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Phase 1: Melee Weapon Concept Submissions


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I hadn't planned on entering this competition but completely and randomly changed my mind yesterday.  Five hours later....
Name Ehr'Zarrad
Faction: Infested
Grip: Dual-Fist, Special Charge
Description: A melee weapon that primarily inflicts puncture damage.  The attack style is focused on the frontal arc with sharp forward thrusts at a low rate.  The charge attack unleashes a swarm of insect-infested at an opponent at ranges comparable with existing thrown weapons.  These drones attack with toxic fluids injected through armour and flesh.  These drones should be implemented with particle effects drawing trails in the air as they move.


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Faction orokin

Locked and tested in labs , the Dark Eternia sword is out of  orokin ships wrecks, it is remarkable that it turns enemies on each other on hits

The weapon controls spirits, so master it

attacks deal great slash damage, good puncture and Radiation


High status chance forces enemies to attack each other

 Great charge and spin.

Having same swords animation 

Having special animation with Nekros, you may think about a good one

Handle Grey

Blade Dark grey

Center thing of blade: grey  bit close to white

red jem on handle

Orange Energy surrounding blade

Made by  supersoldier115





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Procrastinated on this one for various reasons, not to mention trying to do something original so excuse the sloppiness.




This is a Tenno Reinforcements weapon.


The grip would be more like a scythe, and use the scythe animations. It is meant to be a fast two handed weapon. As you might be able to read on the image it is mostly an impact weapon, with some puncture and some slash when used normally. When charged it is strictly impact.  When on the users back, the spikes would be retracted and the orifices they come out of would glow the energy color selected. I added a cloth at the top of the handle similar to many classical Asian pole arms.


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Freyr - Tenno Ether Spear


Heavy two-handed grip or pole arm grip.


This spear is comprised almost entirely of Ether material as to be both lightweight and deadly. The Freyr would be used for both hunting and combat and would have a devastating piercing thrust for it's charged attack. 




Warframe doesn't really have any spears and only two ether weapons so my submission checks both boxes and I think turned out to be a pretty neat concept.



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Nane.: Kablar

Faction .: Tenno

Description .:Griptype like a 2. handet axe, with a 1. handet 360 degree chargemove or somthing. The elecricity can run along the blade´s eage when uset, otherwise just be infront of the Orokin cell.




(hope the link works)



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Grappling Hook / single handed grip






This Grappa is a traditional Tenno tool that fills the role of a versatile weapon when used in battle. At close range it's a lot like a light mace, delivering pound and slash damage to a single target. Charging it will deliver a nasty gut puncturing blow. If there are no enemies in close combat range, the Tenno can use a charged attack to aim and throw the Grappa at a single target, then reeling them back in for a finishing blow. Tenno can slash at multiple enemies in close range while sliding. The Grappa lacks an aerial slam attack, but a jumping attack results in a downward arcing swing disarming any enemies in its trajectory; a leaping wall attack results in the same, however with a horizontal arcing attack trajectory which is more likely to strike multiple targets. While not a devastating weapon in terms of sheer damage, a skilled Tenno can distrupt the flow of battle with nothing more than their Grappa.


Concept Art:






Some amazing ideas/art posted on this thread. I didn't see any other grappling hook concepts. After I drew this I thought an infested grappling hook would have been better but don't have time/skills to do it up... maybe someone else. My concept with this was to create a weapon that would encourage more creative melee by encouraging aerial and wall attacking and adding the option of close and ranged attack in a single weapon. Regardless on whether DE chooses my idea I hope they consdier making melee weapons more versatile in general instead of just more button mashing (mashing is fun too but some variety is nice).

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single handed

made from a fallen asteroid and using technology orokin born Meteor, a sword can cut anything you put in front

hecha a partir de un asteroide caido y con ayuda de tecnologia orokin nace Meteor, una espada capaz de cortar cualquier cosa que se le ponga por delante


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Nombre:  Gaias

Facción:  Tenno

Descripción: Doble espada de doble hoja. Su movimiento circular cruzado hace que tenga gran alcance infringiendo daño por todos los flancos (tamaño aproximado a la Ortos). Daño cortante.


Name:  Gaias

Faction:  Tenno

Description: Twin double-bladed sword. Their circular motion gives it crossed breach powerful damage on all sides (approximately the size Ortos). Slashing damage.



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Faction: Infested

Grip Type: Scythe

Description: a weapon that will drain energy during a charged attack and give energy upon kill with the charged attack.
OR a weapon that will give energy per kill at a % chance. Might be better as a mod. 



Edited by Taizen1990
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sorry i was in a hurry to make it before the contest ends :$ 



Kinda similar from Manga Jackals:P but  : 



Faction : Tenno / maybe Grin( d )er

Grip type is who knows:P but the grip supposedly in the middle and wielding like a fist weapon maybe? 


Description : 2 handed charge attack  and 1 handed slashing attack  and its a heavy blade so supposedly slow :)


if anyone could draw better before the deadline to see what i am talking about ,but thank you for the chance:P 

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Name: Silva

Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: A modern Tenno weapon, Silva's mechanism allows it to be used as either Twin daggers (Fang) for high speed attack against single target or as a long sword for heavier attack against multiple targets.

Grip Type : Twin Daggers / Long Sword

Original Artwork:



My entry for this contest, i believe there are plenty of dual configuration weapon already. So another one wouldn't hurt i guess? I don't know if DE want to do dual configuration weapon, so alternatively this can be just skin for Twin daggers and Long Sword (Like Dagger Axe Skin)

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Faction: Tenno

Weapon name: Koras

Grip type: H-shaped horizontal hand grip

Description: The koras is a replica of one of the finest weapons of ancient earth feared by it's wielders foes this deadly dagger cuts fast and with critical precision thus making it a powerful weapon for assassination.


Edited by HFANTOM
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Twin Hooks

Faction: Tenno

Grip Type: Dual Blades

Description: Twin blades that when used in a quick combo cause incredible slashing damage, but are less effective against armored enemies. When charged, the blades are linked together to effectively double the range of the attack. An elegant and terrifying addition to the Tenno arsenal.tumblr_myswhvpcx41roc8ffo1_1280.jpg

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Faction: Infested

Grip type: Gauntlet

Description: The plaga is a pair of gauntlet capable of controlling hundreds of tiny "technocyte" termites to fight against enemy. While it has a rather low damage, the plaga are able to pierce through armor and shreds flesh with a more faster rate than most weapon. The "technocyte" termites are also capable of dealing critical damage.

(P/s: It deals only low piercing and impact damage. High crit chance, decent crit damage and decent proc chance.)



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Faction: Infested

Description: A double ended blugeon made of infested flesh that formed a chitinous shell when bonded with a ships cryo-systems. The shiny shell bits on the ends can flex on their joints. Which would be a terrible idea if this was for dealing physical damage, but the compression sprays super cooled liquids that have an extremely low freezing temp. Slam attacks deal an AOE ice effect.

Grip: Orthos style double ended weapon. Similar attack animations, but heavier.


I have no idea about the name. I was thinking something like Ostrea, Ostreum? For the oyster shell like ends. Or something ice or water related like Sluice or Glaciem.



I hope this is accepted, as I think the games lack of natively ice-element weapons is a bummer. There's a lot to be done with ice weapons. Very seasonal too, don't you think?

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Faction: Tenno


The Garotis is a whip of Tenno make. The whip is made of mono-molecular stings woven together, rendering the whip hard to see, and frightfully effective at slicing through flesh and armor alike.


A Tenno whip that specializes in Slashing and Puncture damage, effective against Grineer and Infestation. The whip for the most part slides off of shields, having little or no Impact damage. No particular specialization in either normal or charged attacks; Low chance of status proc., very high crit. potential, high fire rate.


Grip type: Whip



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Faction : Tenno


Name : Plasma Hooks


Grip / Hold : Dual axes





This weapon delivers high electrical damage and is able to hit multiple targets. The design is based on a very old weapon from way before the era of galactic exploration and is the result of countless improvements. The hooks on each ends are best used on unaware enemies.



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Faction: Tenno


Description: The Battle Can is an experimental Tenno weapon crafted from stolen Corpus tech. The “grip type” would be a little more unique in which the wielder would have a noble stance [fig.1] where he/she will twirl the weapon in the air (using the special energy gauntlet [fig.2]. The Battle Can has a unique combo [fig.3] as well as a charge attack of two hits [fig.4]. The stealth kill would be the same as a heavy weapon – step on enemy’s calf and swing to the head.




You know you want one.





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Faction: Tenno

Name: Shoge

Description: Gauntlets on both hands have the ability to launch triangular projectiles.

Projectiles can grapple to walls or objects. If an enemy is hit, the enemy can be hurled to towards another to stun.

Enemies can also be pulled closer for close quarters combat.

Requires time to retract projectiles.

Can be used as a grappling hook or to catapult long distances.


When blocking, projectiles are launched and spun rapidly to block incoming attacks.

Spin Attack: Projectiles are launched and enemies are swept aside


                    The user spins rapidly and hit any opponents within range with the projectiles still in the gauntlet

Edited by Kirito91312
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