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Eurogamer Warframe Review


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Yeah.They forgot to mention the fun of maxing serration or how bloody useless most frame mods are if they aren't just shield/health adding mods or mods that buff abilities somehow.


You mean you don't find seeking out, collecting and levelling mods fun? I'm sorry but I'm not going to subscribe to your advocacy of "instant gratification gaming."


If you've ever played any TCG or CCG there are cards called staples. They appear in most decks and are considered "must have" cards in either all decks or specific deck builds. By no means does this make every staple card overpowered (some are, many aren't), they are just considered "core" cards that make a strong deck.


Health/Shield mods for Warfames, and Damage mods for weapons are basically staple mods. They are the core that makes a strong build, I still see and play a variety of interesting and different builds, especially now with corrupted mods on the table. Right now I run a near max duration Smoke Screen melee orientated Ash, this makes my other abilities weaker and I accept this because at any time I can tone back the duration and buff Shuriken and Blade Storm just by changing mods.


I also run a heavy impact Excalibur, a personal sized long duration ice globe Frost, a contagion Saryn.


I've Forma'd up my Paris Prime about 4 times, and my Akbolto's about 5 times. This was prior to damage 2.0 mind you; "oh" you say "so now your builds are broken! Hah!"


Nah, I fully endorse 2.0. If anything I have more options now for weapons and mods than every, and the derivative elemental damage types are insanely fun.

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"The game is structured around the planets of the Solar System and some fictional additions, with each providing a progressive mission tree to work through."



Take comfort in how stupid the reviewer is.

What's stupid about that?

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I will rate 6/10. The only issue with the game currently is it still on beta and lots of contents are still missing or need to be changes.


For myself, the game is getting boring and boring after update as for now I already rank up most of the frame (aside of the founder frame and the newly ember prime) and weapons (except some prime weapons as RNG god just dont like me.) There is not so much things that interesting me to do as it just the same old route "Farming resources/mod/parts".


Especailly the new Damage 2.0, this indeed impact the player base a lot and lots of old guys are gone because of the new system (their most used forma frame/weapon need to be reforma big time so they just dont want to bother as for now). And I also get annoying by those new beginner/uncooperative player. They just seem to be everywhere (alert/event/tower) As said before I dont mind to player with begginer as we all beginner before but on a lv20+ alert. Ride with 3 beginner is just no fun at all...I am ok if there is another vet player with me giving a free ride to 2 beginner but that vet player is one of those uncooperative player...this just make me so sad...and this happen a lot lately after U11. I simply just stop doing alert unless its potato kind of stuffs. And futher more, currently I am only doing 1 or 2 mission per day as I need to keep that login reward on the 3 stars...Will see until U12 before I give up.

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Best case scenario, this review brings up valid, chronic issues with Warframe, yet biased. Worst case scenario, this review is a bitter rant. This game definitely isn't 4/10, more like 6-8/10 given the potential and the relatively high developer transparency and enthusiasm.


Having a Hunter Founder does not count as bias against me because having more platinum and an exclusive Prime Warframe do not necessarily change the game. Plus, I already had 600 or so platinum before buying Founders due to the Alienware giveaway, the 50 platinum distribution, and the PC Gamer free trial.




What's stupid about that?


There are no fictional additions to the Solar System; every single location is a real landmark of sorts.

Edited by ChaoticVice777
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Wow. I cannot believe this.

Not once was the accomplishments of the game detailed? Credit to the Art Direction! Strength of community? The amazing development progression? It sounds like this review is being done by a very impatient person. Who probably ragequit at the sight of a napalm. Instead of charging them and seeing where this goes. 


Can't stop laughing. What accomplishments? Is being a mediocre copy of ME3 multiplayer mode an accomplishment? Strength of community is those guys that spam 'Thanks DE' in many languages in each and every hotfix thread? Please.

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Wow... He cant have played more then 30 min.


In which case he never got the chance to max his rush mod so, instead, he lumbered around, slow as a slug, constantly running out of stamina(because stamina is significant now).  These are the wages of nerfs, people.  This is what happens when everything in the game has to be "significant".  You get a dull game that does not stand out.


Look, I get that the reviewer is not totally unbiased.  He could have had high standards about all the other shooter games, instead of saving all his high standards for Warframe, and claiming everything else is better.


But he does raise many of the same points we raise right here in these forums everyday: harsh to noobies,  silly AI, not enough game modes, grind grind ...........  Sure, Warframe has artistic style, but, mechanically it feels like DE wants Warframe to be like ME3, "significant"(pain to play).


I have no problem with dumb suicidal horde mode.  I love to mprime all the things and see the big piniata go molecular.  But that is not the only thing I want in a game.  I want more game modes, that I can choose to play, not locked behind RNG or low level waves.  And, I want fast, fluid, controlled, movement.  Massive explosions.  Mook parts everywhere.  You might like something else.  Maybe heavy gravity is more your style, or super smart, elite enemy cells.  I could be in the mood for that sometimes. You can't fit all those opposites in a game with out having game modes for them.  But, a game needs variety if it's going to be a deep long lasting experience and satisfy a big customer base that doesn't agree on much.

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You mean you don't find seeking out, collecting and levelling mods fun? I'm sorry but I'm not going to subscribe to your advocacy of "instant gratification gaming."


If you've ever played any TCG or CCG there are cards called staples. They appear in most decks and are considered "must have" cards in either all decks or specific deck builds. By no means does this make every staple card overpowered (some are, many aren't), they are just considered "core" cards that make a strong deck.


Health/Shield mods for Warfames, and Damage mods for weapons are basically staple mods. They are the core that makes a strong build, I still see and play a variety of interesting and different builds, especially now with corrupted mods on the table. Right now I run a near max duration Smoke Screen melee orientated Ash, this makes my other abilities weaker and I accept this because at any time I can tone back the duration and buff Shuriken and Blade Storm just by changing mods.


I also run a heavy impact Excalibur, a personal sized long duration ice globe Frost, a contagion Saryn.


I've Forma'd up my Paris Prime about 4 times, and my Akbolto's about 5 times. This was prior to damage 2.0 mind you; "oh" you say "so now your builds are broken! Hah!"


Nah, I fully endorse 2.0. If anything I have more options now for weapons and mods than every, and the derivative elemental damage types are insanely fun.

Seeking out collecting and leveling.Yeah ok.


Farming 5 bajilion damn cores so I can get my serration up to max.NOT FUN.


Farming the SAME map over and OVER because only one mob in that whole tileset (and guess what?He doesn't spawn really that often) drops a pretty crucial elemental damage mod.NOT fun either(I'm looking at you mister fever strike).


Health/shield mods and damage mods are the core of blah-di-blah-di-blah.THATS THE WHOLE PROBLEM.There's no "revolutionary customization system!".You either use mod slots on these or you're screwed!


Max duration smoke screen melee Ash that makes other abilities weaker.Thanks for enforcing what I said earlier about mods that don't help buff abilities/shields being useless.



Also this isn't a trading card game this is a third person shooter.Don't know what you have been playing but this game definitely is not a trading card game.




Also here's some of your "fun":

Edited by Cabadath5
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I'm sorry but you were clearly false advertising. Pushing the bounderies of what in F2P? Story? What story? Gameplay? Please. Also always updating isn't a positive when the updates are basically money magnets with no reason for use.


Try not to think and speak so blindly in the future as it can give people a false sense of intrigue. Yeah anyone can be excited about the CONCEPT of Warframe. Heck I was one of the first to sign up last year because I loved the idea but the overall execution to a product is completely lackluster and echoes a pick up and play game like Arkham City Lockdown on iOS.


You seem to be comparing how people reacted to a sales pitch (which is going to focus on positives and ignore negatives) to a review of the actual game in a, relatively, current state. Those aren't comparable at all.


Warframe needs to be fixed urgently to earn good reviews. Very few reviewers play a game for 50+ hours to review it so the argument "it gets good after..." is a bad one.  The new player experience is one of the most crucial aspects and reviewers experience that.  This "beta" (seriously, at this point who are they kidding, it's live) has an awful new player experience.


DE continues to pull the distraction tactic.  "Yes we know AI/bosses/grind/tutorial/bugs suck but.... look!! shiny thing!!!".  Providing enough of the players sit there going "ooooo, ahhhh" for a fortnight like they are at a fireworks display they have sufficient time to cook up a new shiny and the cycle repeats.


I'll agree with both, I love the idea too. By supporting the idea and watching it grow, I cannot stand this guy for reviewing after a couple of hours and not revealing the best parts to this game.  As you said it really shouldn't be "it gets good after"...

Most F2P games do not listen to the community as Warframe does. I'm not blind to the lack of story or flaws in gameplay but it is known by devs and they work actively to fix it. 

Boundaries are being pushed by creativity in the art style. Yet this is not the boundary I'm trying to highlight. Every game has it's ups and downs. Some games are restricted by people like EA/Ubisoft, others by lack of support post release. Beta's screw up by lack of content updates/optimisation. In the livestreams, devs show awareness of these issues and have even received guidance, from other companies, to ensure this game thrives as it should.

It's bad for new players right now. I truly understand that. This guy should have highlighted on the positives as well though IMHO.

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I think he means the void and derelicts.


I doubt it, since there are no mission "trees" for them and that's what he was talking about. And yeah I seriously doubt he even knows about those missions if hes played the game so little that he thinks 150 plat is useless. On a side note I kind of regret making that remark, not knowing about every object in the solar system doesn't really make you stupid. I'm just disgusted by the review and how one sided it is. He doesn't even go into any depth, just mentions the real problems like ubergrind and bad ai. Using harsh/rude language and being clever seem more important to him.

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Since when do game reviewers review games with an obvious "BETA" label? Isn't there some unwritten law when it comes to this stuff? And to think people waited until Dust 514 was in full release with mountains of missing (and planned) content to trash it, and then a good game comes along and reviewers bash it when it's still labeling itself as beta.


This is why I stopped caring what reviewers have to say. They're completely bat**** crazy...

Edited by DavidSPD
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Can't stop laughing. What accomplishments? Is being a mediocre copy of ME3 multiplayer mode an accomplishment? Strength of community is those guys that spam 'Thanks DE' in many languages in each and every hotfix thread? Please.


Thank you. Have you seen the size of the Fan base and their art? Numerous constructive feedback posts seen to by devs? Bugs being reported and addressed frequently. Mediocre ME3? try top 10 most played in Raptr Sep 2013. "Thanks DE" spam in many languages I can agree with, but I can't believe that's all you're seeing? 

Twitch TV, Warframe livestreams...those are pretty great. Community feedback and such is showcased there. As well as how far they've come from just 8 warframes. Their first event was just killing fusion moa's (correct me if I'm wrong). Now you can ride with Moa's. Super explode enemies with Nova. Bring enemies back from the dead. Turn into spiderwoman with valkyr, Electrocute, hack up, ignite enemies. Ragdoll, gibs, entire language of the grineer. Trading Dojo's....

List goes on?

I'd say the development progression has come far.

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This review is spot on. If only DE were to actually care about these reviews, they would actually work on improving their game.

Unfortunately, all you see on the forums are positive posts and "Thanks DE" on several languages when DE launches yet another terrible, buggy update.


And for those of you that keep mentioning "it's a beta", stop. That's a terrible excuse. This game has been around for months and has developed its market so extensively it doesn't have the right to call itself a beta anymore. It's just a stupid excuse to get away with bugs and replacing DE's non-existent QA team with Warframe's players.

Edited by MoonZapdos
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Seeking out collecting and leveling.Yeah ok.


Farming 5 bajilion damn cores so I can get my serration up to max.NOT FUN.


Farming the SAME map over and OVER because only one mob in that whole tileset (and guess what?He doesn't spawn really that often) drops a pretty crucial elemental damage mod.NOT fun either(I'm looking at you mister fever strike).


Health/shield mods and damage mods are the core of blah-di-blah-di-blah.THATS THE WHOLE PROBLEM.There's no "revolutionary customization system!".You either use mod slots on these or you're screwed!


Max duration smoke screen melee Ash that makes other abilities weaker.Thanks for enforcing what I said earlier about mods that don't help buff abilities/shields being useless.



Also this isn't a trading card game this is a third person shooter.Don't know what you have been playing but this game definitely is not a trading card game.




Also here's some of your "fun":



There is nothing wrong with the mod levelling system. Certain mods should be powerful and require large investments of time and energy to complete. If it was easy to obtain powerful maximum level mods, people would complain that the game was too easy, boring, required no investment, zero goals, had limited or no progress at all and that their interest was transient.


This isn't a trading card game but there was parallels to be drawn here. This isn't just a third person shooter (as you put it), its an action rpg too, and it borrows elements from TCG/CCG. This is a multi-genre game and to get the most out of it you need to enjoy most if not all of those aspects.


It has character progression, stats boosting/buffing meta-game, rare loot acquisition, collection and now trading elements. Don't confuse the game-play with the game. Warframe is more than just a third person shooter.

Edited by Hania
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There is nothing wrong with the mod levelling system. Certain mods should be powerful and require large investments of time and energy to complete. If it was easy to obtain powerful maximum level mods, people would complain that the game was too easy, boring, required no investment, zero goals, had limited or no progress at all and that their interest was transient.


This isn't a trading card game but there was parallels to be drawn here. This isn't just a third person shooter (as you put it), its an action rpg too, and it borrows elements from TCG/CCG. This is a multi-genre game and to get the most out of it you need to enjoy most if not all of those aspects.


It has character progression, stats boosting/buffing meta-game, rare loot acquisition, collection and now trading elements. Don't confuse the game-play with the game. Warframe is more than just a third person shooter.

Ok so you have confirmed that you are perfectly FINE with my earlier youtube link regarding "fun" with the argument that some mods should be hard to level and thats all.I shall no longer bother reading your posts.

Edited by Cabadath5
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