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Finding Out How To Spawn The Harvester



So we've nailed down a few things about him but there is still much to know, if you have any sort of substantial evidence please post so.


Primes increase chances of finding Harvester
Being involved in the Gradivus Dillema increases the chances of spawning it (This should be self explanatory players that registered after the event are having as much luck as those who supported the Grineer or Corpus full and through during it)
Specific weapons increase chances of spawning Harvester
Planets have higher chances of spawning Harvester (As long as its a Corpus mission he can spawn)
Being in a mission from the start of it increases the chances of spawning Harvester
Low level weapons/frames increase chances of spawning Harvester (Likely has nothing to do with loadouts)
Corpus defense has highest chances of spawning Harvester (Apparently not true, he spawns on any Corpus mission after 240 seconds after spawning it seems)
Having both a Stalker mark and Harvester mark spawns the Harvester ???
Killing Alad V gives death mark to spawn Harvester ???
Other Corpus bosses besides Alad V give a death mark to spawn the Harvester ???
Nef.Anyo is a Harvester mark trigger ???
Highest chances of finding Harvester are on invasions against Corpus ✓(Confirmed on Livestream 20 that it is triggered by supporting Grineer)
You get a email in your inbox when you have a mark ✓
If you have anything you would like to add or confirm/deconfirm please feel free to post it.
TL:DR Support grineer until you get a email but be aware that the probabilities are butchered for the Harvester to appear according to the people on the Livestream
Edited by Zulaica
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Yep, harvester is broken at the moment.


Don't take this the wrong way because it's not meant to be an insult nor directed at you in any way but I'd just like to note that it doesn't take a team of trained developers to know the Harvester is broken - I couldn've told them that. :P

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Please tell me what he said exactly hoping you're not trolling!


Don't take this the wrong way because it's not meant to be an insult nor directed at you in any way but I'd just like to note that it doesn't take a team of trained developers to know the Harvester is broken - I couldn've told them that. :P

I didn't take screenshots and I was in a mission when this took place. So basically we asked him if harvester was supposed to be like it is now, as in not dropping items whenever it's killed. He said it should drop items whenever it's killed and then went to test it. He said it was functioning right when he tested it and then started to wonder if it's not in live build. It's entirely possible he was pulling out leg, because he does that sometimes, but this is big enough issue for entire community so I think he was being honest.

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So basicly Steve is on our side.

And he tested it by himself, and understand how we feel  now and he is frustrated after first encounter.




Dafuq someting is not right, end of the world is near.

Edited by SALE94
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So basicly Steve is on our side.

And he tested it by himself, and understand how we feel  now and he is frustrated after first encounter.




Dafuq someting is not right, end of the world is near.

Grineeer is Scott, not Steve. I thought it's common knowledge that Scott is in warbros, or rather hangs out in our clan chat soaking up insults, poor guy.

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Accuracy Changes (increases) for Tetra (was 8.3, now is 18.2).

Buffed Harvesters spawn rate (doubled) + guaranteed Detron component drop upon death.



Fixed Purple Text not showing blueprints in messages.


just for posterity

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Ran an invasion right after the patch, lights flashed and my thoughts were FINALLY A HARVESTER ENCOUNTER!!!


But sadly it was just the stalker coming to bestow me with my three thousandth dread bp.


Perhaps the stalker also got a spawn rate buff inadvertently?

Edited by Dead_Rabbits
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Just did a Saturn Invasion mission on Setebos with the new notification patch active (sided with Grineer, 1/5), and got a notification from Salad saying I've, ah, "volunteered" to be part of the Zanuka project as well.


Here's to hoping one copydog starts appearing on my Corpus runs. ^^

Alad V "contacted" my Ember Prime today! I'd conveniently forgotten to tell her that her interviewer was going to be a bloodthirsty robot dog, though :




Invasion on Enceladus, Saturn, 1/5 Grineer run.


I should probably note that attempting to do more runs on the Grineer side of Enceladus gives me no Harvester mark. I then tried to switch to doing the Grineer invasion against Corpus on Eligor, Europa, but that didn't give me a Harvester mark either.


That leads me to believe one of two things must be part of the Harvester's code:


1) Whenever you are attacked by Harvester, the Harvester Mark gets a "cooldown timer" that prevents you from getting another Harvester mark right away.

2) Getting the Harvester mark is -also- RNG-based. (Yo dawg, I heard you like RNG walls...)


Seems to be the case... can someone else just confirm this? I'll just keep doing invasions and see what happens.


EDIT : Yep. Run 5/5 of Enceladus, I've volunteered for Project Salad tossing again. Seems like there's a small RNG factor to getting the deathmark, too.

Edited by ZephyrPhantom
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