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Fan Concepts Index


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I love this Index, so good for all the smaller Fan Concepts, cheers!


In addition, here's the Inquisitor & Wraith Multi-Thread, Inquisitor the Energy Frame, and Wraith the Fallen Knight:


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I have three ideas that may or may not be good ideas, but what the hay, here they are:



FIRST:  An integrated Archwing mission.  Grineer Sabotage  "You get dropped off in the middle of the Fomorian fleet, there are three ships and a flagship.  You fight your way through enemies, and one enemy in particular has the controls for a fomorian ship's bay, you kill him and gain the codes (But still have to hack a console at the bay's door) and when you open it up, alarms sound, and grineer (space battle-ready or not) get sucked out while you run in, you have to hack a console in the bay to close the door again once your team mates are in or they can come in later or do different ships, following the same procedure.  You shoot your way through just like any other Grineer mission, to the objective, hack the objective, blow the cores and run down an adjacent hall, where a once locked door is now OPEN due to alarms sounding for reinforcements, there is a vacuum window, you shoot it and get sucked out, the timer is already reading 5:00 for you and your team to get out, when you get sucked out your archwing reattaches to you and you have to fly away from the ship before it explodes, you'll see a red flashing blast radius you have to exit and once you do all three and reach the flagship, there is a Grineer Manic defending the last Objective.  :D  That's my idea for the sabotage archwings for Grineer.


SECOND:  Idea  a KEYSHARE segment for your ship, where whoever has purchased it, can host Keyshares.  How this would work is, everyone puts the agreed key, it has to match everyone elses key.  Once all keys are IN, and matching it makes you CONFIRM if you want to do it, just for good measure.  ONCE the keys are confirmed, nobody can screw anyone over, if they decide to LEAVE, they lose their key to the group still participating, if they all leave and it's one person left, and they wanted to stick him with his own key and no help, the keyshare would cancel due to lack of a group, and he'd keep his key.  A host can do a keyshare with anyone regardless if they have a segment or not, but those without a segment can't host.


THIRD:  The Observatory should have the options to do missions, but only with clanmates and only with two or more people kneeling at the pads.  Once kneeling at the pad you would instance out and another clanmate can kneel on the flashing pad, it would show the other person on it, and what mission he was going to do, if you wish to participate, the ACCEPT tab would show up and he can accept and start the count down or wait for two more players.  All other actions such as Kubrow, Foundry, Syndicate, Relay would have to be done by Liset, but there should be an Arsenal Kiosk you can build in the Observatory, that instances you to your own Arsenal and back when you're done.  (Wouldn't hurt to have one in Relay Mission Control) 


Anyways, those are some ideas I had dreamed about that would enrich the gaming experience, I've heard some nay-sayers telling me it is stupid, and others saying it's a great idea, either way.  :P  I hope you've enjoyed the visual.


You know it would've been great if this was a topic and you posted a link here rather than sharing this idea in a post...

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I have three ideas that may or may not be good ideas, but what the hay, here they are:



FIRST:  An integrated Archwing mission.  Grineer Sabotage  "You get dropped off in the middle of the Fomorian fleet, there are three ships and a flagship.  You fight your way through enemies, and one enemy in particular has the controls for a fomorian ship's bay, you kill him and gain the codes (But still have to hack a console at the bay's door) and when you open it up, alarms sound, and grineer (space battle-ready or not) get sucked out while you run in, you have to hack a console in the bay to close the door again once your team mates are in or they can come in later or do different ships, following the same procedure.  You shoot your way through just like any other Grineer mission, to the objective, hack the objective, blow the cores and run down an adjacent hall, where a once locked door is now OPEN due to alarms sounding for reinforcements, there is a vacuum window, you shoot it and get sucked out, the timer is already reading 5:00 for you and your team to get out, when you get sucked out your archwing reattaches to you and you have to fly away from the ship before it explodes, you'll see a red flashing blast radius you have to exit and once you do all three and reach the flagship, there is a Grineer Manic defending the last Objective.  :D  That's my idea for the sabotage archwings for Grineer.


SECOND:  Idea  a KEYSHARE segment for your ship, where whoever has purchased it, can host Keyshares.  How this would work is, everyone puts the agreed key, it has to match everyone elses key.  Once all keys are IN, and matching it makes you CONFIRM if you want to do it, just for good measure.  ONCE the keys are confirmed, nobody can screw anyone over, if they decide to LEAVE, they lose their key to the group still participating, if they all leave and it's one person left, and they wanted to stick him with his own key and no help, the keyshare would cancel due to lack of a group, and he'd keep his key.  A host can do a keyshare with anyone regardless if they have a segment or not, but those without a segment can't host.


THIRD:  The Observatory should have the options to do missions, but only with clanmates and only with two or more people kneeling at the pads.  Once kneeling at the pad you would instance out and another clanmate can kneel on the flashing pad, it would show the other person on it, and what mission he was going to do, if you wish to participate, the ACCEPT tab would show up and he can accept and start the count down or wait for two more players.  All other actions such as Kubrow, Foundry, Syndicate, Relay would have to be done by Liset, but there should be an Arsenal Kiosk you can build in the Observatory, that instances you to your own Arsenal and back when you're done.  (Wouldn't hurt to have one in Relay Mission Control) 


Anyways, those are some ideas I had dreamed about that would enrich the gaming experience, I've heard some nay-sayers telling me it is stupid, and others saying it's a great idea, either way.  :P  I hope you've enjoyed the visual.

you need to put in a concept and send the link as Siubijeni said in the OP

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Just wondering. Not sure if this is the right place for it but anyway. I just had some questions about concept art.


1. How many fan made concept art pieces have been used in the game?

2. If you come up with an idea that will be used will you get to work on more concept art and ideas for the game, and/or get paid for your concept and concept art?

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Just wondering. Not sure if this is the right place for it but anyway. I just had some questions about concept art.


1. How many fan made concept art pieces have been used in the game?

2. If you come up with an idea that will be used will you get to work on more concept art and ideas for the game, and/or get paid for your concept and concept art?

1) Yeah, this may have been the wrong place to actually post a comment about questions, seeming this is about the collective Index of Warframe Concepts, not question -no offense D:


2. If you do manage to come up with an idea for a concept or for art, I'm positively sure that because you are not employed by DE, they are not obliged to pay you or give any type of rewards, however, this is their choice. For e.g, Zephyr, by LigerInuzka (aka Volkovyi), the artists effort was acknowledged and he received a personal letter and other in-game rewards for his work.

Edited by Pyro15232
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1) Yeah, this may have been the wrong place to actually post a comment about questions, seeming this is about the collective Index of Warframe Concepts, not question -no offense D:


2. If you do manage to come up with an idea for a concept or for art, I'm positively sure that because you are not employed by DE, they are not obliged to pay you or give any type of rewards, however, this is their choice. For e.g, Zephyr, by LigerInuzka (aka Volkovyi), the artists effort was acknowledged and he received a personal letter and other in-game rewards for his work.

Thanks Pyro!

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