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New Boss/assassination Level


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Since every planet in the game have a boss or VIP as lotus might call them (Other than Eris, currently phorid is on vacation to god know where). The only place that currently don't have a boss/assassination mission is the orokin void, here's my thought of what should be and why it should be the boss in the void.


Boss: Why don't we make it the loyal and somewhat lunatic stalker? We give him some new armor, new weapons, a brand new look, and he be the perfect guy in the void, why not just put his sad little story into his little intro?


Reason for Assassination: "Inside this millennium old Orokin tower, lurk a ancient being that have been hunting down our comrades. This very being is the one that push you toward cryo sleep in the fall of the orokin era, terminate this being to protect your fellow tenno."


Intro: Why don't it start with him crouching in front of some thrones, and when we enter the arena/boss area, he get up and turn around to look at us wearing fancy armor and start accusing us of what we did to his king or something.


Battle: Why not make him a three stage battle like sargas ruk and his three stage abilities? Since he's a guard, why not just give him a orokin shield in the first stage so he can come and bash our skulls in? Maybe make the shield have a weak point so when we hit it enough, it explode and deal him damage?


2nd Battle: His bows are annoying but would be nice to see him using a gold and white dread/whatever, and start shooting us at a distance, as soon as his shield busted, he disappear into smoke and reappear in front of the throne with a bow. And this battle only end when we shoot him enough to make he mad enough to discard his bow and move on to the next stage.


3rd Battle: Since he is a guard in the orokin era, why not just give him a gilded long sword and have him teleport from tenno to tenno and start slashing at us? Lets make his sword strike have high damage since he probably have training with a melee, and have him poof to nowhere when his health depletes, just like the normal ambushing stalker? Then he drop some loots and blueprints, no idea what the blueprints could be so...i will leave it blank for suggestion. 


Edited into details and made a little more clear since there have been complains about my incapability to write in paragraphs.

Edited by AlonzoDiza
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thats what i said on the first sentence, and why the heck isnt my rank being updated...


Of course that's what you said in the first sentence. There is literally http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Run-on_sentence'>only one sentence up there.  Thank you.


Anyway, I support the idea of an Orokin boss, but I really want the lore to be fleshed out more. I want Sentients involved. I want the rails explored. I want Lotus' back story and lore for all the warframes. Then, when all that is done, can we have a glorious, super bad &#! Orokin boss. 

Edited by SignalWarden
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I don't see what's hard to read, though I disagree. Void does not need boss creatures, as the void is filled with mindcontrolled of other factions, so the boss would be a mindcontroled unit which feels odd to me.


Not if the boss is a last line of defense, guardian of a specific vault, Orokin, Sentient or... rouge Tenno.

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The ships in the void "mind control" other races, but what catches or implants the control devices. Think that would be a better fit for void.


I consider stalker "Homeless." He spends all his time stalking tenno waiting for the right time to strike, then to his next target. Might be interesting as an Event Boss.

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