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Nerfs On Nice Things.


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Why are all good secondary weapons getting hit with a strong nerf? I sunk 3 formas in both, acrid and brakk, but unfortunately, they get nerfed soon after, making the practically useless. Seriously, too many weapons are getting nerfed. It's fully alright for some weps to stand out more than others, no need to bring them down to one of the worst weps. I do agree that both weapons needed a nerf, but a less severe one. Perhaps Acrid could stack DoT, but serration wouldn't increase it. Or maybe allow DoT damage to increase, but not stack. As for Brakk, lower it's spread or increase range before damage fall off. Seriously these weapons are unusable. Please buff them just a bit. 

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Get used to it. 


Don't want to be rough, yet they did it for stupendous reasons.


I do agree with some arguments,  my boltor I had forever I had to sell as it was made useless now.


Devs are trying to make variety in weapons, not just have someone spam a some or ogris.


I'd like to see most weapons dealt with by U12 and the Damage 2.0 fully in progress really.

Edited by 123Olympian
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people cant honestly believe the lack of damage fall-off for secondary shotguns are intended, we all know it's a oversight. and dont tell me it's a handcannon and not a shotgun, it mechanically is a shotgun, and should work the same way as primary shotguns.


Dude Bronco and Dual Bronco (if anyone actually still uses this) had this zero fall off from since....Forever.

Edited by fatpig84
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Acrid and Brakk are anything, but not nice. Both are ugly as hell.

If you really attached to a weapon, you wont care much about nerf as long the weapon appeals to you by sound, model, mechanic e.g. and is still useful in terms of dps, burst, accuracy e.g.

To be honest most of you, who spread qq about Brakk's nerf acting like small kids, who just lost their loli ... seriously

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Spent 2 days Formaing my Brakk 3x. I'm still using it, though now I'm pretty sad that I can't use it together with the Hek anymore.

I forma'd my Strun Wraith JUST before they nerfed it.  And now...  I'm looking at it, and wondering if I should free up a slot for a Hek, which is the superiour shotty.

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I forma'd my Strun Wraith JUST before they nerfed it.  And now...  I'm looking at it, and wondering if I should free up a slot for a Hek, which is the superiour shotty.


I had it better.

I got it 3 days before it had a damage nerf and it was taking names newly forma with my proudly self found blaze.

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I forma'd my Strun Wraith JUST before they nerfed it.  And now...  I'm looking at it, and wondering if I should free up a slot for a Hek, which is the superiour shotty.

Hek is a boss do it. I'm sure Hek will survive. It have already survived multiple nerf and buff.

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Dude Bronco and Dual Bronco (if anyone actually still uses this) had this zero fall off from since....Forever.


that's because they were released before damage fall-off was introduced, they'll get their damage fall-off just like brakk did, feel free to quote me on this.

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1. Make god-weapon

2. Earn money from people wanting that weapon and spending Plat to get it faster

3. Nerf it

4. Release another god-weapon

5. Repeat

6. ???


You take my like! Lol


I OC acrid( my second weapon after boltor!) and forma 5 times. Yo.  It's suck

I forma brakk few times, i dont remember but it has 6 polar slot now, so about 4-5 times. Yo, if i use it with far enemy, it's suck!

Dam drop from 2xx per hit to 20, 17 and sometimes it's 1. 2 dam. Lol.

I know, it'  still good if close to enemy but.... but..... If it's lv 50+ enemy, it's suicide not play.


I have only 2 weapon to use when rush map lv 50+( surival 30 mins+, endless defend, void def t3): vectis+ brakk.. Soma is not enough ammo( team ammo recovery is stupid!), ogris is not good enough and only def......synapse is not good... 


change dam type, ok. More spread, ok. But, get the &&%$*&^@#)% fall off- dam out

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Nothing that got nerfed deserved it.

Why are they getting nerfed?

Good question.

It is because of a very vocal group of whiners that:: #1) did not get the cool weapon and are having a fit over it;   #2) have a playground mentality that if they dont want it then no one else can have it ;; #3) Maintain that All weapons must be the same so they can get just as many kills as the team mates on the score board and finally;; #4) Do not bother to play on the outer maps like Outer terminus for instance where powerful weapons are sorely needed and obvious by their absence.


For all the OPies out there screaming OP OP OP -

Tell all of us ignorant noobs what weapon you use to carry your team to wave 15 on Outer Terminus?

Educate us all about how OP the acrid was that it just nailed stuff on wave 25 in the Outer.

Oh and remind us about how over crowded the outer system missions are because of all the imbalanced OP weapons out there so everyone has to run to Outer Terminus to get any challenge now at all.

Last check 60 players on inner three planets -- 5 on outer three. 

That is a 12 to 1 ratio in a mature game where with plenty of high level frames out there the distribution should be way more even.

But it is not even.


Because a handful of  >1,000 poster vocal OPies whined until any weapon that was even close to endgame got nerfed.

The Brakk, Acrid, Strun, Soma did not break the game.

It is the OPies that are breaking this game - seriously breaking it and turning the outer system into a tomb - a tomb likely to continue extending inward unless some one at DE wakes up soon.


DE - Give us some end game weapons.



Or tell us seriously what are the end game weapons here?

Are we really supposed to take a Lato all the way to Pluto?  Or even the nerfed brakk which is still supposedly OP with its 10 meter range shooting hoardes of level 60 Corpus with 30 m ranges?

Please get real.


And to the OPies -

Quit taking high level weapons to Mercury and then bawling about it being unbalanced - duh - You unbalanced it by taking wrong weapon to wrong mission.

There are different levels of enemies.  Equip accordingly - no one is forcing you to equip anything - except maybe your own ego that wants to be at the top of the kill board.


With the new level 40 = old 100 - it would only make sense to revisit why the outer planets are so unnaturally desolate for a game such as this where excellent rewards are offered for those high level defense missions. 

The community needs to own up to it and look to the now totally inadequate nerfed weapons as being a serious limitation to late game playability -

The limitation of playability is evidenced not by the incessantly whining OPies who seems to live in forum land given their post count, but by the actual players and where they play.

Give us good weapons that can be reliably hauled out to Pluto where we can actually survive and hunt and enjoy - Expand the game.

Get over it OPies -

Move On and Move Out to the further planets.

Let's Go.

Edited by Asynaptic2
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