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Can't Decide On Frame (Loki Or Nyx)




After playing a few frames to 30, my two favourites are Loki and Nyx. However unlike a lot of people probably, I would only like to focus on one frame ideally.. This is where I get stuck because I really enjoy Loki.. BUT, I don't feel he would be as useful endgame. I'm looking at doing high level defence and would like to play a useful frame.. Put Loki in a map with infested and no where to put his decoy.. He's not really the best choice is he? Where as I feel Nyx would 9 times out of 10 get chosen over Loki. Is this true/accurate?

I'm just wondering if I should just accept this and focus on Nyx

Thanks for any help

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18 answers to this question

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Trinity is amazing on high level defense. I would say she's almost mandatory considering how much sustain she offers to a squad.


I'd also like to point out that Loki's a really underrated frame and is in no way bad in high level play. Just because he doesn't deal damage doesn't mean he's useless, his Radial Disarm is quite great for making huge threats seem less huge.

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Remember, utility scales endlessly. Damage does not.

Loki's one of the only Frames out there who has an Ultimate that scales infinitely. Doesn't matter if your enemy is a level 1000000000000000 Napalm; it's still getting all of its weaponry and Abilities replaced with a glow-in-the-dark cattle prod.


If you Solo a lot, or plan to, then go for Loki. He has four defensive abilities, three of which scale infinitely. Not as great at support (especially if your teammates don't know how to dodge slow-&#! cattle prod swings), but Decoy is surprisingly effective at "Protect ______" objectives and the like. Also invaluable for reviving teammates, wherever they may be, thanks to Invisibility, Switch Teleport, Decoy (if your cloak runs out too early), and the fastest base speed of any Frame in the game.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Thanks guys

I don't actually solo at all really. I agree Loki is underrated and his abilities are awesome especially when you have a faction that can be disarmed. But as you say, he's underrated. Which means people looking to make a squad may overlook him.. Especially if it's infested.

I may actually give trinity a go.. I just heard mixed things about her. She got nerfed apparently and now I keep reading she's not that useful etc

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Thanks guys

I don't actually solo at all really. I agree Loki is underrated and his abilities are awesome especially when you have a faction that can be disarmed. But as you say, he's underrated. Which means people looking to make a squad may overlook him.. Especially if it's infested.

I may actually give trinity a go.. I just heard mixed things about her. She got nerfed apparently and now I keep reading she's not that useful etc

If you have platinum handy for slots, give them all a go. Pick the one you like most.

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Go the Loki.


Loki is both a support frame, and if you ever actually try to Solo, one of the best Solo frames in the game.


Invisibility is more than just a "Keep yourself hidden" ability. The Loki makes for one of the best "CRAP! An Ally is down! TO THE RESCUE!" frames in the game. Radial Disarm is also really quite useful, especially when combined with CC frames. Lure enemies directly in to that Bastille, for example, so that they may be picked off more safely. Melee enemies that aren't made to be annoying as hell in melee (I'm looking at you, Scorpion) are a lot easier to deal with (for example, to avoid) than they are gunning both you and your allies down.


Decoy also comes in handy a lot of the time.


The only ability that I don't care for personally is Switch Teleport. But if you're intending to snipe, decoy to a high point, and switch with it. Sniping from relative safety.



Personally, I didn't enjoy the Nyx. While Chaos was bloody useful, I just think the frame felt... meh.

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This game is not kinda "want to focus on a single frame" type. You need to level as much weps and warframes as possible. So you will level both of them to 30 eventually(even if it is on mastery 14 or now ). Secondly, most people sugest nyx but this is not what you wanted to hear . If you like loki more, just stick with him. Loki's ultimate turns everything to melee. that's not bad. 

I also once wanted a " main warframe" but I found out that i kinda play most of them and there is no frame that i don't play at all.This game allows you  to play what you want, not what you would need to .

Sorry if my language seems agresive. This is my way to express myself :P.

Edited by Tithus
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You mentioned both caster-type Warframes. If you really want to be on the support end, I suggest being either a long-range Loki or a CQC(Close-quarters combat) Nyx. Loki is best for sniping because of his ranged abilities. He is also advertised as one with, "Battlefield Manipulation". But Nyx provides more "Battlefield manipulation" because of her mind manipulation abilities. Sure enough, it's fun to see Napalms and Bombards performing mass genocide on their own troops rather than disabling the weapons of all enemies making them run at you with glowsticks. Loki is hard to use in high-level defense mission but he still has some worth there but for high-level defense and survival missions, I suggest Nyx because she has more damage-dealing abilities rather than Loki without any damage-dealing abilities. 

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trinity was nerfed but is in no way average atm . 


blessing and link combo is the way to go , so duration mods.


Nyx is kind of meh now , sure chaos can do great at CC but what you really want is the xp and a way to kill fast  .


Loki has the ability to perma invis  , auto crit on melee when invis and revive your team mates cause the didnt bring invis stuff ,oh and you can go invis all the time and be invis perma run .


be invis and carry an ignis 

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