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Phase 1: Melee Weapon Concept Submissions


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Tenno Plasma Shocker  -  Gauntlet


It energy blades are pure plasma it has two energy sources which powers the blades, the same sources also supply the Lighting Field around the blades.The Plasma blade does Laser damage and the shocking energy does Lighting Damage.  The attack speed is Very Fast for the normal attack.


The Charge attack has a slightly slow charge speed and a Single Target takes most of the damage, any targets around the main take light damage. While Charging both Gauntlets are held in front of the user and the lighting field is getting brighter and brighter. When the charge attack is used a Beam of Plasma is shot foward into the target in a short range beam. pushing back the main target and knocking down the targets around it.


The jump attack does a Field of burning plasma which does lite AOE damage.  


Jumping from the wall your body is covered in lighting and you Does a double diving fist. When you are sliding and attacking you jump up quicky into a jumping spinning uppercut using each fist one after each other.


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Name: InYo (Japanese equivalent for Yin-Yang)

Faction: Orokin and Tenno





Story: In principle InYo was a couple of inseparable Orokin blades created for balance the holder's energy, the use of a single sword would drained the holder's life out of his hands.

Since some of the Orokin technology has been lost, the projects for the left hand sword has never been found, so the Tennos used their technology for recreate and re-forge the lost sword and fight with the inseparable InYo once again!


Description: As written in the story, an In-Yo single sword cannot be equipped, they balance the Warframe energy and they must both equipped (you must craft the right hand sword [in - Orokin] and the left hand sword [Yo - Tenno] and then craft them again as dual swords, like Dual Vastos or Dual Kamas)

In the Figure n°1 you can see the normal attack hold (it'a a reverse grip) when the player perform a parry (Figure n°3) or a charged attack, the swords will rotate around the floating handle, becoming a normal sword grip (Figure n°2)

When the player will use a charged attack, the swords will consume a little amount of energy from the player (5 energy cost) for shoot an energetic slash that will hit all the enemies in a distance of maximum 10 meters




Sorry for the bad drawing but it's just a sketch xD

P.s. sorry for my bad english too hahahaha

Edited by AndySkandalo
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The Scinderblade Tenno is a weapon improved from Scindo, it is a weapon of high damage combined with a great speed and agility plus also have ice elemental damage. This gun is made of titanium making possible a sharp blade that can pierce the armor of enemies, and can also hit multiple targets at once. Due to the high damage, this weapon is the incredible speed and agility combined, makes is one of the most coveted among Tennos.



Imagem: http://i.imgur.com/9zjzrUE.png

Edited by HumbertoMK
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Name: Braccvin

Faction: Tenno


Descripion: A chained cutting-edge whip, useful by his heavy damage, was crafted by the Tenno to disassemble heavy units on mid-range distances.

Grip-type: Similar to Lecta, but with heavy impact like Scindo, hitting the ground at the moment of heavy impacts.

The idea is a whip, but based on charged attacks, no in speed.

Original Artwork:



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Faction: Grineer


Description: The Cyclonex is an advanced hammer, Which has a high amount of Impact damage due to its suction-based propulsion system. It has adequate puncture damage, however it's slash damage is severely lacking.


Here, I can't draw whatsoever, and I used MS paint, I hope you like it!



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Faction : Tenno

Description : Kettle, whip-like style heavy chain blade that has unique graceful design and deadly spiky chains .
















Edit : holy god thanks for the upvotes! here is better detailed version(maybe)





Did you get this sword idea from Bleach? the Zanpakto called Zabimaru?


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A Tenno forged,  extendable pole-arm. the blade can be used for both piercing and slashing, and one can also strike with the haft as an impact weapon. strikes are not particularly fast or strong, but attacks with this weapon can reach your foe long before they can reach you.



Edited by Podge
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Faction: Tenno


Brief Description: This "weapon" like dog is always near the Tenno, and with the skill of teleport he can always catch up. This weapon gives a new gameplay, is very unique and audacious. Inspired on Earth's real creatures its a link between humanity of Tenno and technologycal combat life.


Original Artwork:



wow such melee concept, verry tenno, much dog, must have

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After viewing all 27 pages of posts... While some weapons are nice (maybe even really nice), the last thing I want is YET ANOTHER SWORD or something we already have at least 3 of. Dear DE; please choose something new and exciting instead of something old and seemingly pretty

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The Anbox. 

A Tenno retractable ball-mace. 

Crush the skulls of grinner and corpus alike.

The weapon stays sheathed while on the back of your Frame, and retracts on a chain, while in use. Somewhat of a heavy whip-like mace. 

Deals heavy impact AoE damage, with a medium range and slow attack and charge speed.



Edited by AnBoX
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The Anbox. 
A Tenno retractable ball-mace. 
Crush the skulls of grinner and corpus alike.
The weapon stays sheathed while on the back of your Frame, and retracts on a chain, while in use. Somewhat of a heavy whip-like mace. 
Deals heavy impact AoE damage, with a medium range and slow attack and charge speed.


getting ready for the tenno Olympics are we?

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hier meine Nahkampfwaffe (Corpus).


Name: Windor Storm Prime and Windor Storm


Kampfstil ist gleich wie bei der Orthos, jedoch soll sie den Effekt haben wie eine Glaive,dass heisst das sie 3 Scheiben abschießt. Die Scheiben der Windor Storm Prime sind mit Feuer,Eis und Gift ausgestattet. Die von den Corpus nur mit Elektrizität.






Corpus hat in den Orokin Wracks eine Geheime Waffe gefunden. Diese konnten sie jedoch nicht bewältigen, da sie zu mächtig ist. Dennoch haben sie es geschafft eine Art Kopie herzustellen.
Siehe: Alad V er trägt sie bei sich.
Nur den Tennos ist es möglich die Windor Storm zu bändigen in den geheimen Orokin Wracks.




Edited by ninrai
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you mean sorta like in soul caliber with the funny weapons like the feather broom that makes the chicken clucking sound as its swung  or ivy's whip sword that makes the sproing noise like a cartoon character getting wood

I mean more like Tekken Tag 2 weapons but more Tenno-like and less japanese style

The image of the weapon should be funny in a realistic way, the sound effects can be normal

If however you want to have funny slash effects suggest that to the other entries, many have created weapons like Ivy's from SC   

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Faction: Tenno 

Description: A small wrist device on both arms that retracts a medium blade when using melee, so instead of a held item, this melee item acts as an extension of the Tenno's arms. (an extremely sharp extension) Which DE could make with endless attack animation possibilities, from stabbing like motions to slash motions 

Art: Not the most artistic but here 



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