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About Penta Grenade Bounciness.


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Grenade bounciness is OK, mostly.  Except when bouncing at an enemy, I feel it a bit too strong like bouncing on hard surface.


Sometime I shoot a grenade directly to enemy at medium range and it manages to bounce back to me.

It happens rarely, but when it does, it deadly.


So, I suggest that the grenade bounciness should be reduced a bit.

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You can ricochet the impact dmg if you want.  You know it will bounce off the enemy if you hit it directly so if you don't want this to happen target around the enemy, over the enemy, or under the enemy.


Or ricochet the impact from the side using a wall or another enemy.

Edited by Rankless
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The bounciness is great!  if they tone it down, it'd be much less fun to play with.  


Plan ahead and don't aim at their face when you're close to them, aim next to them or above them... lol.   This weapon is great that you have to think outside the box to use it correctly, this should never be lost for whatever reason.

Furthermore, even if it bounces back at you... just don't detonate it.  lol.  You have only yourself to blame for detonating your own grenade in your face.  Weapons should be dangerous.  It feels more realistic and more challenging/fun to use.

Edited by ssh83
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The penta needs ROUND grenades the fact it uses cylinders means there should be no determination where the bounce will go. seriously go grab a catapult and some bottles and try to predict where they will bounce too. realism-wise it doesnt make sense, id rather the nades were sticky and we could fire and stick them to mobs or structures hence it would give more realism plus make for some interesting time based explosions. And before someone asks, the Grinneer use sticky nades..why cant we?

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