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Slots Need To Go


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Both Warframe slots and weapon slots need to be taken out of the game. Their whole thing is just a money grab gimmick. They only hinder the game experience for players who can't afford to use money on virtual currency and want to grab a free to play game to play for free. Why make such an essential thing such as space for warframes and weapons be only obtainable through money purchases? Seriously, the excuse that you can "sell items so that you can make space" is just stupid, because I want to KEEP all the items that I take time to gather both the credits and the components to build them. For me, this slot system is worse than RGN or wait times.

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well luckily they DID invented the trade system, for people who doesn't want to use real money for it.


i had try and approve it, are you ?


Edit: just be happy they let you own as much mod as you want...unlike other MMO and Card Game....UGHHHHH

Edited by Doforcash
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First: F2P does not that everything is free.  Just that you can experience most (or all in WFs case) of the game content without shelling out a single penny.
Does that mean you get as much as quickly, or have as much inventory/character space as a paying player?  No.
There are a lot of F2P games where you have to buy character slots and inventory space with real world money.  WF is no different.
And what would your answer be to everyone that has already paid for slots?

Further, you can earn plat in game by farming up hard to get mods and trading them to other players and buy your slots that way.

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No since many people already spent real money for slots. 

Thats a weak argument.

The ones' that did spend money on them still got the chance to have a widely expanded roster while the others had to choose and throw away weapons and frames regularly.

They wouldn't actually lose anything...quite the contrary actually since they will never ever again would have to spend a cent on another slot.

Not to mention reimbursing people who bought unnecessary amounts of slots wouldn't be impossible. Before going all "money mode" try seeing it from both sides.

The amount of weapons and frames only increases...and in a game that now forces you to have many different weapon layouts if you like minmaxing or don't just want to be super average....it's a must to buy those slots. And forcing "freeloaders" to choose between frames if they like more than just 2 is cruel...not to mention that frames perform different in different mission types.... min-maxing is impossible for freeloaders and it's only going to be more more more.

That just doesn't seem right for a game anymore that has such a cheap upkeep (no dedicated servers) and due to a surge in popularity can easily live off of visual premium elements only.

Edited by Shehriazad
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So you would basically rather have the game a pay 2 in scenario? Where some of the best weapons are plat only? Because thats what I am getting from this.


Slots are a good way so that DE can get players to spend a little money without have to put some big part of the game against a pay only wall. Such as weapons or warframes.


Spend 5$ on a little plat and deal with it, or do as the others have said and trade for it. Thats what the trading is there for anyways.

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Free to play doesn't mean play a bit of the game then pay. It means that you can play almost all of the game without having to pay. Paying in a free to play gave should be a choice that you make because you might want to speed things up. There are a lot of things that are very difficult to obtain without paying, but you still can. Thinds suck as potatoes, or frames, or just high level weapons can still be obtainable by playing a while. Or you can use some money to get them quickly.


But slots? You are required to pay. And unlike potatoes and forma and such that you can go without, slots are essential if you want to get a feel for what the game has to offer. And very much like Shehriazad said, more content is being made, which means that you will have to keep spending money CONTINUOUSLY to be able to use the new weapons and frames.


Like I said before, what DE can do is reimburse people that bought slots.

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Slots are not implemented well at all IMO.


The current problem isn't the slot system, it's that no one knows about it until they try to craft something and it puts up a big F*CK YOU error message. People might even buy plat and buy weapons (which come with slots) and not realize they have a slot limit. Then later wish they'd spent plat differently when they no longer have any. If you 'fixed' this by explaining slots better to players, NO ONE WOULD PLAY who was looking for a free game because it's an obviously harsh limitation and money grab. No one would get to the point of trading for plat or managing their arsenal and only keeping the right gear. They would just see the mechanic and bail. 


Needs to go. Maybe if we take a weapon or frame to 30 give us +1 slot for free to get a new weapon so it just slows the free player down and makes them do one thing at a time when they run out of slots. Or... just don't limit the inventory arbitrarily... that would be awesome.

Edited by VKhaun
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Also it's a Free To Play for F*** sake.


Be glad there isn't a huge pay wall in this game.

Paywalls are a thing of the past for successful online games....you do realize that nearly all of the paywalled mmos and online games are failing by now...  

All the games that seemingly nudge/force you in the direction of money are being regarded as VERY negative right now...even subscribtion based games are failing left and right because the justification is just not there anymore.

Having potatoes behind a paywall is bad enough already (if you play this game a lot there is no way you are getting enough for free). Also forcing you to discard of things you like for things you wouldnt even know for sure you like or that might get nerfed hard once you get them IS indeed not only a paywall...it is even bad for business....stuff like that makes people feel forced into the money direction.

With the exception of some ancient games, most of the new games give you all the content for free and only let you pay for vanity -> coincidentally those games are the ones' being off really well -> Dota 2, LoL, Path of Exile and so on.

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Also it's a Free To Play for F*** sake.


Be glad there isn't a huge pay wall in this game.



OT: I agree with OP. Not on infinite slots, but on the fact that non-paying players shouldn't be so restricted. Slots are the only item in the game that need to be purchased, and given how painfully limited your inventory will be if you don't buy slots (or wait several years for event rewards to stack up, then sell the weapons), your only choice is to cough up some cash. This isn't right.

There should be ways to obtain the necessary slots without having to pay a lot.


- Vindictus gives away inventory expansions as you progress through its storyline, and gives away temporary inventory expansions during certain events. Permanent expansions are available for purchase.

- Maplestory occasionally gives away permanent inventory slots during events, with inventory expansions available for purchase.

- Team Fortress 2 makes your inventory six times bigger on your first real-currency purchase. Subsequent expansions can be traded with other players or purchased.


I don't like Warframe's inventory slot system. Had I not obtained a PCGamer event code from September and spent it all on slots, I probably would have quit a long time ago due to the restriction.




EDIT: You can work around it by selling rare mods and things like that to other players. However, chances are you're gonna have to get pretty far into the game before that happens, and the limited slots that non-paying players have doesn't make that journey especially easy or enjoyable.

Edited by SortaRandom
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It is the primary way for DE to generate a revenue stream.  they are reasonably priced, and really they ONLY thing anyone might need to buy and even then you don't actually NEED them, and theoretically have access to all the content in the game without having to spend a dime.


That's really all there is to it.  Free to play doesn't mean everyone can have everything for free.

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Ok, all I'm going to say is that if you're too cheap to throw a couple of bucks at DE to make a little room for some of your favorite, or possible favorite weapons, then maybe you should indeed move along.


On a side note though, this issue has been brought up in a way before, sort of. And I think DE was looking for ways to tie Mastery and weapons slots together in way as some sort of bonus or whatever. Its probably on that long list of things that need to get done.

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It is the primary way for DE to generate a revenue stream.  they are reasonably priced, and really they ONLY thing anyone might need to buy and even then you don't actually NEED them, and theoretically have access to all the content in the game without having to spend a dime.


That's really all there is to it.  Free to play doesn't mean everyone can have everything for free.

so you think these one off slots make de more money than say potatoes?

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so you think these one off slots make de more money than say potatoes?


slots are the gateway to people purchasing platinum, because there is no other way to get them.


It doesn't matter what else they buy with their platinum but i would guaranty that most people make their first plat purchase at least in part to buy more slots.

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slots are the gateway to people purchasing platinum, because there is no other way to get them.


It doesn't matter what else they buy with their platinum but i would guaranty that most people make their first plat purchase at least in part to buy more slots.

your point being that the inability to obtain them otherwise forces people to pay money for a game that is stated to allow you to obtain everything through simply effort?

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Not gonna touch this. This topic is trivial, and not worth the effort.

You only say that because you perceive a consensus among people, but you're just seeing a consensus among people who actually stayed and played long enough to give a crap about the forums. How many people do we lose at Rank 3-4 when they start hitting the difficulty curve of the solar map and trying really hard to expand their arsenal, only to find out they are out of slots and must pay AFTER they have crafted something new and the game says they can't have it unless they pay?




so you think these one off slots make de more money than say potatoes?


This. If people are on the fence about paying then a potato, IMHO, is a far more likely buy and not a brick wall. The more weapons people have, the more potatoes they need. The more they can hold at a time the more they will be willing to buy (as opposed to a weapon they know they'll have to sell for the slot later) and if they DO buy a potato and they DO keep a weapon, they are happier players for it.


More weapons also keep a player stable. If they sell one for a slot then get a new one and they don't like it, they're just screwed. They have to use that weapon because their old one is gone.




Slots are a bad, bad, bad system. If we started with a ton of slots or something maybe you could make an argument, but not as it stands IMO.

Edited by VKhaun
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your point being that the inability to obtain them otherwise forces people to pay money for a game that is stated to allow you to obtain everything through simply effort?


yup and it's a good thing.  You aren't told you can obtain EVERYTHING, you just happen to be able to get everything except slots and cosmetics through play.


This isn't unreasonable.

Edited by Agent_of_Change
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No, and here's why. One of reasons I like Warframe is because it is not P2W. You can farm the majority of non-cosmetic items, which is pretty much everything but exclusives. Also, generally exclusives aren't game-breaking (Lato Prime, Skana Prime...) and even those that may be game breaking *cough Brakk cough* doesn't really matter cause there are other good secondaries too. Now let's think what is platinum exclusive? Slots, cosmetics and I think that's about it. Does DE force you to use platinum? No. You have trading, which you can easily get platinum and you can get 75 platinum for $1.25 at a 75% discount, which isn't expensive at all. 

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Ok, all I'm going to say is that if you're too cheap to throw a couple of bucks at DE to make a little room for some of your favorite, or possible favorite weapons, then maybe you should indeed move along.


On a side note though, this issue has been brought up in a way before, sort of. And I think DE was looking for ways to tie Mastery and weapons slots together in way as some sort of bonus or whatever. Its probably on that long list of things that need to get done.


Its not that I'm cheap, it is just that I CAN'T "throw a couple" (or a lot if I actually want to buy many slots) of bucks into the game. First of all, I'm a high school student. I have no source of income aside from birthday and christmas presents, and other small things here and there. Secondly, I don't have a credit card or paypal, which means I have to ask my parents to lend me money to pay for digital purchases. Thirdly, my parents aren't to keen on videogames. Which means they don't like when I use money on games, ergo they will absolutely not like me to use real money so that I can buy videogame currency so that I can buy slots for videogames weapons.


You also have to think that it is not just once that you have to pay, but many many many times since platinum prices are high and slots cost 12-20 plat each (two for weapons) so to get all the current warframes I will need to spend 300 platinum which is a bit less than 20 dollars. Now that is just for the warframes. To get all the weapon slots its much more. Not only that, but new things keep being added, which means even more money spent. By the end, I would have used a lot of money just so that I could get slots.

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