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Best Idea Ever In My Life!


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So do you have extra weapons and warframes that are just collecting dust in your inventory. Need someone to solo with?

Are you lonely? Well now I have a great idea! So if you go to the market, you can by a P.K.A Offense bot for 1,000,000

This bot acts as a companion.You can give it a frame, melee weapon and 2 firearms. This robot has multiple settings that can be changed.


Stealth mode


Assault mode


Defense mode


Looter mode- It will attack but focuses on canisters, enemy drops and lockers.


These are disabled in conclave to make it fair. They will level up like a player. As they level up there skill will change.


0-1 Noobish 2-3 learning 4-5 moderately good 6-7 pro 8+ 


There is also a special one in energy research. You can research and create a derf bot! It has the same abilitiys and faceplant entrance.


Contructive critism is encouraged.


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AI allies sound nice on paper but in practice more often than not they suck, unless they're the kind that always follow and flank you. I imagine they could be pulled off if they had programmable behaviors based on the Sentinel Precepts, but in the end it's just likely to be more trouble than it's worth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

THey will only be seen when your attacked , like stalker out of blue smoke.

Still doesn't promise they'll be good for much other than secondary targets for your enemies to shoot at. Making competent AI is hard, making AI as smart as a player is near-impossible.

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