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The Brakk Nerf


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I also don't think that event guns should be nerfed.

What I think is, is that they shouldn't be overpowered to begin with.


i like the first part of this but... the second part....as Unranked Brakk wasn't OP until you properly modded it to be strong and that should be the case in every weapon and warframe......but whatever....it your opinion and yours alone....

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The Brakk wasn't OP until U11.


15% Status Chance per pellet+Blast=Perma-stun.

It has 10% stun, but that's beside the point. Status is what made it OP, not the damage. Now all it's good for is status, but without damage it's really made the time invested in it moot.

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Tell that to the bronco series. Brakk now has a larger spread AND has the added drawback of fall off. There is NO reason to use this at more than point blank now, while the Bronco Prime can still do sniping very effectively. Unless of course, you're fine with letting everyone who had done the event have their effort invalidated. Yes, the Brakk needed a nerf. No, it did not need to be made into something this bad

what's that? bronco prime coming back into the spotlight? looks like christmas came early. is the brakk's spread now greater than that of the bronco prime? because it used to be tighter than the bronco prime's, so how large of an increase did they give it? now magnum force isn't a double benefit for brakk anymore, is it?


Note to self: Don't grind 100 missions next event.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, you didn't have to do 100 missions to complete the event, you only needed to do 1. but you wanted the goods, so you had to do 100. its a choice


I haven't even tried it yet... what is upsetting is DE's amazing hability to nerf good weapons that are really expensive (acrid) or hard to win (Brakk) so light hearted, after players pour their time, money, materials and formas into those same weapons months or weeks before they nerf them.


And no i'm not a Brakk kinda of guy, it's the way that the Devs go about these things thats getting to me.


It's necessary for balancing issues!? So they must refrain on the stats of the weapons on release not nerf everysingle good and/or fun weapon they put in the game!


Sorry for the rant but it's my pov at the moment. 

yes, yes it was necessary for balancing issues. you and others can complain "oh, but it's a co-op game, so having OP weapons is fine" but the point of U11 was build diversity, and although the brakk could be built diversely, the point was that everyone was still using the brakk, just modded for the faction you were fighting. that's no fun (and its not like its the best looking gun either. miles ahead of acrid at least, but still)


EXCLUSIVE WEAPONS FROM AN EVENT should never ever get a NERF, this is just plain insult to an event type of weapon, THIS is why HATE NERFING STUFF when its NOT needed to be, AND no I don't care if your annoyed by this reply that its OP and it deserves to be NERF, this is a feedback thread so I will choose to be ANNOYING. STOP NERFING THE CRAP OUT STUFF...it not balancing the game at all, ESPECIALLY AN EXCLUSIVE WEAPONS......I DON'T CARE IF ITS A SLIGHT NERF IT'S STILL A NERF.


If thats going to happen in the future then don't give out weapon as an exclusive for events because your going to end up nerfing them....

its a feedback thread, so you'll choose to be annoying rather than constructive, or maybe even open-minded? good one, mate, your opinion on the matter is really important to me and everyone else. if an event weapon is too powerful, it deserves to be tweaked. plus with damage 2.0 everything was assigned arbitrarily, really, and everything is thus subject to change. namely the damage types and status chance stuff. that's what I would've gone for if I were DE, reducing the status chance, so it would otherwise be the same gun as it was pre-U11 (in terms of total damage, crit chance, spread, reload speed, and all the other stats. but status chance is what made brakk incredibly OP, that and the status mechanics of shotgun-type weapons)


The Brakk wasn't OP until U11.


15% Status Chance per pellet+Blast=Perma-stun.

did you use it pre-U11? it was easily the second best sidearm to the acrid, and many people preferred it to the acrid. but acrid was crazy OP at that point, and brakk was just incredibly powerful

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i like the first part of this but... the second part....as Unranked Brakk wasn't OP until you properly modded it to be strong and that should be the case in every weapon and warframe......but whatever....it your opinion and yours alone....

I'm not saying it was overpowered, but there's obviously been talk of it being a nasty weapon.

I didn't even pay attention to it when I leveled it, due to still being mad sour about not getting the Detron I worked for. (Thankfully we'll be seeing DETRON & PROVANDAL at somepoint.)


I just think new exclusive things shouldn't be COMPLETELY better than a pre-existing weapon of the same type, outside of upgrades (Wraiths, Vandals, ect.).

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The Brakk was overpowered, it was an exclusive weapon that put out twice the damage per second any other secondary could hope to achieve with little to no drawbacks.


Damage wise, the gun has still not been hurt that much, it still has more puncture and slash than most secondaries.


Spread, this is to be expected from a hand shotgun.


Falloff, interesting seeing as all bronco variants do not have fall off still. 


The Brakk is still going to be a powerful secondary in close quarters, like a pistol-shotty should be. It is still going to be useful against all 3 factions when modded right. You just won't see people using a pistol-shotty from range anymore.


Anyone who formad the Brakk in the hope that it wouldn't get nerfed in the knowledge of the stats in the codex, was simply being ignorant in my opinion.

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what's that? bronco prime coming back into the spotlight? looks like christmas came early. is the brakk's spread now greater than that of the bronco prime? because it used to be tighter than the bronco prime's, so how large of an increase did they give it? now magnum force isn't a double benefit for brakk anymore, is it?


I've said it before and I'll say it again, you didn't have to do 100 missions to complete the event, you only needed to do 1. but you wanted the goods, so you had to do 100. its a choice


yes, yes it was necessary for balancing issues. you and others can complain "oh, but it's a co-op game, so having OP weapons is fine" but the point of U11 was build diversity, and although the brakk could be built diversely, the point was that everyone was still using the brakk, just modded for the faction you were fighting. that's no fun (and its not like its the best looking gun either. miles ahead of acrid at least, but still)


its a feedback thread, so you'll choose to be annoying rather than constructive, or maybe even open-minded? good one, mate, your opinion on the matter is really important to me and everyone else. if an event weapon is too powerful, it deserves to be tweaked. plus with damage 2.0 everything was assigned arbitrarily, really, and everything is thus subject to change. namely the damage types and status chance stuff. that's what I would've gone for if I were DE, reducing the status chance, so it would otherwise be the same gun as it was pre-U11 (in terms of total damage, crit chance, spread, reload speed, and all the other stats. but status chance is what made brakk incredibly OP, that and the status mechanics of shotgun-type weapons)


did you use it pre-U11? it was easily the second best sidearm to the acrid, and many people preferred it to the acrid. but acrid was crazy OP at that point, and brakk was just incredibly powerful

First, your condescending tone is a put off. Might want to Chang that so more people will be willing to actually discuss with you.

Anyway, Either uniformity, or no falloff on Brakk. It's a simple solution, and doesn't make an event weapon obsolete, without making it overpowered to the max. I'd much rather see the falloff removed so that the Bronco doesn't get hit by that, and watch the CRIT and status fall. That'd be fair to everyone IMO.

On another note, bronco is already an impact heavy pistol shotgun. With my proposed changes, switching the impact and puncture values would make the bronco a (hopefully temporarily exclusively) the puncture version of it. In no way do I want it to be the only puncture one, but it's a nice way to keep the Bronco and the Brakk viable at the same time.

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The thing that made the Brakk op imo was NOT the damage fall off being non existant, but the status effect chance. 10% with 20ish pellets = 200% chance per shot, blast stuns were stupid. 


I used the brakk for the spray at range. With an impact mod, and elec/toxic for armor it was amazing for corrupted. I say nerf the status to 1-2%, but give us back the no fall off, but thats purely my opinion. 


Pre-nerf Brakk WAS a bit powerful , but I believe it deserved to be, considering how hard it was to get even if you participated in the event. 

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We knew it was coming and here it is. 


I personally don't think that event guns should be nerfed, as the people who were there played and earned the gun. (Especially in this case, because the Brakk was a b*tch to get at 100 missions) This is a Co-op game, and having a high performance gun that was exclusive does not hurt anyone, but rewards those who grinded it out. 



EXCLUSIVE WEAPONS FROM AN EVENT should never ever get a NERF, this is just plain insult to an event type of weapon, THIS is why HATE NERFING STUFF when its NOT needed to be, AND no I don't care if your annoyed by this reply that its OP and it deserves to be NERF, this is a feedback thread so I will choose to be ANNOYING. STOP NERFING THE CRAP OUT STUFF...it not balancing the game at all, ESPECIALLY AN EXCLUSIVE WEAPONS......I DON'T CARE IF ITS A SLIGHT NERF IT'S STILL A NERF.


If thats going to happen in the future then don't give out weapon as an exclusive for events because your going to end up nerfing them....


Event items are supposed to be special.

Events are special - participation is special.

And if the reward item happens to be great, decent, wonderful - Then fine. 

It is what it is.

But I have to second the above opinions - please quit offering rewards for events and then trashing them.

I dont care if you call it nerfing, balancing, modulating, mitigating -- If i wanted an above average run of the mill weapon then i would rather spend my time putting an extra forma into an old weapon than participating in events (over 100 missions thank you very much) where the reward promised is most certainly going to be downgraded.

That is certainly not right.

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Event items are supposed to be special.

Events are special - participation is special.

And if the reward item happens to be great, decent, wonderful - Then fine. 

It is what it is.

But I have to second the above opinions - please quit offering rewards for events and then trashing them.

I dont care if you call it nerfing, balancing, modulating, mitigating -- If i wanted an above average run of the mill weapon then i would rather spend my time putting an extra forma into an old weapon than participating in events (over 100 missions thank you very much) where the reward promised is most certainly going to be downgraded.

That is certainly not right.


You guys are completely over-reacting to this.


The gun is still more powerful than any other secondary, by quite a long shot. But now you can't simply snipe with a pistol-shotty.


"Event items are supposed to be special". Special, yes. Twice as good as any other secondary? No.

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You guys are completely over-reacting to this.


The gun is still more powerful than any other secondary, by quite a long shot. But now you can't simply snipe with a pistol-shotty.


"Event items are supposed to be special". Special, yes. Twice as good as any other secondary? No.

I agree for the most part. The brakk was powerful, slightly too high imo. The problem is NOT the fall off though, its the crit/status chance. You can stun lock ANY mob with blast elemental damage, and still one shot mostly anything 1-30ish close range. Lower the status chance to 2%, like the bronco, and crit to 5-10%. Bring back no fallout dmg. That is balanced imo.

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While I don't have a Brakk, I can say that on paper, it is still easily argued as the best secondary. I'm not sure if the chosen nerf was appropriate or not (my gut says it should have been a proc nerf instead off falloff given how the Broncos are).

Edited by Volt_Cruelerz
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"Simple but powerful. The semi-automatic Brakk hand cannon delivers a lot of punch in a small package." Now there are two words that are very important in the previous phrase "Hand Cannon" it is not a hand shot gun and as far as I know, cannons do not have a fall off or spread. So really the nerf is invalid because they are applying a reduction of something it should not have anyway, spread and fall off.  I also agree that an event weapon should not be nerfed due to the fact it is suppose to be special in the first place, that is the entire reason for grinding for the weapon in the first place.

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I just tested and this gun was heavy nerfed now.

My Brakk is formed 4 times. I can't understand!

So much effort on this gun (event + formas) and now, S#&$.


We have Nova (got armor buff! LOL)...

We have Soma (not exclusive event gun, best gun in the game by far, untouched)




ps: and now, desecrate is bugged also. Working much less, invalid targets all the time, etc... nice!!!!

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The Brakk pre-balancing was a crutch. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm sorry to say that, owning it myself, but it's true. It completely trivialized gameplay. There was literally nothing in this game that couldn't be turned into chum with the Brakk.


Is this change what it needed? I don't know that yet. I think that we, as a community, need to spend some time getting to know the new Brakk. I don't think that an afternoon and an evening is enough time.


Always remember that we, as a community, have the power to alter the game. The reason Brakk was changed was probably because a lot of people made a number of compelling, constructive arguments about the subject. I should know, I was one of them. The Brakk can be changed again with the same kind of action: Constructive, well-thought-out arguments. Not insults. Not complaints. Not pure negativity.

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We knew it was coming and here it is. 


- Brakk change:

Damage slanted towards impact damage.

Little more spread added.

Fall off added (10-20m)


How bad do you think this will affect the gun? Is it usable at decent range with the fall off? The nerf REALLY hurts my setup, as I used it as an aoe ranged weapon, and ran ignis for low/mid range enemies.


I personally don't think that event guns should be nerfed, as the people who were there played and earned the gun. (Especially in this case, because the Brakk was a b*tch to get at 100 missions) This is a Co-op game, and having a high performance gun that was exclusive does not hurt anyone, but rewards those who grinded it out. 


Lets TRY to keep the thread free of the "CHANGE IT BACK" screamers, opinions are welcome but lets not just cry about it. Any new info is great, or feedback to the weapons performance now.

Welcome to the DE, where the Hardcore rule the game.  Again.

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Fall off WAS needed. And maybe this was the only thing needed. Every shotgun has falloff, and Brakk should have it too.


Why not? I personally don't feel offended if event weapon is nerfed. I worked hard for a several hours to get that gun and I had some fun killing every moving thing with it. We worked hard for only a only several hours, so why should we get a weapon, that will be ridiculously powerful forever? In my opinion all event item should last only for a given amount of time. And DE do not take our battle trophies away, they just make them as powerful as other weapons. We are actually free to keep them as a reminder of our former glory. And for that we should be grateful to DE.

Also, if you wish to own overpowered weapon, take Soma keep your eyes opened for coming events. I'm sure DE will let us take play with crazy killer toy. For some time.

Really?So after every tedious,pathetic,not FUN AT ALL TO PLAY event we get a weapon and some weeks later it will be random nerfed because of a freaking bunch of crying babies and of course to ENFORCE players who spent some money on formas to move along and get the next carrot-on-a-stick ?
No thx,they screwed my Swraith,Soma,synapse and now the Brakk(i will not mention Acrid just because the dmg system was broken not the weapon)and several other weapons in such randomly way just to apease this noobs whom never go past earth,maybe jupiter and dont want "op" weapons "destroying" their precious game...
Once again instead to test something to the limit they get the nerf stick and stuck it deep you know where,and screwed,once again some rare weapon..
They should nerf the Braton Vandal too,it kills too fast damn lvl 10 mobs...
Edited by Raijinmeister
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Really?So after every tedious,pathetic,not FUN AT ALL TO PLAY event we get a weapon and some weeks later it will be random nerfed because of a freaking bunch of crying babies and of course to ENFORCE players who spent some money on formas to move along and get the next carrot-on-a-stick ?
No thx,they screwed my Swraith,Soma,synapse and now the Brakk(i will not mention Acrid just because the dmg system was broken not the weapon)and several other weapons in such randomly way just to apease this noobs whom never go past earth,maybe jupiter and dont want "op" weapons "destroying" their precious game...
Once again instead to test something to the limit they get the nerf stick and stuck it deep you know where,and screwed,once again some rare weapon..
They should nerf the Braton Vandal too,it kills too fast damn lvl 10 mobs...


What he said --

When we get a weapon that actually pawns stuff on Pluto Outer Terminus (which we dont have) - then I will consider the OPies cries for nerfing -

Until then - if you dont like the weapon, then dont use it, but lose the playground mentality that "if i dont like it, then you cant have it either"

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Ok, my 10 cents. It's not the Brakk nerf itself that bothers me, (With all the crying and b**ching it was coming). What's odd is why they actually nerf good, fun to play guns (just remember the Gorgon, Hek, Acrid, Flux Rifle and so on) to the point that they are useless S#&$? (Niche guns at best) I mean, wouldn't it be better to actually buff/rebalance other guns instead?


And  "trivializing content"? You actually need a good gun for your endgame adventures, and Brakk filled that role rather well. I know, it 1-shots all the level 12 stuff, but stop thinking in categories that include Venus mobs.


Plus, the whole rank system is just a big joke, for multiple reasons. Why you need ranks? To unlock more crappy weapons, to increase said rank even further? What i'm trying to say, is not that Brakk was "broken", but a lot of other guns need their stats altered.


Brakk role: It was an interesting one. If you think that the basic design (tight spread and no fall-off) wasn't a mistake, i can presume, that it was made as a "sniper shotgun". So, IMO. shotguns with falloff should be more powerful, and shotguns like Tigris, Brakk and Hek should be the "sniper" ones, and the damage they do should be proportional to the ammo in the clip and the reload speed.


And people who say that Brakk was easy to get: Just think about it. 100 runs, like one person said, all around under 5 minutes. With all connecting/loading in and out it's 10 hours of "work", because i can't personally say that grinding was, is or will be, fun. Should 10 hours of actual work in a game be rewarding? I dare to say, yes they should.

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The problem with it is that they like to release a weapon into the wild, leave it there, and finally "fix" it after a long while when people are comfortable with it and think that will be the norm.


The Strun Wraith nerf from 50% to 20% crit chance was ok since it was fixed on the day itself, people who want to forma it already know what they are expecting.


The Brakk? How long ago was it since we have it. And one fine day, ta-dah! Nerframe.


It's the same thing with Ember. "She wasn't designed to be a tank", but yet it took them long enough to finally "fix" it.

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