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★★[Pauci Fortis - Recruitment Closed!]★★ - Dojo Complete|13 Months Veteran Clan|Voice Chat Server|Clan Website And Platinum Prized Events


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1.  How often do you play Warframe each week?

A) 2 or more hours. (It depends)


2.  What is your current Mastery Rank?

A) Mastery Rank 2 .


3.  Can you consistently be on Raidcall AND use your mic whenever you are playing Warframe?

A) I've stopped using Raid Call since last year , But I'll download Raidcall again and I always keep using Mic. :D


4.  What do you hope to gain from joining this clan?  Why this particular clan instead of elsewhere?

A) To know some clan mates / friends, Deserve a better communication :)  and I really need the guidance and knowledge of this game. (Where I could get some guidance from my clan mates :3 )


5.  Have you read this entire recruitment thread thoroughly? (Keep in mind lying may cause you to get expelled from the clan.)

A) Yes ! . I got really excited while reading about the clan info :O .



:3 : 3 : 3 :3

I won another one vash o3o nice application! Invite to the clan has been sent hope to meet you soon!

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1.  How often do you play Warframe each week?

Right now every night and every weekend.

2.  What is your current Mastery Rank?

Currently 3.

3.  Can you consistently be on Raidcall AND use your mic whenever you are playing Warframe? (Please note that we have had members in the past lie about this question and they were expelled from the clan without further reason or remorse.)

Yes. Prior experiences in some MMO guilds etc.

4.  What do you hope to gain from joining this clan?  Why this particular clan instead of elsewhere?

Knowledge and better myself as a warframe player. Getting to know new people is also a nice side benefit. As for this clan you have everything in the dojo and that seems important.

5.  Have you read this entire recruitment thread thoroughly? (Keep in mind lying may cause you to get expelled from the clan.)

Yes I read it.

Friend request and clan invitation has been sent!  Welcome to the Pauci Fortis family!

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