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An Open Letter To De From Your Veterans (The megathread)


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Oh vey...read my post to nugget...or better yet..let him speak for you. I may not see eye to eye with him all the time but at least he doesn't have the holier than though attitude when he posts most the time.


Collstro is trying to get a bunch of points out to the community and talk about them, everyone ends up just shooting them down and looking our for the flaws in the posts. 


How about we all stop bickering and flaming and get together and get heard? Sounds like an idea, I've been here longer than you. MUCH, MUUUUCH  longer. Please, no offence but April isn't that deep into the game.

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Collstro is trying to get a bunch of points out to the community and talk about them, everyone ends up just shooting them down and looking our for the flaws in the posts.

How about we all stop bickering and flaming and get together and get heard? Sounds like an idea, I've been here longer than you. MUCH, MUUUUCH longer. Please, no offence but April isn't that deep into the game.

Like I told him (her?), everyone's opinions matter and being negative to people who have a different viewpoint that differs from yours takes away from the message you are trying to send. And if you are only focusing on one aspect of the community, you might want to avoid posting In a complete open access forum like this one. I wouldn't send an email to my entire department talking about raises when I just wanted to focus on the pharmacists.

To be honest about the grind...meh doesn't bother me but then again I played lineage (please don't confuse it for the second one or I may need to smack you) and this game feels like less of a grind. Even compared to vanilla wow it feels like less of no grind. Coming from. Those types of games and seeing them degrade to what they have become...this game feels refreshing as it feels like it's going back got he roots.

Edited by Zaresin
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Actually I've been here since March....or April would have to ask the bf when i started dating him because I watched him play this game since then and read up on it periodically so I'm not completely in the dark. I have also played this game some on his account but not a lot prior to making my own account. Only reason I actually made my own account was because he wanted me to play with him. And I've heard those arguments from him, but like I told him...you are playing a game in development. Expect crap to break, expect things to not stay the same. And expect to hate some updates or agree with their changes. Until DE shows the players all their cards, we are not gonna know if they are playing with a full deck or a royal flush.

And I'm not saying your guys opinions don't matter. Never once said it...I'm saying I knew what I was getting into when I made my account. As should you. What you expect and what is reality doesn't always match up...sorry to say that is life. I'm not sure on your age but that is gonna be a huge life lesson for you maybe.


None of us expect perfection from DE. We understand that there will be mistakes and outright failures. What we take issue with is that the game is more broken now, than it was a year ago. Yes, there are more shiny bobbles and tile sets in the game than there was a year ago, but game play is basically unchanged, or worse than it was. Lag and frame rate drops are most definitely worse, as well as the credit system, damage system, and many more aspects of the game are worse now, than they ever have been in the last year.


We expect mistakes and failures, but we also expect progress. When the game continues to be more broken than it was previously, then it's not going to be too long before it turns from a good game with things that are broken, into a broken game that still has a few things that work. This is what we are seeing at this time, which is why we have resorted to these letters.


While I respect your opinion. You seem to be more interested in knocking the letters we've written to DE and the people who write them, than actually contributing something constructive to the conversation. I'm sorry, but until you have something to contribute, this is the last of my time I will dedicate to you, since that seems to be all you want or have to offer to the discussion.

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Like I told him (her?), everyone's opinions matter and being negative to people who have a different viewpoint that differs from yours takes away from the message you are trying to send. And if you are only focusing on one aspect of the community, you might want to avoid posting In a complete open access forum like this one. I wouldn't send an email to my entire department talking about raises when I just wanted to focus on the pharmacists.


Actually, Collstro was just trying to support OP's points... Their all open for discussion, why else is it an Open Letter? :P


Collstro isn't trying to shoot down anyones views, he's trying to be heard and same for the other players posting about such similar issues.

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None of us expect perfection from DE. We understand that there will be mistakes and outright failures. What we take issue with is that the game is more broken now, than it was a year ago. Yes, there are more shiny bobbles and tile sets in the game than there was a year ago, but game play is basically unchanged, or worse than it was. Lag and frame rate drops are most definitely worse, as well as the credit system, damage system, and many more aspects of the game are worse now, than they ever have been in the last year.


We expect mistakes and failures, but we also expect progress. When the game continues to be more broken than it was previously, then it's not going to be too long before it turns from a good game with things that are broken, into a broken game that still has a few things that work. This is what we are seeing at this time, which is why we have resorted to these letters.


While I respect your opinion. You seem to be more interested in knocking the letters we've written to DE and the people who write them, than actually contributing something constructive to the conversation. I'm sorry, but until you have something to contribute, this is the last of my time I will dedicate to you, since that seems to be all you want or have to offer to the discussion.

Currently at work and typing on an ipad (hence some of the mistakes hard to have long convos while typing on a touch pad) or I would sit down and talk but to be honest i would have to dedicate some time to formulate a response that honesty i think this letter deserves. I'm not trying to bash the writers, I'm just giving my honest opinion of how those letters come across in tone (seriously have nugget type them I wasn't kidding) which affects the message.

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Actually, Collstro was just trying to support OP's points... Their all open for discussion, why else is it an Open Letter? :P


Collstro isn't trying to shoot down anyones views, he's trying to be heard and same for the other players posting about such similar issues.

Saying I've been around longer then you so your view point doesn't matter is the definition of shoot down someone's views.

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Currently at work and typing on an ipad (hence some of the mistakes hard to have long convos while typing on a touch pad) or I would sit down and talk but to be honest i would have to dedicate some time to formulate a response that honesty i think this letter deserves. I'm not trying to bash the writers, I'm just giving my honest opinion of how those letters come across in tone (seriously have nugget type them I wasn't kidding) which affects the message.


This is just what I was working on and telling Collstro before... How they should be written out and presented.


No, I'm saying that I've been around longer. I'm not saying your viewpoint doesn't matter, right now your just flamming Collstro.


Lets stop, let us review what we've got right now and bring a proper letter or thread of problems that need looking at.

Edited by Venzire
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I agree and I'm waiting to reach 100 missions to open a feedback thread, cause I'm pretty sure things are still f'd up.

Considering I'm close to rank 15 Detron is the only thing I need to get, and I'd love, I'd really love it to be hard to obtain, a sort of end game process, even a month long, but with no rng involved.

As a veteran I feel I'm not taken into consideration; and I repeat, I don't want the Detron right now, I just want a reasonable way to get it which can suit who has nothing else to do.


Agreed. Since the livestream I've done ~25 invasions siding with Grineer and haven't seen Harvester once, and since I've seen it 6 times prior and it's never dropped anything, it seems that the number of runs to get all 3 components will be in thousands, not the hundreds, for the majority of us who aren't lucky enough to win the 'Harvester Lottery,' which is why DE needs to give us real information instead of hints. We need to be able to evaluate the Harvester spawn and drop rates in order to give DE informed feedbacks as the loyal 'Beta Testers' that we are. The only way to do this is for us to have the information required to give the feedback.

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None of us expect perfection from DE. We understand that there will be mistakes and outright failures. What we take issue with is that the game is more broken now, than it was a year ago. Yes, there are more shiny bobbles and tile sets in the game than there was a year ago, but game play is basically unchanged, or worse than it was. Lag and frame rate drops are most definitely worse, as well as the credit system, damage system, and many more aspects of the game are worse now, than they ever have been in the last year.


We expect mistakes and failures, but we also expect progress. When the game continues to be more broken than it was previously, then it's not going to be too long before it turns from a good game with things that are broken, into a broken game that still has a few things that work. This is what we are seeing at this time, which is why we have resorted to these letters.


While I respect your opinion. You seem to be more interested in knocking the letters we've written to DE and the people who write them, than actually contributing something constructive to the conversation. I'm sorry, but until you have something to contribute, this is the last of my time I will dedicate to you, since that seems to be all you want or have to offer to the discussion.

To be honest, broken is a matter of points of view, what you view as broken (grind, RNG) may be what someone else is looking for in a game. Yes im aware of the connection issues (thought they had fixed that at least I haven't noticed a problem like I did in my bfs account a few months ago and we have the same ISP).

I actually like the damage system, yes it's more complicated than the previous iteration yes I find it funny that is the opposite of what they were going for. I think DE is finding themselves in the same place the RIOT games found themselves, making promises that they can't keep in a reasonable time. So they are choosing to not talk about it.

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LOL, chiming back into my thread after reading everything.


Holy crap, some of you players are so dang out of the loop. Collstro has been through hell and back with everything he's speaking of. It's hilarious how you feel entitled to tell him he doesn't know what he's talking about.


I was with him for most of the BS pulled on the vets and events that regarded him, and him only.


To say the least, it is not 7 of us. The voices of hundreds of vets went into Collstros original letter. That was the point. Writing hundreds of open letters would cover the same issues over and over. Again, the casual/forummonkey player base feeling entitled to chime into matters they don't even understand. 


To put it in perspective, a Veteran is someone who has yes alot of time, but is also measured in experience, understanding, progression (mastery 12+ is a good cusion) and emotion. If your Jimmies have not been rustled over and over by DE's updates, you aren't a Vet. So stop white-knighting and just read. On top of that, if you weren't openly involved in the discussions that took place, you probably weren't considered a vet. 

Edited by Lynches
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This is just what I was working on and telling Collstro before... How they should be written out and presented.


No, I'm saying that I've been around longer. I'm not saying your viewpoint doesn't matter, right now your just flamming Collstro.


Lets stop, let us review what we've got right now and bring a proper letter or thread of problems that need looking at.

I agree, the letters should be from all the people who wish to voice their concerns with each contributing their view with each section dedicated to that person that wants to add their input.  Spreading it out over multiple posts, in my opinion, is redundant as each one says the same thing for the most part.  Condense it into one post.  Showing a more united front like that gives a stronger message.  Spreading it out and the first thought (similar to seeing posts about RNG) is "oh great...another one".

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 It's hilarious how you feel entitled to tell him he doesn't know what he's talking about.


I was with him for most of the BS pulled on the vets and events that regarded him, and him only.


So stop white-knighting and just read. On top of that, if you weren't openly involved in the discussions that took place, you clearly weren't considered a vet. 


I've been around longer than you whipper snipper, so (apparently this is the way to get respect, if I'm judging you guys correctly) stop white knighting and just read. You are the voice of 7. The warframe community overshadows you. Your arrogance is not something desirable in this game. Some of the points in the letters are just stupid (complaining about an arbitrary mastery number in an achievement, come on, get a bloody grip), others are just plain selfish (give us raid bosses because we're levelled everything and are bored).

Here's what I want DE to focus on. Making more money. So they have coffers to keep improving the game. And if that means disappointing the 10% who want to view themselves as the 0.1% and think they should direct 90% of the game, then, so be it. You're a minority. And an arrogant one at that.


And I've been around longer than you. So I hope you take your own advice and just read. That's how it works right? That's the line in the sand that matters.

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 if you weren't openly involved in the discussions that took place, you clearly weren't considered a vet. 

I agree with these open letters, but I think this is an extremely unfair statement.

You are in no place to decide who is and who is not "considered a vet".


I joined in Feb. I was not part of your discussions, I guess that means I am not considered a vet, right?


Scratch that. This isn't just an 'unfair' statement. This is something that I think is downright arrogant.

I've defended Collstro in these threads, and I completely agree with them.


But, when you think you are in any place to decide who and who is not considered a vet, then good luck having people agree with you.

"If you weren't involved in our discussions, then you aren't considered to be a veteran of the game".


So, If I have some conversations with a couple other older players and don't invite you, then that means you aren't considered a vet right?

No. No one player has the divine right to decide which players get lumped into which status.


Get off your high horse.

Edited by Nugget_
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Ok here is my take on things from the past year, whether it is first hand playing or watching the bf play.  I'll also include my experiences with similar games throughout the years .


While I may not have as much direct experience as many of the more veteran players, studies have shown that first impressions matter on all things and are developed within the first few moments of the experience.  Over the years I have had some good experiences with games and some very poor experiences with games.  


I'll start with the RNG as that is a huge issue with a lot of people.  When, I think RNG, I think grind as something that make take one person one time to get through to get something can take someone else 30 times or more.  I'm stubborn, so RNG fits my personality.  I absolutely hate having something given to me as I then feel like my effort was wasted.  It was one of the major things I started to hate about World of Warcraft.  Token systems in my opinion take away from the experience as the item I just bought doesn't feel like I truly made the effort as all I did was farm the tokens and buy what I wanted, there is no surprise and no feel of "FINALLY the RNG gods love me" feeling in the end.  I don't do my little happy dance or feel like I can brag that I got this super rare item...when I just purchased it with tokens.  It feels well...cheap.  Been playing RPG type games on the PC since 2004 when I first played Lineage by NC Soft it was a complete RNG type dungeon crawler.  Those are my roots and probably why I enjoy the RNG system the most and why this system does not and will not bother me.  It is what I was looking for.  Am I alone in that reguard?  No, but possibly in the minority.  When looking for longevity in a game, you need to find a balance.  This game doesn't' have that, but as it is currently in a beta phase, I expect things to change and change often.


The new player usability of the UI (while might be changing in update 12 dont' know as we have not seen it) is not that great.  It is difficult to find things at times (tutorial redo option is hidden and difficult to find) and the options are limited in player customizational options for ingame content (static map ui between missions or host migration).  This may change in update 12 and beyond.  Things will only improve as the game goes on.  Do I think the UI might turn off new players, depends on the player to be honest.  Compared to what it was before the last UI update...it def looks more polished and less flat.


Speaking of host/client (p2p), having had those hosts that you experience outrageous lag on (hoping they not experience it with me...yet I do have comcast so honestly it is possible), no I am not a fan of the p2p style but considering the cost of the data centers and server maint being what it is, and this being a f2p game, cost effective wise it is the best option for DE.  And players do have the option to limit their ping to help limit these issues. 


DE accountability on promises and their responses to player questions.

Having seen what has happened not only on these forums, but in forums like Riot Games League of Legends, I have noticed over the course of the year (four years with LoL) that they are less likely to talk about development than they once were.  Players take what they say and then yell and scream and call them liars or say they don't trust them anymore when plans change.  It is a hard lesson for a company to learn when doing these types of games.  I do not fault them for this tactic.  Is it what the player base wants? No, but it has become common practice because everything they say is used against them.  If any of you play LoL, you might remember the Stealth rework fiasco.  Now that does not mean players will be happy when things are sprung on them like removal of infested (still don't see an issue with it as it doesn't', in my opinion, fit the lore or how you would think a zombie like species would act having a planet node set for their own) or damage 2.0 when the developers said they were trying to make it less complicated.  Yes they failed in that regard but I view it as a work in progress as all online games.  They are prone to things like this (Karma rework hello for the LoL fans).  I just hope they learn from their mistakes and when a company is willing to go on record and say they messed up, that says a lot about a company whether you agree with them or not, like them or not.


Changes made that players do not agree with (warframe specific)

We all are aware that this game is in beta.  You may think that it is not in beta, but the reality of it is that it is indeed in beta.  Until they make the official announcement that it is live, it is in beta.  With all online games, they are constantly changing, constantly updating.  Adding new content.  Sometimes, we may think they have their priorities wrong, but that is not our call to make.  Something we think should be an easy fix, may not be so.  It also has to deal with their developer calenders, what can we get out to the players now that is ready versus what do they want badly but is not ready.  I would love to see more lore in the game as well as an end game style system.  As the game currently is, I do not think putting an end game in is wise until the go live date.  Reasoning is, in 6 months most players, possibly sooner, will have completed it and we will be back at square one with veterans and newcomers alike, asking "end-game wear?"  I know from a developer update stream they spoke on the lore front and they have a guy working on it (hope it was more then one but they only said his name, would have to go back to find it to give you his name).  So at least it is being worked on.  


Overall I like this game or I would not have played when my bf bugged me to create an account.  With all online games, new updates come out.  We may not like them so we choose to find a different game or stick with it and continue playing.  I have played countless games over the years, SWG, WoW, DAOC, LoL, DDO, Lineage, Lineage 2, Ragnorok online, The Matrix online, City of Villains, GW, GW2, FFXI, FFXIV, SWtor, and countless free to play style games.  I have beta tested several and the first thing you are made aware of is that your connection may be strenuous at best of times, your experience may differ from update to update, and things may be buggy as all hell at times; but to be honest, that goes for all online games.  It is not beta specific even alpha specific.  Do we all want a polished, perfect experience game?  yes, but it is unrealistic as we will never experience that in our lifetime due to various reasons whether client side or server side.  We may not like some of the changes that DE makes to the game or think they have their priorities in the wrong place, but we are working with their schedule.  Not the other way around.  You as players just have to decide whether or not you want to wait or move on.  Only you can decide that, and no amount of updates will decide it as something as simple as a timing change on a skill has made players leave a game.  Many gamers are fickle by nature.  


Collstro - I just want to apologize for coming off as rude to you in some of my posts.  Several of your posts came off with a holier than though attitude that rubbed me the wrong way and I let my emotion dictate my posts instead of my brain.  I'm sorry.  I understand what you were trying to say, just feel it could have been better said.  Same goes for me.  There were things I said that could have been worded better and much less harshly or rashly.  


EDIT:  On events, while I have only participated in the Cisero event, I have watched my bf participate in previous events, and the ones that I saw I didnt' see a lot of issues with to be honest specifically for a new game.  It was what I had expected.  i actually had to ask a player on here what the issues were they saw with them as I viewed them differently.  I guess it depends on the player and if they want that reward enough....oh I guess I should point out the whole gradivus (horrible spelling I know) was not in the best choice of events, but it allowed players to direct future lore of the game by picking a side and possible game development should DE decide to use the outcome in that regard.  So i can't see it as bad.  

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Sorry to re-post something I said a few pages back, but it's pretty well buried in this thread and no one is expected to read every post in a thread that is now 11 pages long.


Live Stream 20 did nothing to address the issues outlined in this thread. Even the simplest and quickest issue to resolve or improve, (Harvester Spawn/Drop rates,) was mostly glossed over. Below is what I said in a previous post, which is why this thread continues and why there will be many more letters from other veterans in the future. Each with their own distinct opinions, suggestions and observations for DE to address. Hopefully the moderators will allow those letters to stand on their own, as each has their unique perspective, even though some subjects may overlap at times. If that was the threshold for merging threads, then there really should only be 1 thread on the forum since every thread here overlaps in at least 1 way. They're all about a game called WarFrame.




agreed. that was rly dissapointing. i waited a long time for the livestream to get some answers... but in the end we didnt get one. 

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Thanks Zaresin.


I think we seem  to agree on many things. While the current level of grind might be to your liking at its current level, many here chose to get involved in this game when the level of grind was more tolerable. If we wanted a grind that is now being compared to the level of grind in Korean MMO's, we would have started playing a Korean MMO. We found the level of grind from February through May of 2013 to be the 'sweet' spot, where you feel relieved and grateful to get what you were grinding for. At the present level of grind when we finally get what we've been grinding for we feel frustrated and even at times angered that it took the amount of time it did. Causing a large portion of your player base to constantly be frustrated and angry is not how to retain players/customers.


I, and the many other veterans who I've discussed this with feel that the game as a whole is deteriorating instead of improving. I'm not talking about the occasional mistake or failure, I'm talking about the game play as a whole, which affects all players.


DE is and always has been great at delivering 'eye candy' but what we're focusing on are game systems and mechanics.


If you want to take the time and watch the developer streams from #1 through #20 and see all the things that were previewed, but never implemented going back over 10 months now, maybe you too would become frustrated and lose faith in DE's intention to ever add the things they were saying would be added "Soon™" (which has now been elevated to a meme, it's so bad.)

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I will say this about DE.  They do listen to their playerbase.  They might not have addressed everything yet, but they have definitely changed things that players have requested.


Absolutely everything in the OP's post needs to be addressed, for sure.  One person said it best when they stated that they don't think that DE knows what they want from Warframe.


There have been a lot of positive changes since I've come back after a 4 month break.  Things like the Loki's sentinel going invisible with him (hooray!).  Positive changes to missions (like Capture, sooooo much better now).  New tiles added have increased the length of missions and made it so you never see the same layout twice.  That's awesome, because before you'd blast through a mission in less than 10 minutes.


So don't give up hope (if you are beginning to).  Keep making threads like these and bring it to the developers attention.  DE has a good product here, Warframe is well put together and polished.  It just needs the content.


Part of me wonders if DE wouldn't benefit by hiring some veteran writers from outside of DE.  That seems to be their biggest problem.  That would address the lore/campaign/content issue (hopefully).


As far as the end-game model, I think there are 100s of things that would work for Warframe.  I'd like to see a few of them implemented honestly.


Yes I support PvP in this game, but no I won't preach it here.  Last time I was chased out with pitchforks and torches...

Edited by Bakercompany86
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As a January 2013 vet i feel really concerned about endgame content. Current is nonexistant, just as Volt_Cruelerz said once in a magnificent piece of feedback: Current endgame is nothing more than an artificial extension of the game, game needs to be mechanically altered when we talk about difficulty, not extended to infinite lifebars


Time has passed since that statement was made... damage was redone, levels were adjusted... same problem still exists. DE needs to learn once and forever: The BulletSponge war must be over.


We dont need healthier and titanium made enemies, we need them smarter, mechanically interesting, threatening. We need synergies between powers and we need them to be extremely necessary for endgame content, we need true cooperation.We need rewards for being so epic to beat those levels.


Im pretty sure we Vets can must be heard, problem is that a whole year of this threads (believe me, this is not the first nor the last) hasn´t made an impact... which leaves me the sad taste:


Maybe DE worries only about new players and his game is made to be challenging and funny only at the beginning.

Edited by Eversor
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Thanks Zaresin.


I think we seem  to agree on many things. While the current level of grind might be to your liking at its current level, many here chose to get involved in this game when the level of grind was more tolerable. If we wanted a grind that is now being compared to the level of grind in Korean MMO's, we would have started playing a Korean MMO. We found the level of grind from February through May of 2013 to be the 'sweet' spot, where you feel relieved and grateful to get what you were grinding for. At the present level of grind when we finally get what we've been grinding for we feel frustrated and even at times angered that it took the amount of time it did. Causing a large portion of your player base to constantly be frustrated and angry is not how to retain players/customers.


I, and the many other veterans who I've discussed this with feel that the game as a whole is deteriorating instead of improving. I'm not talking about the occasional mistake or failure, I'm talking about the game play as a whole, which affects all players.


DE is and always has been great at delivering 'eye candy' but what we're focusing on are game systems and mechanics.


If you want to take the time and watch the developer streams from #1 through #20 and see all the things that were previewed, but never implemented going back over 10 months now, maybe you too would become frustrated and lose faith in DE's intention to ever add the things they were saying would be added "Soon™" (which has now been elevated to a meme, it's so bad.)

I have watched them and I do understand your guys frustration.  I also think there hasn't been a lot of clarity as to why those have not been implemented so that is something that possibly needs to be addressed to help clear the air.  I think it falls into the timetables and how some things may have just been scrapped but that wasn't iterated to the player base.  I honestly do not know as to my knowledge DE hasn't touched on a lot of those past projects they talked about when they didn't come to fruition.   


And about the grind....to be honest, I think it has to do with teh loot tables getting diluted over time.  I honestly think that is where the grind anger is coming from.  Unfortunately, there isn't an easy fix at this stage in development as we don't have many options to undilute them as it were.  My suggestion would be to remove the overlap of the towers loot tables where each tower drops a specific set of things that the other towers dont.  As it is, the overlap is causing massive dilution as you have the RNG for that tower but the other towers loot tables as well, making things that were rare six months ago even more rare (orthos blades say hi).  The only non band aid fix is to introduce more tilesets, but that takes time to develop.


I did notice them trying to not use the word "soon" lately due to that meme.  They should prob stick to "at a later date" or break things down into "currently discussing" or "In development stages" to give players a better idea of where things are currently at in the development cycle.

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I thought I'd just try and refocus everyone's attention on the original posts. I believe that distinctions between veterans and newer players might come off as a bit arrogant, but the points made also are valid. If you believe you are a veteran, or simply wish to state your points, do so in this thread alongside Lynches, --collstro-- and the others. I'd be very happy (I'm sure everyone else would be as well) to read your concerns with the game instead of bothering about "veteran status". 


If you believe you are entitled to post here (and I think you should), please do that in a neutral and intelligent manner instead of resorting to wordplay and semantics.

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I thought I'd just try and refocus everyone's attention on the original posts. I believe that distinctions between veterans and newer players might come off as a bit arrogant, but the points made also are valid. If you believe you are a veteran, or simply wish to state your points, do so in this thread alongside Lynches, --collstro-- and the others. I'd be very happy (I'm sure everyone else would be as well) to read your concerns with the game instead of bothering about "veteran status". 


If you believe you are entitled to post here (and I think you should), please do that in a neutral and intelligent manner instead of resorting to wordplay and semantics.

yeah wish we could go back and just delete those posts as I def helped derail the topic...sorry about that OP

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If you want DE to read your letters,just PM megan or rebecca with the links, they can't read Every post on the forum,

If you want them to read something lost in general discussion or such,just PM them the links.

Source: personal experience.

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