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By All Means De, Keep Making Sweeping Changes.


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The real problem is that the vocal majority are always the ones who are displeased. those who are happy with the changes don't tend to say as much, if anything. This creates a stigma of dislike that isn't always present. They make changes to address complaints, however then the people who were happy with what they changed but never said anything are now unhappy, so now they complain. It's why almost all forums are constantly bathed in negativity with games like this, because the majority only speak up when something bothers them.


Personally, i'm on board with sweeping changes, even if they are HORRIBLE, because DE tends to react quickly. A horrible change may be just that, but, at least it lets them KNOW it was bad, they can find out why from feedback, and alter it, or abandon it all together. People always have something negative to say when changes go badly, which isn't a bad thing DE needs the feedback, but don't try and play that off as DE suddenly not knowing what they are doing. they are only human, not every idea they have is going to be good, but as long as they continue to react quickly and attempt to work out there mistakes they are 100% on the ball for a development team.

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it's less than a day old and as a rule on the internet people will whine about everything regardless of whether or not it's a bad idea.  Entitlement and an irrational fear of change or a fear that they might have to adapt to something new will always rear up in the face of any change.


Hell Just having the balls to make big changes and sticking with it long enough to see it actually works despite the hue and cry of the rabble is admirable on it's own.

Yeah, except you can't make a bad idea be a good idea unless the idea itself is changed in some way. Big changes are indeed something that is needed from time to times in games so that they live or they make a sequel consisting of those changes. Regardless of that fact, not all sequels are successful? Why? Because they had bad ideas in it. In a game such as this, big changes are needed as time progresses but it doesn't mean the ideas can't be bad or good. We just are here to stop them from doing the mistake of implementing a bad choice

If that is what you haven't gotten from being a beta tester, to influence on things, good and bad then you are on the wrong game honestly speaking. It is a never-ending beta sure, but because of that, the influencing of players will be never-ending as well and as long as we are motivated enough to care what happens to the game and complain when needed, the better as it means life or death to a game. A perfect game, well a perfect anything really is a paradox so there will always be someone who is willing to voice their opinion regardless of the state of the game, if this is not seen then it means the game has seen it's days and is pretty likely as much as a dead game.*

Lastly it is not a day old rule that ' internet people' specifically will whine influence on something. From the dawn of man, people have had different opinions on things, that is why people go into war even tens of thousands of years before now, it is not a day one rule, it is ancient actually. I can't remember who said it this in ancient era but the saying goes " As long as there are two people left, they want to kill each other ". This saying means that as long as there are two people anywhere, they will always have some differences regardless how close they are to each others so different opinions are formed.

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I've never seen developers whose fixes are consistently worse than the previous iteration.


Some decent ideas this patch but overall I feel like I'm just going to sit this game out for a bit until the storm passes.


You should try some DICE games, and then come back.   But get them at launch or it doesn't count.

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As a rule of thumb if a big change causes as much discontent as this one it is, in fact, a bad thing.

Not really, from the 16+ years I have played online, it is rare thatthe change is actually BAD.  Most of the time the changes fix something that was being blatantly abused or broken in the player's favor and the complainers whine because they no longer have access to an I WIN button.


Of course, there is always Rohan online levels of messing things up.

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Not really, from the 16+ years I have played online, it is rare thatthe change is actually BAD.  Most of the time the changes fix something that was being blatantly abused or broken in the player's favor and the complainers whine because they no longer have access to an I WIN button.


Of course, there is always Rohan online levels of messing things up.

The 11.3 damage changes were horrible. And were rightly reverted really fast. Changes can be bad and a lot of the time they are.

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Personally i agree they should keep making sweeping changes.


It's continually introducing new things to the game, improving the game and in the long run will create a game that stands apart from the uniform schlock that fill the medium.


Keep it up, big changes shake things up and that's almost never a bad thing.


What new things have been introduced in the 11.3 update? Changing numbers in a spreadsheet does not equate to new.

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What new things have been introduced in the 11.3 update? Changing numbers in a spreadsheet does not equate to new.

Removing an entire faction from a game that is already suffering from repetitiveness... then setting a bar that will take a week to recover a node from said 'invading' faction....

Edited by CloudPies
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The real problem is that the vocal majority are always the ones who are displeased. those who are happy with the changes don't tend to say as much, if anything. This creates a stigma of dislike that isn't always present. They make changes to address complaints, however then the people who were happy with what they changed but never said anything are now unhappy, so now they complain. It's why almost all forums are constantly bathed in negativity with games like this, because the majority only speak up when something bothers them.


Personally, i'm on board with sweeping changes, even if they are HORRIBLE, because DE tends to react quickly. A horrible change may be just that, but, at least it lets them KNOW it was bad, they can find out why from feedback, and alter it, or abandon it all together. People always have something negative to say when changes go badly, which isn't a bad thing DE needs the feedback, but don't try and play that off as DE suddenly not knowing what they are doing. they are only human, not every idea they have is going to be good, but as long as they continue to react quickly and attempt to work out there mistakes they are 100% on the ball for a development team.


Is that why these terrible changes happen pretty much every other update? And only get fixed because people call DE out on it?

Edited by f3llyn
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Invasions which prevent people from farming frames they want.



Removing an entire faction from a game that is already suffering from repetitiveness... then setting a bar that will take a week to recover a node from said 'invading' faction....


Fair points.

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As this game is in beta, this sort of thing is expected. However, most betas give some sort of direction in their changes. The Damage changes have basically been dice rolls the past few days. What are they trying to accomplish exactly? If they told us their goal with how they want weaknesses and resistances to work, we could actually give some feedback as to where things need fixing. But how are we supposed to know that, say, the Synapse isn't supposed to be the best weapon in the game? Or maybe the Infested have an overhaul around the corner that works perfectly with Invasions? Right now we're just headless chickens who have to choose between making our own theories and hoping we don't get blindsided or wait for the changes to settle (which we don't really know when they will be settled).

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Hadn't really had enough time with damage 2.0 to get a solid grip on it.


Making 1/3 of basic damage (slash) relatively worthless does not feel like progress.


Removing infested (mostly) from the map removes much of the fun.


IMO the invasion missions are the worst kind of grind and doing void missions wastes too much time in chat trying to get a crew together.


I liked being able to count on Xini for some quick fun as I don't have the luxury of playing 24/7.


Very disappointed in the DEV's recently

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  • 2 weeks later...

After seeing some of the many changes lately, I felt that my opinion was best summarized by my OP so bump.


Some good, some bad and still lots of bad not reverted to the previous good.


The new event changes screwing clans with no warning? That was the icing on the cake.

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I've never seen developers whose fixes are consistently worse than the previous iteration.


Some decent ideas this patch but overall I feel like I'm just going to sit this game out for a bit until the storm passes.





After seeing some of the many changes lately, I felt that my opinion was best summarized by my OP so bump.


Some good, some bad and still lots of bad not reverted to the previous good.


The new event changes screwing clans with no warning? That was the icing on the cake.

yea I'd like to see you do better ! you probably know nothing about the hardships of coding it's not as easy as saying "I want this gun to fire grenades "  and it will just do it you have to tell the game how the gun works, what effect the gun has how it discharges how it reloads and so on, Doing takes 1000's if no 100000's lines of code , in the proses of doing this you might introduce a sliver of code that will conflict with another guns code and end up causing errors glitches and exploits so it is not as easy as it sounds . On top of that the game is in OPEN BETA so we are the testers by all accounts while we enjoy the game it is our  role to report error and get them fixed and when new code breaks soming else we are here to tell them coding is not a perfect thing . even the greatest games suffer from bugs and bad patching it happens get over it . so you may whine and B**ch as much as you like but until I've seen you code soming perfectly that is as big as warframe I wont take you B**ching serously 

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There once was a feature called Artifacts. Being on a completely different system from mods made for needless complexity. 
So, DE made it into the Aura system, but not quite the same as today. The Aura took away mod points instead of adding them. 
Many community members were very vocal about this change, as it disrupted their fine-tuned Warframe builds. They called for a revert to the Artifact system. DE addressed their concerns quickly. However, instead of taking a step back, took a giant leap forward by allowing auras to add mod points. Their rationale? Keep moving forward. 


Learning from the past is necessary to not repeat it. However, repeating the past should not be necessary to learn from it. 



I think it's completely fine that DE is trying many different possible solutions.

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