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Please Put Self Back Into Z Popup


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I enjoyed the change. I felt having my name and health/shield as any frame in the bottom left while it was already in the top right pointless. Not sure how you can't see it clearly in this game. I mean logically it was a good decision to remove it as it was only clutter. I stand by their decision entirely. I can otherwise understand how it helped other people but, at the same time was truely only clutter and annoyed me to no extent. Why would I need to see my health/shields in two different places? It would only cause me to think there was another person in the lobby, well when I first started playing and figured out that z brought up my teams health.

The reason you would need your own name on that list is such that you can have the health and shields of all 4 players (including yourself) in one location, instead of having to look in different areas for that very same info.

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Having team energy there would be great as well, I am constantly asking if anyone need energy were as if I could see it I could just drop energy vampire on a target when they are low.

that is absolutely true. Healing isn't the only thing players can be doing for their squad.

Tenno can collaborate MUCH better if they can know the status of their team at all times. not just health, but Energy, Ammo, perhaps even Stamina.


with that sort of information about your allies (we're not fighting each other, sharing this information is only in our best interests) - we could actually anticipate, and save our allies from death, rather than using space magic to revive them. that sounds like how a true 'Space Ninja' would fight, yes? 


a true 'superbeing' working with others would be able to save people, not only 'fix' them. that is true teamwork.


unfortunately, the only way players in Multiplayer games are generally able to do such things, is using a VOIP program with Clannies or other well connected players. but, why should it stop there? any ways to increase teamwork cannot be bad for the game.


you know what are my moments in Video Games that i truly cherish(in Multiplayer ones that is)?

when some random person and i 'look' at each other, and the situation is perfectly understood and we silently do exactly what should be done.

those moments put chills down my spine, they are so good. that silent communication is beautiful. 


this is along the lines of the combo's and other player teamwork that we overall generally want in Warframe. (powers 'combining together' and other awesome teamwork related things).


wow, i'm so on topic that i should have made a new thread. oh well, lol.

As someone who mainly plays Trinity/Mag I just +1'd this so hard I almost broke my keyboard.

but how do you break your keyboard when clicking? confuse.




oh, and i also agree with the point of this thread. it feels weird for it to not be there. i actually normally almost never looked at the top right, since my Health was on the Player list. and... looking down is easier than looking up, so with an option that's 'down', i just normally look there. 


wow, actually, why not move the top right grouping of information to the bottom left, and have the Players List above it(in a way that blends in, could even be a vertical menu that slides out from the Player Information).


of course, full HUD customization ultimately will be the best thing in the future.

Edited by taiiat
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Disagree. Redundant information adding to the clutter. Better this way, and I hope they continue cleaning the UI.


I actually like the change a lot. In the heat of battle, I don't really know whose HP I'm looking at; with the new system, I just know that it's my teammates, not me, who are or aren't in need of some healing.


But yeah, it should come back as an option for sure.


*applause* Make it optional, everybody's happy.

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and please add also indicator showing who is the host.additional table under Tab with energy,armor , frame,weapons etc would be nice.I can't understand why don't we have such option so far. DE,please consider this idea, look at some online games which have this thing solved in correct way. Take good examples from other games and replicate them!

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The reason you would need your own name on that list is such that you can have the health and shields of all 4 players (including yourself) in one location, instead of having to look in different areas for that very same info.

That's the thing though. I personally did not need to see my name down there as I was already looking in multiple places at one as having the way it is now IMO was a needed change that I wanted. I have no problem with my stats in one place and everyones stats in another. I can see how people do have that problem though. In the heat of battle I don't need to see eveyones health because I already have blessing active and I know when I need to reactivate it. (A duration bar would be nice). As I said before though I can understand why other people would need it but, for someone like me, all it did was clutter my screen. I wouldn't mind some comprimise though granted it could take getting used to.

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They had mock-ups of a complete UI overhaul in one of the livestreams that I think is intended to be in U12 (don't quote me on the release), so I'd assume reverting the UI is a low priority, even though I do agree the old interface was better.


The mock ups also have the self missing from the z popup. there's a thread about it in the founders' forum, I've added feedback there as well. Adding it in is pretty trivial.

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Don't think we need stamina there too. Makes the resulting bars too thin.

it's about how thick the Health bars are now. 


just sayin'.


besides, if you can choose what bars are visible and not, it's a non issue. the bars can simply resize based on the number that are shown.

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I removed my comment as it was mostly speaking about plans for the new HUD, as opposed to what is currently in-game, which is what this thread touches on.

But essentially, to sum up what I wrote; in the new HUD we'll definitely be looking to address the concerns that everyone has brought up about this.


Thanks, everyone -- Merry Xmas!

Unless you plan on releasing the new HUD first thing in new year, "will be looking into" is kind of... not enough?

Are you honestly asking us to wait until "it is ready " so we can have a feature that is needed and that is already there, while lack of it is something that is affecting our gameplay negatively? 

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