it was good but it was a very limited view of the game. 


It is sad that this was not a PC review as it would have done better imo. 


At Eurogamer there was basically a showcase not locked to 18+ Many gathered round, including myself. 
After asking the devs a martial arts question, I got to skip the queue and see and play Killzone and Warframe both >.<

It was pretty clear to the people I was talking to in queue that we were going to play a Demo.

In fact during the demo you couldn't roll xD

but I didn't have to showcase warframe on PS4 to sell it to those people. The trailer and gameplay footage of the PC Version was already there.

The concept is what stood out the most at the brief. Great Graphics, Free, Ninja's. PC + PS4. Yeah I'll agree the view was limited. It still gave them something to imagine on the journey back home.

I'll bet though, once my friends there reached home. Played the PC version for themselves... they were not disappointed.

Edited by NetSlayer
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I dont see the reason to discuss any reviews at all.

It's personal opinion of the redactor who created said review, it's his opinion he is sharing with the readers.


One always have to take into consideration, the redactor might not tolerate certain issues the game has, also anyone with half-brain could easily notice how wholesome negative the "review" was, no pinpointing strong sides of the merchandise, no comparison, no coverage of content.


Just strangly and leghty-worded "I don't like it, because general reasons".


In my opinion the score is fair if one demands top-quality F2P title, on the other hand if You seek entertaiment and simple AI bugs dont bother You too much or other so called "issues" review mentioned, then the score easily goes to 7-8/10.

It all goes to personal preference, thus discussing one's review is rather pointless, again. It's not like the redactor is gonna go all like "Oh, those dudes are right, gonna write rainbow pewpew review this time, just 'cause."

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I think the review is pretty valid. The problem is that DE are actually letting sites review a supposed "BETA". IGN did it months ago too and it is all too fishy.


He states that the tutorial is insultingly obvious and simplistic. Totally agree. I mean compared to the trailer they showed the tutorial is rather pathetic and rushed. A lot of you probably haven't played the PS4 version, but I have and I can say that there are a massive bunch of problems with the tutorial alone visually and gameplay wise. Try it and and see for yourself.


He mentions combat is slippery and skittish. You can disagree all you like but in a way he is correct. Weapons don't really feel like they connect with your target and more like you are just flaying at a transparent wall.


He mentions the game can be a laggy mess. Yup I agree it can be.


The interface has always been cluttered and confusing and it especially is on the PS4. It is really hard to navigate and for some reason Steve believes his UI skills are up to snuff enough by making the menus simplier...and simplier looking every single update.


He is also correct about Warframe's payment and spending purpose. You aren't actually progressing anywhere when paying for ANY of the content in Warframe, you are just trying to find and use something that will keep you interested longer.


The review is justified and it goes with pretty much all the other reviews about the game too.

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At Eurogamer there was basically a showcase not locked to 18+ Many gathered round, including myself.

After asking the devs a martial arts question, I got to skip the queue and see and play Killzone and Warframe both >.<

It was pretty clear to the people I was talking to in queue that we were going to play a Demo.


Sadly apart from the showcase that was only on one day, I think, it was locked in the Sony Pen. None of the big screens showed deny trailers or promos, even the big hanging banner did not show the e3 trailer or anything.

It was a late announcement that warframe was going to be on show but it could have been displayed better. Only word of mouth of "where did you get that cool headband?" Was what let people know that warframe existed at all.

Edited by MDRLOz
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You guys act like this isn't the same thing that a lot of people have said almost word for word for months! There have been long posts about why people are finally quitting this game that say exactly this almost line for line. Maybe instead of promises to change things DE will have to change things to grab the attention back. This game is an empty grind fest that needs a ton more story and other stuff to do, the reward system needs to be rethought of from the ground up and the enemies need to be a ton more challenging and yes the melee system does need to be thrown out all together and remade. 


After U10 people were screaming at the top of their digital voices because U10 us the ultimate grind update and we were crying for it to get better in some form or fashion and all they did was say sorry and move on without changing a thing, now the media says the exact same thing and people are shocked?! Are you kidding? Open your eyes and see this game without the rose colored glasses, be honest when you post and help make a better game, like beta players are suppose to do. This is our fault as much as DE for making a ver lackluster shooter.

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"It's hard, though, to shake the feeling that the only reason this game is free to play is that nobody would pay money for something so scrappy and generic."

I laughed hard !


Sounds like trashing to me :-) Saying that Warframe is generic is like saying Mordern Warfare FPS are an original concept. 

Edited by dubignou81
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Valid Criticisms:


- Lacking Tutorial makes the game daunting to new players.

- Large emphasis on mindless combat.

- Lack of early game variety.

- Repetitive mission types.

- Enemy AI lacking

- Melee combat is clunky (PS4 problem only)

- Peer to Peer network issues.


Poor Criticism:


- No mention of the extensive mods system. Brief mention of weapons and Warframes gaining levels and that 'you couldn't notice the difference' (paraphase).

- No mention of large free content updates (history of PC version).

- No mention of ongoing improvements (update 11 not yet on PS4 but due for deployment in the future).

- No mention of developer/community relationship (design council, community events, developer involvement in feedback).


Retorts to Criticism:


- DE knows the tutorial is bad, it has been improved upon slowly. This critic seems to think that going over "menial tasks" such as moving and shooting is unwarranted but that is exactly what tutorials are for to explain the basics and get people orientated without punishing them. This doesn't excuse DE for having a bad tutorial but them knowing about it and promising to improve it in the future at least means they're open to criticism and feedback from players and will improve on the game based on it (rather than the "fire and forget" method shared by many developers these days).


- DE knows there is too much emphasis on just killing things. Mission overhauls have been under way for a while now. We saw the removal of Raid and the introduction of Survival fairly recently. We've had the introduction of the Scanner in update 11 on PC which places some emphasis on stealth. We know that DE is reworking Spy, and Deception mission types somewhat to make them more fun. It seems fair to criticize a game on its current state, but an informed criticism is one that looks at the history of a game as well. You can draw conclusions about the future of a game based on its past, and the past for Warframe shows that the game has improved dramatically since closed beta both in depth and in breadth.


- Melee combat is clunky with a controller? You don't say. Recent PC version of the game is trialling a Melee Assist option already, specifically designed to improve the experience users have while utilising a controller. Might have been a good idea to mention that if you are going to make a criticism about the controls.


-  Peer to Peer network issues always exist. Some games cover them up really well. PC players have been shouldering peer to peer problems for a while (ideally we'd love dedicate servers but those cost lots of money) but despite that DE has continued to improve and optimise the netcode, it hasn't always been a smooth ride but they've always identified that it was a weakness in the game and they're actively working on it. Still no mention of this what so ever.


There are so many criticisms in this review that make it clear that the reviewer didn't investigate the game thoroughly enough. I can't believe there was no mention of mods, no mention of the large free content updates that PC has been receiving (that PS4 users can expect as well). Several of his criticisms are based on ignorance of the UI (read into that what you will, either DE needs to improve their already improved upon UI or this guy needs to learn to read).


Do reviewers even do research these days? or do they just get paid to just fire up a game for about 3 hours and write a few hundred words, slap in some generic screenshots and give it a rating out of 10? This guy makes some valid criticisms, some misinformed (aka wrong) criticisms, and his article contains no evidence that he looked at the game beyond Mercury (the first 2-3 hours of the game).


This game is definitely rough around the edges, but he essentially just criticized a lamington for only tasting like coconut despite promising to be a cake while clearly having only licked the surface. In one phrase: Poor journalism.

Edited by Hania
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Wow. I cannot believe this.

I went to Eurogamer in London. I saw [DE] Rebecca giving a brief on the game.

When she explained to people, new to the concept... Their faces lit up! So many people were impressed with Warframe at EuroGamer.

I was in good discussion with others there, how they all thought it was a AAA title and couldn't believe it was free to play.

Then I told them that they are always updating and bringing new stuff to the table. That they are pushing the boundaries and setting the bar for other Free-to-play games and indie developers. While also giving paid games, of similiar nature, a run for their money.

In their heads, they had already signed up, they had already pressed X to Ninja.

The Expo...did not reflect what has been written here. The review is based on pre-mature understanding and does not give this game justice. 

Not once was the accomplishments of the game detailed? Credit to the Art Direction! Strength of community? The amazing development progression? It sounds like this review is being done by a very impatient person. Who probably ragequit at the sight of a napalm. Instead of charging them and seeing where this goes. 

I'd happily do a review on Warframe. Telling the truth.

Best game of the century. Hands down.

What an absolute punk.

Ruk you Dan Whitehead, Ruk You.


I'm sorry but you were clearly false advertising. Pushing the bounderies of what in F2P? Story? What story? Gameplay? Please. Also always updating isn't a positive when the updates are basically money magnets with no reason for use.


Try not to think and speak so blindly in the future as it can give people a false sense of intrigue. Yeah anyone can be excited about the CONCEPT of Warframe. Heck I was one of the first to sign up last year because I loved the idea but the overall execution to a product is completely lackluster and echoes a pick up and play game like Arkham City Lockdown on iOS.

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- No mention of the extensive mods system. Brief mention of weapons and Warframes gaining levels and that 'you couldn't notice the difference' (paraphase).

Yeah.They forgot to mention the fun of maxing serration or how bloody useless most frame mods are if they aren't just shield/health adding mods or mods that buff abilities somehow.

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I'd say the man raises some pretty good points. And I think he pans the tutorial because it tells the basics which everyone knows and doesn't even touch major stuff like wallrunning and differences between starter frames. And over all Warframe is very beginner unfriendly, you get pushed out with a warming welcome message of "choose a node to do a mission" or something and that's it.

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At Eurogamer there was basically a showcase not locked to 18+ Many gathered round, including myself. 

After asking the devs a martial arts question, I got to skip the queue and see and play Killzone and Warframe both >.<

It was pretty clear to the people I was talking to in queue that we were going to play a Demo.

In fact during the demo you couldn't roll xD

but I didn't have to showcase warframe on PS4 to sell it to those people. The trailer and gameplay footage of the PC Version was already there.

The concept is what stood out the most at the brief. Great Graphics, Free, Ninja's. PC + PS4. Yeah I'll agree the view was limited. It still gave them something to imagine on the journey back home.

I'll bet though, once my friends there reached home. Played the PC version for themselves... they were not disappointed.



You seem to be comparing how people reacted to a sales pitch (which is going to focus on positives and ignore negatives) to a review of the actual game in a, relatively, current state. Those aren't comparable at all.


Warframe needs to be fixed urgently to earn good reviews. Very few reviewers play a game for 50+ hours to review it so the argument "it gets good after..." is a bad one.  The new player experience is one of the most crucial aspects and reviewers experience that.  This "beta" (seriously, at this point who are they kidding, it's live) has an awful new player experience.


DE continues to pull the distraction tactic.  "Yes we know AI/bosses/grind/tutorial/bugs suck but.... look!! shiny thing!!!".  Providing enough of the players sit there going "ooooo, ahhhh" for a fortnight like they are at a fireworks display they have sufficient time to cook up a new shiny and the cycle repeats.

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And yet, the tutorial fails to teach mechanics such as walljumping or helicoptering, either of which is needed to negotiate that one gorge in the Corpus Outpost, I assume the reviewer found further down in his review.

Wall Jumping and Helicoptering are not "basic" techniques you'd introduce in a tutorial. The problem with the tutorial is that it doesn't explain any of the true basic elements unique-ish to Warframe. It's a banal generic baby's first shooter tutorial which anyone who's ever played a shooter knows. Actually its worse because it doesn't even tell you to get your butt into cover and use it if you're getting shot up.

Things that need to be covered that aren't:

  • Vertical Wall Running
  • Focus on cover use early game
  • How to use the Foundry
  • What Mastery, Affinity, and Rank mean in their different context(Account, Weapons, Warframe, Mods)
  • How Fusion works
  • Where you actually start your first mission (get that question all the time in Region)
  • Where resource drops are listed for a planet (another question ask, "where do I find x resource?"
There are 0 places on any of the tile sets that require advanced movement "techniques" to tarvers. Basic Vertical and Horizontal wall running will get you everywhere on the objective path. I don't know what "gorge" you are thinking of on the Corpus Outpost. I can only think of three, one is really small and has a bridge at either end, another also has a really obvious and big bridge, the 3rd is 100% crossable by vertical wall running.
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